Content Presenter

Use the Content Presenter page to manage Content Presenter display templates for all portals (if accessed through the Shared Assets page) or for the current portal (if accessed through the Assets page).

Out-of-the-box, WebCenter Portal includes built-in Content Presenter display templates that display content in a variety of ways. You can also upload custom Content Presenter display templates developed for your organization to provide additional ways to display content in a Content Presenter task flow.

Only application specialists with the application-level permission Create, Edit, and Delete Content Presenter Templates can manage shared Content Presenter templates. Users with the portal-level permission Create, Edit, and Delete Assets (simple permissions model) or Create, Edit, and Delete Content Presenter Templates (detailed permissions model) can manage portal-level Content Presenter templates.

Element Description

Delete icon Delete

Click to open the Delete dialog, where you can delete a custom Content Presenter template when it is no longer required. You cannot delete an out-of-the-box template. More

Upload icon Upload

Click to open the Upload dialog, where you can upload an archive file that contains a custom Content Presenter template that has been developed using JDeveloper. More

Download icon Download

Click to open the Download dialog, where you can download a custom Content Presenter display template to an archive file, for further development in JDeveloper. You cannot download out-of-the-box templates. More

Actions menu

Click to choose one of the following actions:

Security Settings

Click to open the Security Settings dialog, where you can control what actions users can perform on the custom Content Presenter display template. You cannot change the security settings of an out-of-the-box template. More

Show Properties

Click to open the Show Properties dialog for the selected Content Presenter display template. More

Edit Source

Click to directly edit the source code of the selected custom Content Presenter display template. You cannot edit the source code of an out-of-the-box template. More


Enter a full or partial search string then click The Search icon. to refresh the list with all the Content Presenter display templates for which a match is found in the Display Name or Description.

To clear the current search string and display all templates, click Clear Search icon.

Refresh icon Refresh

Click to refresh the list of Content Presenter display templates.

Content Presenter

Lists the available out-of-the-box and custom Content Presenter display templates.


Select to indicate whether the Content Presenter display template is published or not. More

  • A check mark (Available) indicates that the template is published and available for others to use.

  • An empty check box (Hidden) indicates that the template is not yet published.

Modified By

Displays the user name of the user who last edited the Content Presenter display template and the date and time at which the changes were made.


There are no additional actions for Content Presenter display templates.

Related Topics

"Publishing Content Using Content Presenter" in Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal

"Creating Content Presenter Display Templates" in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal