All REST Endpoints

Administration APIs
Reload Configuration Cache
Method: delete
Path: /config
Update Configuration Value
Method: put
Path: /config
Cohort Selection/Clinical Specimen
Delete Patient Clinical Specimen API Query by Query Identifier
Method: delete
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}
Delete Subject Clinical Specimen API Query by Query Identifier
Method: delete
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Query Results for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}/data
Retrieve Count of Patient Specimens for a Query Name/Criteria
Method: post
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/count
Retrieve Count of Subject Specimens for a Query Name/Criteria
Method: post
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/count
Retrieve Patient Clinical Specimen Queries Status
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries
Retrieve Patient Clinical Specimen Query Status
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}
Retrieve Patient Clinical Specimen Using Query Criteria
Method: post
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries
Retrieve Subject Clinical Specimen Queries Status
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries
Retrieve Subject Clinical Specimen Query Status
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}
Retrieve Subject Clinical Specimen Using Query Criteria
Method: post
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries
Cohort Selection/Patient
Delete Patient API Query
Method: delete
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries/{id}
Invoke Patient Query
Method: post
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries
Retrieve Patient Queries Status
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries
Retrieve Patient Query Results for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries/{id}/data
Retrieve Patient Query Status for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries/{id}
Retrieve Patients Count
Method: post
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries/count
Cohort Selection/Subject
Delete Subject API Query
Method: delete
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries/{id}
Invoke Subject Query
Method: post
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries
Retrieve Subject Queries Status
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries
Retrieve Subject Query Results for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries/{id}/data
Retrieve Subject Query Status for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries/{id}
Retrieve Subjects Count
Method: post
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries/count
Demographics Patient APIs
Retrieve Demographics for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}
Retrieve Demographics for Cohort List Name or Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients
Retrieve Subjects for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/subjects
Demographics Subject APIs
Retrieve Demographics for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}
Retrieve Demographics for Cohort List Name or Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects
Retrieve Patient for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/patients
Genomic Export (VCF)
Create Export Definition
Method: post
Path: /exports
Create Export Job for an Export Definition
Method: post
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs
Delete Export Definition
Method: delete
Path: /exports/{id}
Retrieve Export Definition for an Export Identifier
Method: get
Path: /exports/{id}
Retrieve Export Definitions for Export Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /exports
Retrieve Exported Data for a Job
Method: get
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs/{jobId}/data
Retrieve Job Information for an Export Identifier and Job Identifier
Method: get
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs/{jobId}/info
Retrieve Job Status for an Export Identifier and Job Identifier
Method: get
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs/{jobId}
Retrieve Jobs
Method: get
Path: /jobs
Retrieve Jobs for an Export Identifier
Method: get
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs
Genomic Reference/Assembly
Genomic Reference Assembly APIs
Retrieve Genome Assembly Reference Versions for an Assembly Name
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyRefVersions/byName/{name}
Retrieve Genome Assembly Reference Versions for Assembly Names
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyRefVersions/byName
Retrieve Genomic Assemblies
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblies
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Details for an Assembly Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyDetails/{id}
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Details for an Assembly Name
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyDetails/byName/{name}
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Details for Assembly Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyDetails
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Details for Assembly Names
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyDetails/byName
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Reference Versions for an Assembly Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyRefVersions/{id}
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Reference Versions for Assembly Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyRefVersions
Genomic Reference/Gene
Genomic Reference Gene APIs
Retrieve Cancers for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/cancer
Retrieve CDS Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/CDS
Retrieve CDS Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/CDS
Retrieve Diseases for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/diseases
Retrieve Drugs for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/drugs
Retrieve Exon Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/exon
Retrieve Exon Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/exon
Retrieve Gene Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components
Retrieve Gene for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}
Retrieve Gene References for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/geneXref
Retrieve Genes for a Gene Name
Method: get
Path: /genes/byGeneName/{name}/{alignmentId}
Retrieve Genes for a Geneset Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/byGeneSet/{id}/{alignmentId}
Retrieve Genes for a HUGO Name
Method: get
Path: /genes/byHugoName/{name}/{alignmentId}
Retrieve Genes for a Pathway Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/byPathway/{id}/{alignmentId}
Retrieve Genes for an Assembly Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/byAssembly/{id}
Retrieve Genes for Chromosome
Method: get
Path: /genes/byChromosome/{name}/{id}
Retrieve Genes for Gene Names
Method: get
Path: /genes/byGeneName
Retrieve Genes for Geneset Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genes/byGeneSet
Retrieve Genes for HUGO Names
Method: get
Path: /genes/byHugoName
Retrieve Genes for Pathway Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genes/byPathway
