Viewing existing queries

The Queries page provides information about existing queries and enables you to define new queries.

For the selected project and data configuration, the Queries page lists queries that you have created or that are published to you. If you have the Administer Users permission, the page also lists unpublished queries created by any users in your login group.

1.         Click the Queries tab.

The Queries page appears and lists your queries and queries published to you.

2.         Filter the list as necessary.

The selected queries appear. See the Queries page for information about the queries.

3.         To view, print, or download the table, or to change the way data displays in the table, see About tables.

4.         To print, download, or delete multiple queries, click Select Rows. You can then check the rows for the queries on which you want to act. You can also click Select All to check all rows (or Clear All to uncheck all rows). Then click the action that you want to perform on the selected rows.

5.         To create a query, click Create Using Query Wizard.

The Select Configuration page appears.

6.         If you click the row menu (Row menu) for any query, you can do the following:

  1. To run the query, click Run and select a data configuration.
  2. To run the query and create a case series from the query results, click Create Case Series. You select a data configuration, review variables and values, and optionally change the name, description, and project assignment before saving the case series.
  3. To view the query logic, click View. This option shows the variables and values that make up the query, as well as the logic.
  4. To run the query and then run a report against cases found by the query, click Report and select a data configuration. After you run the query, the Report Definitions page appears.
  5. To copy a query, click Copy. Then provide a name for the copy and save it.

7.         If you click Row menu for a query that you created, you can do the following:

  1. To edit the query, click Edit. You can click Back to select a different data configuration.
  2. To rename the query, click Rename. You can also change its description or assign it to a different project.
  3. To publish a query, click Publish. (If you have the Administer Users permission, you can publish a query created by any user in your login group.)
  4. To delete a query, click Delete. At the message asking if you want to delete the query, click OK. The query is deleted and no longer appears on your Queries tab.

Note: Editing or deleting a query has no effect on any case series, database restrictions, custom terms, or interactive reports that were created using the query.