A Configuring Search with Oracle SES in a Portal

With Oracle SES, you can configure both faceted and non-faceted search in a portal.

If you have upgraded from a prior release, WebCenter Portal may be configured to use Oracle SES, described in this appendix. Oracle recommends that you configure Elasticsearch in WebCenter Portal, as described in Configuring Elasticsearch in a Portal .


These tasks are performed by an application specialist or portal manager. Working with search at the application level is a system administrator task, as described in Configuring Elasticsearch in WebCenter Portal in Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.


To perform these tasks, you must be a portal manager or a portal member with the permission Basic Services: Edit Page Access and Structure (simple permissions) or Pages: Edit Pages (advanced permissions).

For more information about permissions, see About Roles and Permissions for a Portal.

About Searching in Portals with Oracle SES

In prior releases, WebCenter Portal provided the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (SES) adapter for searching in a portal. See About Search with Oracle SES.

In addition to the WebCenter Portal search functionality, the Documents tool provides its own search engine for file searches. This saves time and increases the relevancy of results by narrowing the scope of a search to files. The Documents tool searches within a specific portal's document library. For more information, see Searching Libraries, Folders, and Documents in Using Portals in Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Another type of search is used for finding users in the identity store (for example, by clicking the Find User icon in a Mail compose window (Figure A-1). For more information, see Searching for a User or Group in the Identity Store.

Figure A-1 Find User Icon in a Mail Compose Window

Description of Figure A-1 follows
Description of "Figure A-1 Find User Icon in a Mail Compose Window"

About Search with Oracle SES

In prior releases, Oracle SES was set as the default and preferred search platform. Oracle SES provides the following benefits and features:

  • Oracle SES provides unified ranking results, with the most relevant items appearing first.

  • Oracle SES provides more thorough search. For example, when searching lists, Oracle SES searches list column names and column contents.

  • Oracle SES allows search of repositories outside of WebCenter Portal. Oracle SES results appear in the same result set as WebCenter Portal's search results.

  • Oracle SES supports the search REST APIs and data control for customizing your search interface.

The Oracle SES adapter provides unified ranking results for the following resources:

  • Documents, including wikis and blogs

  • Portals, page metadata, lists, and people resources

When users run a search for a user name, they are most likely looking for that person's contact information (that is, the exact user name in the profile), not necessarily documents that the user uploaded or edited. The unified ranking in Oracle SES enables you to see the most relevant results, across all different types of searches.

Additionally, with Oracle SES as the search engine, users can use the wildcard character [*] in the middle or end of a term for wildcard matching. For example, when you search for keywords like wiki or page, Oracle SES does not return the wiki page MyWikiPage in search results. However, My* or My*Page does return MyWikiPage.

Beginning with the 11g Release 1 (, WebCenter Portal supports Oracle SES, which provides faceted search. Facets count the full corpus and have better response time than the refiners used in earlier releases. WebCenter Portal uses faceted search by default (for information on overriding this, see Customizing Search With Facet Support with Oracle SES). In addition to faceted search, Oracle SES also supports document thumbnails.


For best performance and scalability, Oracle recommends that new instances of WebCenter Portal be configured with Faceted Search provided with Oracle SES

You can see what search option your system administrator configured by accessing the Tools and Services - Search page in portal administration (see Accessing Search Settings in Portal Administration). Figure A-2 shows an instance with WebCenter Portal configured with Oracle SES release Faceted Search .

Figure A-2 Search Administration Page

Description of Figure A-2 follows
Description of "Figure A-2 Search Administration Page"

Customizing Search With Facet Support with Oracle SES

This section contains the following topics:

Working with the Faceted Search Task Flows

Table A-1 lists the faceted search task flows supported with Oracle SES

Table A-1 Search Task Flows

Task Flow Definition

Search - Faceted Search

This task flow provides a rich search experience supporting faceted search, filtered search in the search box, and document thumbnails.

Note: This Search - Faceted Search task flow is provided in environments where Oracle SES is configured.

