Copying a case series

One way to create a new case series is to use an existing case series as the basis for a new one. If you copy a query-based case series, you can then edit the copy to create the new case series.

When you copy a query-based case series, the application uses the query that was in effect at the time of the original case series for the copy. Any indication of cases as Reviewed or Excluded, and any attached comments, are included in the copy of a case series.

Note: The copy of a case series includes any cases that were transferred or added manually to the case series. If you re-execute the query portion of the copy of a query-based case series, however, the application drops those cases from the case series if they do not meet the query criteria.

1.         Click the Case Series tab.

The Case Series page appears.

2.         Click the row menu (Row menu) for a case series, and then click Copy.

The Copy Case Series page appears.

3.         From the Select a configuration drop-down list, select a data configuration. By default, the application uses the data configuration associated with the original case series (and you must have permissions to use that configuration). If you are copying a query-based case series, this page does not appear.

Note: If you select a different data configuration, case IDs that match in both data configurations are copied, but may represent different cases if the source data for the two data configurations differs.

4.         Click Next.

5.         In the Name field, enter a name for the new case series. The name does not need to be unique, although Oracle recommends that you use a unique name.

6.         In the Description field, optionally leave or edit the description of the case series.

7.         To assign the case series to an existing project, click Add to existing project and select the project from the drop-down list. Only projects associated with objects that you created or that are published to you appear in the list.


To create a new project and assign the case series to it, click Add to a new project named and enter a project name.

8.         Click Save.

A message tells you that the case series has been copied and shows the names of the original case series (Source), the copy of the case series (Destination), and the number of cases in the two lists:

Copy case series information

9.         Click Continue.

The Case Series page appears, showing the new case series.

Note: The application does not copy the original publication level to the new case series. You must publish the new case series if you want others to see it.