Queries page

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On the Queries page, you can view information about existing queries and define new queries if you have the Create Queries/Case Series permission.

General activities

The following links and filters appear at the top of the page and affect the entire page:

The following links appear at the top of the page when the page is in the Select Rows mode. The links affect the multiple queries:

Row-specific activities

The following menu options are available from the Row menu, located in the left-most column of the table, and affect an individual row in the table:

Field descriptions—Queries page

The Queries page provides the following information about each query:





Name of the query.


Description of the query.


Name of the project to which the query is assigned.


Name of the data configuration associated with the query.

Created By

Name of the user who created the query.


Date and time when the query was created.

Modified By

Name of the user who last modified the query.


Date and time when the query was last modified.


Identifier that was assigned automatically to the query when the query was saved. Each query ID is unique and is not re-used if the query is deleted.


One of the following values:

  • Case Series—The query was created and saved during the creation of a query-based case series on the Case Series tab.
  • Custom Term—The query was created and saved during the creation of a custom term for a data mining run.
  • Interactive Report—The query was created and saved during the creation of an interactive report.
  • Query—The query was created and saved from the Queries page.
  • Restriction—The query was created and saved during the creation of a database restriction for a data mining run.