Search - Administration

This task flow allows access to the Tools and Services - Search administration page for customizing search settings.

Search - Toolbar

This task flow enables users to enter simple search criteria and run the search from the application. Search results are rendered by the Search - Faceted Search task flow.


Add tools and services to a page through the resource catalog. For complete information on how to do this, see Working with Resource Catalog Components on a Page.

Accessing Search Settings in Portal Administration

Search settings for WebCenter Portal are configured by the system administrator in WebCenter Portal Administration. However, portal managers have the option of configuring search for their portal from the Search Settings page in Portal Administration.
  1. In the portal administration (see Accessing Portal Administration), click Tools and Services in the left navigation pane (Figure 42-1).

    You can also enter the following URL in your browser to navigate directly to the Tools and Services page:


    Figure A-3 Tools and Services Page for a Portal

    Description of Figure A-3 follows
    Description of "Figure A-3 Tools and Services Page for a Portal"
  2. Click Search.
    The Search settings page opens (see Figure A-2), showing the search option that has been configured for WebCenter Portal This task assumes that SES search is configured.

Reverting to Searching Without Facet Support

With Oracle SES release, search includes facet support. However, you can revert to using the non-faceted search task flows.


Although you can revert to using search without facet support, Oracle does not recommend doing so. For the best performance and scalability, use Oracle SES release with facet support.

To revert to non-faceted search:

  1. On the Tools and Services page, select Search.

  2. If selected, deselect the Use new search task flow with facet support check box to have this portal use the Search - Non-Faceted Search task flow (which uses refiners instead of facets).

    Figure A-4 Use Search Task Flow With Facet Support Option

    Search option for using facet support
  3. Click Apply.

    The next time this page is accessed, the remaining settings on this page are grayed-out, and you must configure search settings with Search - Non-Faceted Search task flow parameters.


For best performance and scalability, as well as facet support and easier configuration using the Search - Faceted Search task flow is recommended.

Configuring the Filtering Drop-Down In Faceted Search

The Result Types and Filtering section lets you choose which types of results to display in search results and what, if anything, to include in the filtering drop-down. Filtering allows users to narrow their search results using a filter list in the search results or in the global search box.

Figure A-5 shows the global search box with a full list of result types in the filtering drop-down.

Figure A-5 Filtering drop-down in Search Box

Description of Figure A-5 follows
Description of "Figure A-5 Filtering drop-down in Search Box"

To configure the filtering selections:

  1. On the Tools and Services page, select Search.

  2. Make sure that the Use new search task flow with facet support check box is selected.

    Figure A-6 Search Scope With Facet Support

    Search option with Facet support
  3. Clear the Enable filtering drop-down check box to remove the filtering drop-down from the global search box.

    Figure A-7 shows the global search box with no arrow for the filtering drop-down.

    Figure A-7 Global Search Box with No Filtering drop-down

    Description of Figure A-7 follows
    Description of "Figure A-7 Global Search Box with No Filtering drop-down"
  4. Select which result types to include in the drop-down, as well as in the filter list to the left of search results and the order in which they display, by moving them back and forth between the Available Result Types and Included lists.

    For example, suppose you select to include People, Documents as shown in Figure A-8

    Figure A-8 Result Types Included

    Description of Figure A-8 follows
    Description of "Figure A-8 Result Types Included"

    The filtering drop-down and the filter list to the left of search results show only People, Documents listed in that order, as shown in Figure A-9. Additionally, you do not see search results from other result types not selected, such as People. The "Everything" filter listed shows every result from people, documents.

    Figure A-9 Search Results Filtered for People, Documents

    Description of Figure A-9 follows
    Description of "Figure A-9 Search Results Filtered for People, Documents"


    Only metadata of portals and pages is searched (not portal content or page content), and by default, these result types are excluded for a portal. To include the metadata of portals and pages in search results, add Portals and Pages to the Included list.

