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  • /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf configuration file 1.2.4, 2.2



  • catalogs
    • compiling 1.3
    • using the Facter utility 1.2.1
  • certificate authority (CA) 1.3.2
  • certificates 1.3.2
  • class declaration
  • class definition syntax
    • example of 4.3
  • classes 1.3.3
    • how to write 4.3
  • command to create a module
    • puppet module generate module-name 4.4
  • communication methods
    • encryption method 1.3.2
  • conditional logic
    • specifying in a manifest 4.2
  • configuration files 2.2
  • configuring file systems
    • ZFS configuration 5.3
  • configuring naming services
    • defining in a Puppet manifest 5.5
  • configuring network parameters
    • declaring in a Puppet manifest 5.4
  • configuring packaging
    • declaring resources 5.2
  • configuring Puppet Agents
    • testing connection to Puppet Server 2.2.1
  • configuring zones
    • declaring the zone resource type 5.6
  • connection to Puppet Server
  • controlling Puppet Agents
    • through Puppet manifests 4.1
  • create a module


  • declaring resources in a site manifest
  • default node 4.2
  • describing system information
    • using Facter 3.4
  • directory tree structure
  • discovering facts about a system
    • using Facter 3.4
  • DSL
    • Domain Specific Language 1.3.3



  • Facter
    • displaying system information 3.4
  • facter -p
    • listing system facts 3.4
  • Facter utility 1.2.1
  • facts
    • how to gather using Facter 3.4
  • facts gathering
    • using the Facter utility 1.2.1


  • gathering facts
    • using Facter 3.4


  • Hiera utility 1.2.1
  • how to write a site manifest 4.1.1


  • installation 2.1
    • troubleshooting 2.3
  • installing packages
    • by using a Puppet manifest 5.2
  • IPS package
    • system/management/puppet 2.1


  • keys 1.3.2
  • keyword
    • node
      • writing manifests 4.2



  • manifest
    • declaring a class definition 4.3
    • declaring package resources
      • example of 5.2
    • declaring the files resource type in a manifest
      • example of ZFS instances 5.3
    • declaring the zone resource type 5.6
    • defining naming services configuration
      • example of 5.5
    • defining network configuration
      • example of 5.4
    • node-specific 4.2
  • manifests 1.3.3, 3.1
    • declaring a resource 3.2
  • matching configuration to specific nodes 4.2
  • module directory tree structure 4.4
    • example of 4.4
  • modules 1.3.3
    • how to write 4.4
    • manifest location 4.4
    • puppet module generate module-name
      • command to create 4.4


  • naming services configuration
    • using Puppet to define 5.5
  • network configuration
    • declaring in a Puppet manifest 5.4
  • node definitions 1.3.3
  • node-specific manifest
    • description of 4.2
  • normal class declaration
    • writing classes 4.3


  • Oracle Solaris system configuration 5.1


  • packaging
    • how to configure with Puppet 5.2
  • permissions 1.4
  • polling
    • how agents work 1.3
  • preparing to install Puppet 2.1.1
  • privileges 1.4
  • providers 3.1
  • puppet.conf configuration file 1.2.4, 2.2
  • Puppet agent
  • Puppet Agent configuration 2.2
  • Puppet agent-server model 1.3.1
  • Puppet classes
    • how to write 4.3
  • Puppet configuration 2.2
  • puppet describe --list command 3.1
  • puppet group
  • Puppet infrastructure 1.3
  • Puppet manifests
    • how to write 4.1
  • puppet module generate
    • creating a Puppet module 4.4
  • Puppet modules
    • how to write 4.4
  • puppet resource --types command 3.1
  • Puppet Server
    • testing connection from Puppet Agent 2.2.1
  • Puppet support in Oracle Solaris 1.2
  • Puppet system configuration workflow 5.1
  • puppet user


  • Resource Abstraction Layer (RAL) 3.1
  • resource-like class declaration
    • writing classes 4.3
  • resources
    • attributes 3.2
    • declaring in a manifest 3.2
    • defining 1.3.3
    • viewing 3.3
  • resource types 3.1
    • descriptions 3.1
    • listing 3.1
  • reusing Puppet code
    • writing classes 4.3
  • rights profiles 1.4
  • roles 1.4


  • security
  • server-agent model 1.3.1
  • site.pp
    • writing a site manifest 4.1
  • site.pp manifest file 1.3.3
  • site manifest 4.1
  • site manifest example 4.1.1
  • SMF configuration 2.2
  • SMF services 2.2
  • specifying conditional logic in a manifest 4.2
  • ssl directory 1.3.2
  • supported Puppet features 1.2
  • svc:/application/puppet SMF services 2.2
  • system/management/puppet
    • Puppet IPS package 2.1
  • system configuration workflow for Oracle Solaris 5.1
  • system information
    • how to display with Facter 3.4
    • using the Facter utility 1.2.1


  • testing connection to Puppet Server
    • configuring Puppet Agents 2.2.1
  • troubleshooting
    • installation 2.3


  • using Facter
    • describe system information 3.4
  • using Puppet to configure naming services 5.5
  • using Puppet to configure networking 5.4
  • using Puppet to configure ZFS file systems 5.3
  • using Puppet to configure zones 5.6
  • using Puppet to install packages 5.2


  • writing a site manifest 4.1
  • writing classes
    • normal class declaration 4.3
    • resource-like class declaration 4.3
  • writing modules 4.4
  • writing node-specific manifests 4.2
  • writing Puppet classes 4.3


  • ZFS file systems configuration
    • using Puppet to define 5.3
  • zone resource type
    • declaring 5.6
  • zones configuring with Puppet 5.6