
Use the portal administration Security page to set security on the portal, such as access level, defining roles and permissions, and managing membership. More

The portal administration Security page is arranged in the following tabs:


The Access tab of the portal administration Security page enables you to change the access to the current portal. More

Element Description

Access Level

Select one of the following, depending on how you want the portal to be exposed:

  • Public: Anyone can visit the portal, whether or not they are a registered WebCenter Portal user. When this setting is selected, public users are automatically granted View Pages and Content permission in the portal, which allows public users to view pages, lists, events, links and notes. To view announcements, discussions, and documents, public users need to be explicitly granted permissions for these tools.

  • Private: To access the portal, membership is required (either through invitation or self-registration, if enabled). The portal will be shown in the list of available portals in the portal browser and will appear in search results.

    The permissions of the Administrator role allow administration of private portals (such as modifying portal membership), but the portal pages and content are viewable only by portal members.

  • Hidden: To access the portal, membership is required (through invitation). The portal will not be shown in the list of available portals in the portal browser and will not appear in search results. Members can access the portal through direct URL.

    The permissions of the Administrator role allow administration of hidden portals (such as modifying portal membership) on the WebCenter Portal administration All Portals page, but the portal pages and content are viewable only by portal members.


The Roles tab of the portal administration Security page enables you to manage permission assignments for existing roles. You can also create new roles and delete roles no longer required. More

Element Description

Create Role icon Create Role

Click to create a custom role or select one of the built-in roles of Delegated Manager, Viewer, or Participant.

  • If you select one of the built-in roles, the role is created and appears in the table.

  • If you select to create a custom role, the Create Role dialog opens, where you can define a new role or create the built-in roles, specifically for members of this portal.


Edit Permissions icon Edit Permissions

Click to open the Edit Permission dialog to edit the permissions for a selected role. Select or deselect permission check boxes to enable or disable permissions for a role.

Take care to assign appropriate access rights when assigning permissions for new roles. Do not allow users to perform more actions than are necessary for the role, but at the same time, try not to inadvertently restrict them from activities they need to perform. More

Note: If you are working with a portal that was imported from a previous version of WebCenter Portal, you may see different permissions. Such permissions are only provided for migration purposes and do not apply to any new portals that you create with this release.

Remove Role icon Remove Role

Click to delete a selected role. More

Note that the Portal Manager, Authenticated-User, and Public-User roles cannot be deleted.

Advanced Permissions

Click to create roles with more detailed permissions. More

A simple permission model is provided for all portals by default. Portal managers will find these permissions adequate for most implementations.

If you require a more granular permission set, click Advanced Permissions. The detailed view provides additional permissions for pages and individual tools and assets, rather than setting the same permission for all tools or all asset types.

Important: Once you switch to using advanced permissions, you cannot revert to the simple/standard model.




Lists available roles, role descriptions, and displays the number of members assigned to each role. More


The Members tab of the portal administration Security page enables portal managers (or members with the Manage Membership permission) to manage the members of a portal.

You can add or invite any WebCenter Portal user or group to become a member of a portal. You can also recruit members outside of the WebCenter Portal community if your system administrator has enabled this capability.


Element Description

Add People icon Add People

Click to add or invite individual users to the portal. More

Add People (entry field)

Enter a full or partial search string, then click Filter icon to find the users for which a match is found. More

To clear the current search string and display all users, click Clear Search.



User ID

Lists the names, mail addresses, and user IDs of all users matching the search results.

Add Groups icon Add Groups

Click to add individual groups to the portal. More

Add Groups (entry field)

Enter a full or partial search string, then click Filter icon to find the groups for which a match is found. More

To clear the current search string and display all users, click Clear Search.

Display Name



Lists the display names, descriptions, and names of the all groups matching the search results.

Invite People icon Invite People

Invite People is available when the SOA server is configured.

Click to send membership invitations to prospective members:

  • Invite Registered Users More

    Membership invitations are sent through mail messages (using the SOA server) and through the invited user's worklist (if WebCenter Portal workflows are configured to see the SOA server for BPM Worklist).

    Invitations include a message that you compose and a URL that links to the portal.

  • Invite Non-Registered Users More

    Select to enter mail addresses of people who are not registered WebCenter Portal users, select a role for the specified users, and click Invite. Membership invitations are sent through mail messages (using the SOA server).

    Invitations include a message that you compose and a URL that links to the portal. Upon accepting the invitation, non-registered users must register with WebCenter Portal before gaining access to the portal.

    The system administrator must have enabled Allow Self-Registration Through Invitations and Allow Public Users to Self-Register.

Select Role

Select the role you want to apply to the selected users or groups.

The list includes all the roles listed on the Roles page, except Public-User and Authenticated-User. If the existing roles do not meet your requirements, consider creating a new role.


Click to add the selected users or groups as portal members.

Remove Members icon Remove

Click to remove the users or groups selected in the Members area from the portal. More

To select multiple members, Ctrl+click all the members you want to remove.

Change Role icon Assign Roles

Click to open the Assign Roles dialog, and select one or more available roles for the users or groups selected in the Members area, then click Assign. More

The list includes all the roles listed on the Roles page, except Public-User and Authenticated-User. If the existing roles do not meet your requirements, consider creating a new role.

To select multiple members, Ctrl+click all the members whose role want to change.

Membership Options icon Options

Click to open the Membership Options dialog, where you can set membership self-service options, and enter notification messages for adding and inviting new users.

Send Mail icon Mail Members

Click to send an email to all members of the portal.


Select a role from the list to display a list of members with that role.

Alternatively, select All Members.


Enter a full or partial search term, then click Filter icon to refresh the members list with a list of members whose name match the search term. More

Click Clear Filter icon to remove any search criteria and display all members.


Member Since


Lists the names of all portal members, the date and time last active in the portal, the date and time added to the portal, and the role assigned to each member in the portal.

  • To view the members of a group, click the group name.

  • To view a user's information, click the user's icon to open a dialog showing contact information, and links to the user's profile and documents.

If the member is assigned to multiple roles, move your cursor over the row to view the roles to which the member is assigned.