  5. Click Save.

Configuring Search Scope with Facet Support

Faceted search allows you to find  information by applying multiple filters, such as search by author, portal, or last modified date. In WebCenter Portal, you can configure the search scope to use facet support.

To configure search scope to use facet support:

  1. On the Tools and Services page, select Search.

  2. Make sure that the Use new search task flow with facet support check box is selected.

    Figure A-10 Search Scope With Facet Support

    Search option with Facet support
  3. Select the search scope to show results from either the current portal or from all portals, including the Home portal.

    Figure A-11 Search Scope

    Search Scope opion
  4. Click Save.

Figure A-12 shows search results for a specific portal.

Figure A-12 Search Results From a Portal

search results

Configuring Facets

Faceted search allows you to find  information by applying multiple filters, for example, search by author, portal, or last modified date. In WebCenter Portal, you can configure the search scope to use facet support.

The Facets section lets you choose which facets to display with search results for this portal. Facets let users navigate indexed data without running a new search. Faceted navigation within search lets users clarify exactly what they are looking for, or even discover something new.

To configure facets:

  1. On the Tools and Services page, select Search.

  2. Make sure that the Use new search task flow with facet support check box is selected.

    Figure A-13 Search Scope With Facet Support

    Search option with Facet support
  3. View the Available Facets column.


    The system administrator must first configure facets (including the required Scope GUID and ServiceID facets) in Oracle SES. The system administrator creates, modifies, and removes facets in Oracle SES. (WebCenter Portal does not detect changes to facets until the Search administration page is open.). If the Available Facets column is empty, the system administrator has not configured facets.

    For more information about administering facets in Oracle SES, see Managing Oracle Secure Enterprise Search in WebCenter Portal in Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal .

  4. Change the order in which the facets display by moving them back and forth between the Available Facets and Included lists. For example, if you move Portal to the Available Facets list, then the Portal facet does not appear on the search results page.

  5. Click Save.

Enriching Search Results Using Custom Attributes

In the Custom Attributes section, you can select which custom search attributes should appear in search results and the order in which they appear. When the Tools and Services - Search administration page is opened, WebCenter Portal makes a call to Oracle SES to fetch available custom (as opposed to standard) attributes.

To enrich search results using custom attributes:

  1. On the Tools and Services page, select Search.

  2. Make sure that the Use new search task flow with facet support check box is selected.

    Figure A-14 Search Scope With Facet Support

    Search option with Facet support
  3. Select from the list of Available Attributes and move them to the Included column so that they appear in search results and use the up/down arrow keys to specify the order in which they should appear.

    Figure A-15 shows the scenario where the forumid and threadid custom attributes were moved into the Included column, so they appear in search results.

    Figure A-15 Configuring Custom Attributes

    Description of Figure A-15 follows
    Description of "Figure A-15 Configuring Custom Attributes"

    Figure A-16 shows search results that include the custom attributes threadid and forumid. (Created by and Last modified on are standard attributes.) An attribute displays only if there is a value for it.

    Figure A-16 Search Results Showing Custom Attributes

    Description of Figure A-16 follows
    Description of "Figure A-16 Search Results Showing Custom Attributes"


    • If you had search attributes configured in a previous WebCenter Portal release (configured with Search task flow parameters), then after upgrading you must set these custom attributes again in Oracle SES and on the Search administration page. The new Search - Faceted Search task flow supports custom attributes set on the Search administration page (not task flow parameters).

    • The search results page shows the translated names for custom attributes as specified in Global Settings - Translate Search Attribute Names in the Oracle SES administration tool. The custom attribute name is the translated name in the user locale. However, the Search administration page shows the base names (that is, the non-translated names) for custom attributes.

    • Attributes must be added to the Metadata List parameter in the Content Server.

      For more information, see Managing Oracle Secure Enterprise Search in WebCenter Portal in Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.

  4. Click Save.

Customizing Search Without Facet Support with Oracle SES

WebCenter Portal is configured with Oracle SES Oracle recommends using the faceted search task flows with Oracle SES However, search without facet support works with both Oracle SES and the earlier supported Oracle SES 11.1.2.


