
A  B  C  D  E  F  H  I  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  X  Z  


  • automatic mode
    • fwupdate
      • update subcommand 5.3.2



  • certificate checking
    • SP access over the network when using biosconfig 10.1.2
    • SP access over the network when using fwupdate 5.1.6
    • SP access over the network when using ilomconfig 7.1.3
  • clock information
  • CMOS
    • applying golden image 4.5.2
    • capturing golden image 4.5.1
    • configuring dynamic setting
    • configuring individual settings 4.5.3
    • configuring static setting
  • command syntax
    • CLI tools common 3.1
  • Common Name
    • TLS encryption when using fwupdate
    • TLS encryption when using ilomconfig
    • TLS encryption when using ubiosconfig


  • device naming
    • CLI tools common 3.2
  • disk
  • DNS information



  • fwupdate 5
    • automatic mode
    • command overview 5.1.7
    • description of automatic and manual modes 5.3.1
    • error codes 12.3
    • execution summary 5.5
    • Linux MMIO access settings and Intel network controllers 5.1.4
    • list subcommand 5.2
      • listing all components 5.2.2
      • listing specific components 5.2.3
      • overview 5.2.1
    • Oracle ILOM update 5.3.3
    • overview 5.1
    • Secure Boot settings and Intel storage devices and controllers 5.1.3
    • service processor update 5.3.3
    • SP access over the network 5.1.6
    • update subcommand


  • Host-to-ILOM Interconnect
  • hwmgmtcli 6
    • command overview 6.1
    • error codes 12.4
    • exporting subsystem information 6.4
    • listing subsystem information 6.2
    • viewing open problems 6.3


  • ilomconfig 7
    • command usage 7.1.4
    • creating a user 7.4.2
    • creating SNMP community 7.4.5
    • deleting a user 7.4.3
    • error codes 12.5
    • exporting XML configuration 7.2.1
    • features 7.1.1
    • importing XML configuration 7.2.2
    • IPv4 network settings
    • IPv6 network settings
    • listing clock information 7.3.8
    • listing DNS information 7.3.7
    • listing SNMP community 7.3.3
    • listing SP information 7.3.6
    • listing system summary information 7.3.1
    • listing users 7.3.2
    • modifying clock information 7.4.10
    • modifying DNS information 7.4.9
    • modifying identification information 7.4.8
    • modifying Oracle ILOM XML files 7.1.2
    • modifying user password 7.4.4
    • modifying user role 7.4.4
    • overview 7.1
    • restoring Oracle ILOM defaults 7.4.1
    • restoring Oracle ILOM XML files 7.1.2
    • SP access over the network 7.1.3
  • IPv4
    • listing network settings 7.3.4
    • modifying network settings 7.4.6
  • IPv6
    • listing network settings 7.3.5
    • modifying network settings 7.4.7


  • Linux MMIO access
    • Linux MMIO access settings and Intel network controllers 5.1.4
  • listing system summary
  • local interconnect 2


  • manual mode
    • fwupdate
      • update subcommand 5.3.3


  • network settings
  • nvmeadm 8


  • Oracle ILOM defaults
  • Oracle ILOM ID information
  • Oracle ILOM user
  • Oracle ILOM user password
  • Oracle ILOM user role
  • Oracle ILOM users
  • Oracle ILOM XML configuration files
  • Oracle Solaris OS
    • biosconfig 4.2
  • overview
    • CLI tools 1


  • partial disks
    • adding to RAID volume 9.9.5
    • creating RAID volumes 9.9
    • disk display 9.9.2
    • exporting RAID configuration 9.9.3
    • guidelines for creating RAID 9.9.1
    • removing from RAID volume 9.9.5


  • raidconfig 9
    • adding a disk 9.4.1
    • adding a spare 9.4.3
    • adding partial disks 9.9.5
    • auto rebuild disable 9.5.4
    • battery backup status 9.2.4
    • checking controller configuration 9.7.1
    • clearing RAID controller configuration 9.7.3
    • command overview 9.1.3
    • configuring RAID volumes from a file 9.8.2
    • create raid volume 9.3.1
    • creating RAID volumes with partial disks 9.9
    • delete raid volume 9.3.2
    • error codes 12.7
    • export inventory data 9.8.1
    • export subcommand 9.8.1
    • list subcommand 9.2
    • modify boot target 9.5.3
    • overview 9.1
    • RAID volume name modify 9.5.5
    • removing a disk 9.4.2
    • removing a spare 9.4.4
    • removing partial disks 9.9.5
    • requirements 9.1.2
    • restoring RAID controller configuration 9.7.2
    • size option
    • start task subcommand 9.6
  • RAID controller configuration
  • RAID volume
    • configuring from a file 9.8.2
    • creating 9.3.1
    • creating with partial disks 9.9
    • deleting 9.3.2
    • exporting with partial disks 9.9.3
    • name modify 9.5.5
  • restore Oracle ILOM defaults
    • using XML configuration 7.4.1


  • Secure Boot
    • Secure Boot settings and Intel storage devices and controllers 5.1.3
  • security
    • SP access over the network when using biosconfig 10.1.2
    • SP access over the network when using fwupdate 5.1.6
    • SP access over the network when using ilomconfig 7.1.3
  • SNMP community
  • spare disk
  • SP information
  • SSL certificate checking
    • SP access over the network when using biosconfig 10.1.2
    • SP access over the network when using fwupdate 5.1.6
    • SP access over the network when using ilomconfig 7.1.3


  • TLS remote access encryption
    • SP access over the network when using biosconfig 10.1.2
    • SP access over the network when using fwupdate 5.1.6
    • SP access over the network when using ilomconfig 7.1.3


  • ubiosconfig 10
    • cancel subcommand 10.5
    • command overview 10.1.3
    • error codes 12.8
    • exporting UEFI BIOS XML files 10.1.1
    • export subcommand 10.2
    • import subcommand 10.3
    • list subcommand 10.4
    • overview 10.1
    • reset subcommand 10.6
    • restoring UEFI BIOS XML files 10.1.1
    • SP access over the network 10.1.2
  • UEFI BIOS configuration files
  • UEFI BIOS XML configuration files


  • XML configuration
    • exporting from Oracle ILOM 7.2.1
    • importing to Oracle ILOM 7.2.2


  • zoningcli 11
    • command overview 11.1
    • disable zoning subcommand 11.3
    • enable zoning subcommand 11.3
    • error codes 12.9
    • list expander subcommand 11.2