Retrieve Genomic Positions for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/genomicPositions
Retrieve Genomic Positions for Gene Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genes/genomicPositions
Retrieve Intron Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/intron
Retrieve Intron Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/intron
Retrieve misc_feature Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/misc_feature
Retrieve misc_feature Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/misc_feature
Retrieve misc_RNA Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/misc_RNA
Retrieve misc_RNA Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/misc_RNA
Retrieve mRNA Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/mRNA
Retrieve mRNA Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/mRNA
Retrieve Pathways for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/pathways
Retrieve Proteins for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/proteins
Retrieve STS Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/STS
Retrieve STS Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/STS
Retrieve Transcripts for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/transcripts
Genomic Reference/GeneSet
Genomic Reference Geneset APIs
Create Geneset
Method: post
Path: /geneSets/create
Delete Geneset by Geneset Identifier
Method: delete
Path: /geneSets/delete/{id}
Retrieve Genes for a Geneset Identifier
Method: get
Path: /geneSets/{id}
Retrieve Genesets
Method: get
Path: /geneSets
Genomic Reference/Pathway
Genomic Reference Pathway APIs
Retrieve HUGO Names for a Pathway Identifier
Method: get
Path: /pathways/{id}
Retrieve Pathways
Method: get
Path: /pathways
Genomic Reference/Variant
Retrieve Diseases for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/diseases
Retrieve Variant Annotations for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}
Retrieve Variant Cancers for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/cancer
Retrieve Variant Effects for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/variantEffects
Retrieve Variant Predictions for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/variantPredictions
Retrieve Variant References for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/variantXRef
Retrieve Variants for Chromosome
Method: get
Path: /variants/byChromosome
Retrieve Variants for Chromosome and Allele
Method: get
Path: /variants/byChromosome/byAllele
Retrieve Variants for Gene Identifiers and Gene Components
Method: get
Path: /variants/byGeneComponents
Retrieve Variants for Prediction and Chromosome
Method: get
Path: /variants/byPrediction/byChromosome
Retrieve Variants for Prediction and Gene Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /variants/byPrediction/byGenewid
Retrieve Variants for Reference Identifiers and Database with GET Request
Method: get
Path: /variants/byReferenceId
Retrieve Variants for Reference Identifiers and Database with POST Request
Method: post
Path: /variants/byReferenceId
Retrieve Variants for Variant Effect and Chromosome
Method: get
Path: /variants/byEffect/byChromosome
Retrieve Variants for Variant Effect and Gene Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /variants/byEffect/byGenewid
Manage Cohort
Create Cohort List
Method: post
Path: /cohortlists/create
Delete Cohort List
Method: delete
Path: /cohortlists/delete/{id}
Retrieve Cohort List Members for a Cohort List Identifier
Method: get
Path: /cohortlists/{id}
Retrieve Saved Cohort Lists
Method: get
Path: /cohortlists
Retrieve Saved Queries
Method: get
Path: /savedqueries
Phenotype/Administered Medications
Phenotype Medication APIs
Retrieve Medications for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/administeredmedications
Retrieve Medications for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/administeredmedications
Retrieve Medications for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/administeredmedications
Retrieve Medications for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/administeredmedications
Phenotype/Conditions (Diagnosis)
Phenotype Condition APIs
Retrieve Conditions for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/conditions
Retrieve Conditions for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/conditions
Retrieve Conditions for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/conditions
Retrieve Conditions for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/conditions
Phenotype Consent APIs
Retrieve Consent for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/consent
Retrieve Consent for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/consent
Retrieve Consent for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/consents
Retrieve Consent for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/consents
Phenotype Encounter APIs
Retrieve Clinical Encounters for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/encounters
Retrieve Clinical Encounters for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/encounters
Phenotype Ethnicity APIs
Retrieve Ethnicity for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/ethnicity
Retrieve Ethnicity for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/ethnicity
Phenotype History APIs
Retrieve History for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/history
Retrieve History for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/history
Retrieve History for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/history
Retrieve History for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/history
Phenotype Observation APIs
Retrieve Observations for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/observations
Retrieve Observations for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/observations
Retrieve Observations for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/observations
Retrieve Observations for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/observations
Phenotype Procedure APIs
Retrieve Procedures for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/procedures
Retrieve Procedures for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/procedures
Retrieve Procedures for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/procedures
Retrieve Procedures for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/procedures
Phenotype Race APIs
Retrieve Race for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/race
Retrieve Race for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/race
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Alias for a Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}/aliases
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Alias for Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/aliases
Retrieve Clinical Specimen for a Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}
Retrieve Clinical Specimen for Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Metadata for a Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}/metadata
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Metadata for Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/metadata