By default, WebCenter Portal is configured to use search task flows with facet support. However, portal managers can override this setting for their managed portals. To revert to using search without facet support, see Reverting to Searching Without Facet Support.

This section contains the following topics:

Working with the Non-Faceted Search Task Flows

Table A-2 lists the non-faceted search task flows:


The Non-Faceted search task flows can be used when the option Use new search task flow with facet support is deselected (see Configuring Search Scope with Facet Support).

Table A-2 Search Task Flows

Task Flow Definition

Search - Non-Faceted Search

This task flow provides a rich search experience with features for refining and saving search results.

Note: This task flow is provided in environments where Oracle SES 11.1.2.x is configured. It is also supported with Oracle SES when search with facet support is deslected.

Search - All Saved Searches

This task flow enables you to create a simple launch pad for running saved searches within the application.

Search - Preferences

This task flow enables users to select which WebCenter Portal tools and services to search.

Search - Toolbar

This task flow enables users to enter simple search criteria and run the search from the application. Search results are rendered by the Search - Faceted Search task flow.


Add tools and services to a page through the resource catalog. For complete information on how to do this, see Working with Resource Catalog Components on a Page.

Narrowing the Scope of Non-Faceted Search

With the search task flow parameters, you can restrict search results to include only specific tools and services, document types, and portals. This section describes how to set these parameters. It includes the following topics:

Searching Specific Tools and Services

You can restrict search results to one or more WebCenter Portal services with the Services to be Included parameter.

For example, to display only profiles and documents in the Content Server, set this parameter to oracle.webcenter.people, oracle.webcenter.doclib. If nothing is specified, then all tools and services are searched.

Searching Specific Document Types

You can restrict search results to one or more types of documents in the Oracle WebCenter Content Server (such as PDF, PPT, or DOC) with the Mimetype parameter.

Examples of common MIME type values are as follows:

  • application/excel

  • application/msword

  • application/pdf

  • application/powerpoint

  • text/html

  • text/plain

The MIME types can be any standard MIME type value, such as those available from Microsoft Office.

For example, to search only web pages and Microsoft Word documents, set the Mimetype parameter to text/html,application/msword. If nothing is specified, then all document types are searched.

To see a MIME type value for a document, in the Content Server, select the Info icon in the Actions column (Figure A-17).

Figure A-17 Document Formats in the Content Server

Description of Figure A-17 follows
Description of "Figure A-17 Document Formats in the Content Server"

The format is listed in the Formats field, as shown in Figure A-18.

Figure A-18 Document Format Value

Description of Figure A-18 follows
Description of "Figure A-18 Document Format Value"


When searching for content stored in the connected Content Server repository, full-text search must be enabled in Content Server through either of the following methods:


If the Content Server is configured for web rendition, then items in the Content Server are rendered in PDF format. The content item's native MIME type rendition is overwritten. For example, the MIME type of a Microsoft Office Word document is 'application/msword', but when the Content Server uses web rendition the MIME type becomes 'application/pdf'. A search query with the Mimetype parameter set to 'application/msword' does not return Word documents.

If your Content Server is configured to use web rendition, the WebCenter Portal administrator must configure the Content Server metatdata list to include the dFormat value so that required MIME types are exported to Oracle SES. For steps, see Managing Oracle Secure Enterprise Search in WebCenter Portal in Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Searching Specific Portals

WebCenter Portal search performs global (that is, application-wide) searches. However, you can restrict search results to one or more portals with the Search Scope parameter.

Set this parameter to the comma-separated list of GUIDs of the portals to search. If nothing is specified in this parameter, then all portals are searched.

For example:


where Travel is the name of the portal.

To search the current portal as well as all subportals, enter the following:


Customizing Search Results Using Attributes and Refiners with Non-Faceted Search

A set of standard attributes (such as author and size) is shown in each search result item. You can add additional attributes by specifying one or more attributes in the Custom Attributes parameter.

For example, Figure A-19 shows search results with attributes added for DocumentName, DocumentType, FileName, DocumentID, and CreatedDate.

Figure A-19 Search Results Showing Custom Attributes

Description of Figure A-19 follows
Description of "Figure A-19 Search Results Showing Custom Attributes"

An attribute is shown only if there is a value for it.


All attributes must be added to the Metadata List parameter in the Content Server. For these attributes, the following list would need to be included in the Metadata List parameter:


For more information, see Managing Oracle Secure Enterprise Search in WebCenter Portal in Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Additionally, if you do not want users to see certain standard refiners in their search results, then set the Refiners to hide parameter to a list of one or more refiners you want hidden. For example, you might want to hide the portal refiner to give the appearance that no other portals exist.

The following predefined refiners can be hidden:

  • Date

  • Author

  • Portal

  • Service

  • Tag

If nothing is specified, then all refiners are shown.

Setting Search Task Flow Properties for Non-Faceted Search

The Search task flows have associated properties, which users with sufficient privileges can access through the task flows’ View Actions menu. For example, select Parameters to display the Parameters dialog (Figure A-20).

Figure A-20 Search Task Flow Component Properties

Description of Figure A-20 follows
Description of "Figure A-20 Search Task Flow Component Properties"

The following topics provide information about properties of the search task flows and describe the task flow parameters.

About the Search Task Flow Properties

Parameters control the default task flow content. For descriptions of each parameter, see Search Task Flow Parameters. Parameters can be wired to events, and can be used facilitate the wiring of the task flow to page parameters and page definition variables. For more information, see Wiring Pages and Components.

The Display Options, Style, and Content Style properties affect the appearance and behavior of the task flow for all users. These properties are common to all task flows. For more information, see Modifying Component Properties.

The Parameters and Display Options dialogs provide access to an Expression Language (EL) editor, which you can use to select or specify a variable value instead of a constant value. Click the Expression Editor icon icon next to a property, then select Expression Builder to open the editor.


When you enter EL in the Display Options dialog, the parser reports an error only if it detects invalid syntax, such as a missing closing bracket. Validation is performed only on syntax, not on the expression value. Generic Display Options are those cataloged in Table 10-1.

EL validation is not performed on non-generic display options.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

How to Set Parameters to Narrow Searches

The parameters to scope your search results to specific portals, services, and document types are available in the Search - Non-Faceted Search task flow.

The application specialist either can modify the portal's page template to edit the Search - Non-Faceted Search task flow parameters, or the system administrator can add the Search - Non-Faceted Search task flow to the portal and edit its parameters.

Editing the Search - Non-Faceted Search Task Flow in a Page Template

To edit the page template:

  1. In the portal administration (see Accessing Portal Administration), click Settings in the left navigation pane (Figure A-21).

    You can also enter the following URL in your browser to navigate directly to the Settings page:


    Figure A-21 Portal Administration Settings - Page Template

    Description of Figure A-21 follows
    Description of "Figure A-21 Portal Administration Settings - Page Template"
  2. Take note of the page template selected for your portal.
  3. In the left navigation pane, click Assets, then Page Templates.
  4. Select the page template used in your portal, and then from the Actions menu, select Copy (Figure A-22).

    Figure A-22 Page Template Actions - Copy

    Description of Figure A-22 follows
    Description of "Figure A-22 Page Template Actions - Copy"
  5. Enter a name for this new template, and click OK .
  6. Select the Available check box to make this page template available, and then click Edit.

    Figure A-23 Page Template - Available

    Description of Figure A-23 follows
    Description of "Figure A-23 Page Template - Available"
  7. In the page template, click Add Content in the area where you want to add the Search task flow to open the resource catalog.
  8. In the resource catalog, select to add the Search - Non-Faceted Search task flow and click Edit to set its parameters (Figure A-24).


    The Search — Non-Faceted Search task flow is not in the default resource catalog, but can be added to a custom resource catalog used by the page, as described in Adding a Resource to a Resource Catalog.

    For more information on the parameters, see Search Task Flow Parameters.

    Figure A-24 Editing Search - Non-Faceted Search Task Flow Parameters Dialog

    Description of Figure A-24 follows
    Description of "Figure A-24 Editing Search - Non-Faceted Search Task Flow Parameters Dialog"


When Oracle SES is configured, the Parameters dialog does not appear, because the Search administration page is used for customizations.

Editing the Search - Non-Faceted Search Task Flow in a Portal

The Search - Non-Faceted Search task flow is not available in the default resource catalog, so editing its task flow in a portal generally involves adding the Search - Non-Faceted Search task flow to the resource catalog, and then assigning this catalog to the portal. For example:

  1. In the portal administration (see Accessing Portal Administration), click Assets in the left navigation pane, then Resource Catalogs.

    You can also enter the following URL in your browser to navigate directly to the Asset page:


  2. Either click Create to create a new resource catalog or select an existing resource catalog and click Edit.
    See Creating a Resource Catalog on how to create a new resource catalog or Editing a Resource Catalog to edit an existing resource catalog.
  3. Click Add, then Add from Library.
  4. Select the Task Flows resource, expand Design Time, then scroll down to select the Search - Non-Faceted Search task flow, and click Add (Figure A-25).

    Figure A-25 Add Resource Catalog Item Dialog

    Description of Figure A-25 follows
    Description of "Figure A-25 Add Resource Catalog Item Dialog"


    Although the Search - Administration and Search - Faceted Search task flows appear in the list, they are available only for instances configured to use Oracle SES

    You see the Search - Non-Faceted Search task flow added to the resource catalog.

  5. Optionally, you can drag and drop the task flow into a folder. With the Search - Non-Faceted Search task flow selected, click Edit (pencil icon) (Figure A-26).

    Figure A-26 Resource Catalog with the Search - Non-Faceted Search Task Flow Added

    Description of Figure A-26 follows
    Description of "Figure A-26 Resource Catalog with the Search - Non-Faceted Search Task Flow Added"
  6. On the Target tab, add a description (Figure A-27).

    Figure A-27 Edit Resource Catalog Item - Target Tab

    Description of Figure A-27 follows
    Description of "Figure A-27 Edit Resource Catalog Item - Target Tab"
  7. On the Options tab, for New Attribute Name select Icon URI, and for New Attribute Value, enter /adf/webcenter/search_qualifier.png (Figure A-28).

    Figure A-28 Edit Resource Catalog Item - Options Tab

    Description of Figure A-28 follows
    Description of "Figure A-28 Edit Resource Catalog Item - Options Tab"
  8. Optionally, click the Parameters tab to customize the task flow parameters.


    When Oracle SES is configured, the Parameters tab does not appear, because the Search administration page is used for customizations.

  9. Click Add, then OK to close the dialog.

    The new icon and description appear in the resource catalog (Figure A-29).

    Figure A-29 Search - Non-Faceted Search Task Flow Icon and Description

    Description of Figure A-29 follows
    Description of "Figure A-29 Search - Non-Faceted Search Task Flow Icon and Description"
  10. Click Save and Close to save the resource catalog.
  11. Back on the portal administration Resource Catalogs page, select this new resource catalog, and select its Available check box.
  12. Go to the portal administration Settings page, and set the resource catalog for Pages to the resource catalog you just edited to contain the Search - Non-Faceted Search task flow (Changing the Resource Catalogs in a Portal).
  13. In the portal, create a new page.
  14. On the new page, add the Search - Non-Faceted task flow, as described in Adding a Component to a Page.
  15. Save and close the page.
    The Search - Non-Faceted Search task flow with the icon is added to the page, and you can run a search term in the Search field (Figure A-30).

    Figure A-30 Search — Non-Faceted Search Task Flow on a Page

    Non-Facetted Search dialog

After the task flow has been added, you can edit the task flow parameters. For more information, see Search Task Flow Parameters.

Search Task Flow Parameters

Table A-3 describes the parameters that are unique to search task flows.

Table A-3 Search Task Flow Parameters

Parameter Description Task Flow

Custom Attributes

List of custom attributes to show when displaying search results.

To include one or more custom attributes in the search results, set this to a list of custom attribute names, separated by commas. An optional label prefix may be provided with the custom attribute name to display instead of its associated custom attribute name. Use the format: label:name.

Search Non-Faceted Search, Search - Toolbar


List of content types to limit the search.

To limit the search to certain document types, set this to the list of MIME types of the documents (such as PDF, PPT, DOC), separated by commas.

Note: To limit search to Microsoft Word documents and WebCenter Portal pages, set this parameter to application/msword, and set the Services to be Included parameter to oracle.webcenter.doclib,oracle.webcenter.page.

For more information, see Searching Specific Document Types.

Search Non-Faceted Search, Search - Toolbar

Refiners to Hide

List of refiners to hide when displaying search results.

To hide one or more refiners, set this to a list of refiner names, separated by commas (choose from author, date, portal, content, and tags).

Search Non-Faceted Search, Search - Toolbar

Search Scope

List of unique IDs to limit the search scope.

To limit the search to a particular portal, set this to the GUID of the portal; for example, #{spaceContext.currentSpaceGUID}. If nothing is specified in this parameter, then all portals are searched.

For more information, see Searching Specific Portals.

Search Non-Faceted Search, Search - Toolbar

Search Box Size

Value to limit the size of the search box.

The default value is 42. Enter a lower number (for example, 30) to shorten the length of the search box. This also changes the size of the search box in the Search - Non-Faceted Search task flow.

Search - Toolbar

Search Taskflow ID

Task flow ID of global search; for example, /oracle/webcenter/search/controller/taskflows/searchResults#search-view

Search - Toolbar

Services to be Included

List of IDs of tools and services or executors to include when displaying search results.

For example, to display only list, enter oracle.webcenter.list.For a list of service IDs, see Service IDs in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Search Non-Faceted Search, Search - Toolbar

Show or hide input box

Show or hide the input box.

Set to true (default) to show the input box, or set to false to hide it.

Search Non-Faceted Search

Search Scope ID

Select from the dropdown list to limit the search to all or certain portals.

Note: This parameter has been deprecated. Use the Search Scope parameter instead. (If a value is set for this parameter, then any value in Search Scope is ignored.)

Search - Toolbar

Resource Scope

List of unique IDs to limit the search scope.

Note: This parameter has been deprecated. Use the Search Scope parameter instead.

Search Non-Faceted Search

Resource ID

Either search keywords or the saved search GUID.

Note: This parameter is for internal use only. Do not change this value unless you want coded search main views. If you do change this value, then you must also specify Resource Type.

Search Non-Faceted Search

Resource Type

Marker specifying whether the Resource ID parameter searches keywords or saved search GUID.

Note: This value is set automatically and is for internal use only. Do not change it unless you want coded search main views.

Search Non-Faceted Search

Services to be Excluded

List of IDs of tools and services or executors to omit when displaying search results.

Note: This parameter is for internal use only. Do not change this value.

Search Non-Faceted Search


The Search - Saved Searches and the Search - Preferences task flows do not have any unique properties.

Limitations with Search

Note the following limitations with searching in WebCenter Portal:

  • The user profile fields searched depend on the security settings configured on the Preferences - People - Profile page. A user who has not logged in can search by values in the fields set to Everyone. An authenticated user can search by values in the fields set to Authenticated Users and Everyone. A user who has a connection to the user of the profile can search by values in the fields set to User's Connections, Authenticated Users, and Everyone. The user of the profile can search by values in the fields of all sections.

  • Users can click the Previous and Next links to view any additional results (Figure A-31). Oracle SES results show an estimated number of search results.

    Figure A-31 Estimated Number of Search Results

    Description of Figure A-31 follows
    Description of "Figure A-31 Estimated Number of Search Results "