Retrieve Clinical Specimens having Omics Data for Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}/hasOmicsData
Retrieve Clinical Specimens having Omics Data for Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/hasOmicsData
Retrieve Genomic Files for a Specimen Number and Specimen Vendor Number
Method: get
Path: /genomicspecimens/genomicFiles
Retrieve Genomic Specimen details for a Clinical Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/genomicspecimens/{id}
Retrieve Genomic Specimen details for Clinical Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/genomicspecimens
Retrieve Genomic Specimen File Metadata for Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/genomicspecimens/{id}/fileMetadata
Retrieve Genomic Specimen Metadata for Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/genomicspecimens/{id}/metadata
Retrieve Genomic Specimens for a Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}/genomicspecimens
Retrieve Genomics Specimen Identifiers for Clinical Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/genomicspecimens
Retrieve Studies for a Study Identifier
Method: get
Path: /studies/{id}
Retrieve Studies for Study Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /studies
Retrieve Studies for Study Identifiers and Names
Method: get
Path: /studies/search
Retrieve Study Specimens for a Study Identifier
Method: get
Path: /studies/{id}/specimens
Retrieve Study Subjects for a Study Identifier
Method: get
Path: /studies/{id}/subjects
All Endpoints
Create Cohort List
Method: post
Path: /cohortlists/create
Create Export Definition
Method: post
Path: /exports
Create Export Job for an Export Definition
Method: post
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs
Create Geneset
Method: post
Path: /geneSets/create
Delete Cohort List
Method: delete
Path: /cohortlists/delete/{id}
Delete Export Definition
Method: delete
Path: /exports/{id}
Delete Geneset by Geneset Identifier
Method: delete
Path: /geneSets/delete/{id}
Delete Patient API Query
Method: delete
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries/{id}
Delete Patient Clinical Specimen API Query by Query Identifier
Method: delete
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}
Delete Subject API Query
Method: delete
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries/{id}
Delete Subject Clinical Specimen API Query by Query Identifier
Method: delete
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}
Invoke Patient Query
Method: post
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries
Invoke Subject Query
Method: post
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries
Reload Configuration Cache
Method: delete
Path: /config
Retrieve Cancers for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/cancer
Retrieve CDS Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/CDS
Retrieve CDS Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/CDS
Retrieve Clinical Encounters for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/encounters
Retrieve Clinical Encounters for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/encounters
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Alias for a Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}/aliases
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Alias for Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/aliases
Retrieve Clinical Specimen for a Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}
Retrieve Clinical Specimen for Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Metadata for a Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}/metadata
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Metadata for Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/metadata
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Query Results for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}/data
Retrieve Clinical Specimens having Omics Data for Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}/hasOmicsData
Retrieve Clinical Specimens having Omics Data for Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/hasOmicsData
Retrieve Cohort List Members for a Cohort List Identifier
Method: get
Path: /cohortlists/{id}
Retrieve Conditions for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/conditions
Retrieve Conditions for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/conditions
Retrieve Conditions for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/conditions
Retrieve Conditions for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/conditions
Retrieve Consent for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/consent
Retrieve Consent for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/consent
Retrieve Consent for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/consents
Retrieve Consent for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/consents
Retrieve Count of Patient Specimens for a Query Name/Criteria
Method: post
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/count
Retrieve Count of Subject Specimens for a Query Name/Criteria
Method: post
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/count
Retrieve Demographics for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}
Retrieve Demographics for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}
Retrieve Demographics for Cohort List Name or Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients
Retrieve Demographics for Cohort List Name or Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects
Retrieve Diseases for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/diseases
Retrieve Diseases for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/diseases
Retrieve Drugs for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/drugs
Retrieve Ethnicity for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/ethnicity
Retrieve Ethnicity for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/ethnicity
Retrieve Exon Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/exon
Retrieve Exon Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/exon
Retrieve Export Definition for an Export Identifier
Method: get
Path: /exports/{id}
Retrieve Export Definitions for Export Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /exports
Retrieve Exported Data for a Job
Method: get
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs/{jobId}/data
Retrieve Gene Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components
Retrieve Gene for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}
Retrieve Gene References for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/geneXref
Retrieve Genes for a Gene Name
Method: get
Path: /genes/byGeneName/{name}/{alignmentId}
Retrieve Genes for a Geneset Identifier
Method: get
Path: /geneSets/{id}
Retrieve Genes for a Geneset Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/byGeneSet/{id}/{alignmentId}
Retrieve Genes for a HUGO Name
Method: get
Path: /genes/byHugoName/{name}/{alignmentId}
Retrieve Genes for a Pathway Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/byPathway/{id}/{alignmentId}
Retrieve Genes for an Assembly Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/byAssembly/{id}
Retrieve Genes for Chromosome
Method: get
Path: /genes/byChromosome/{name}/{id}
Retrieve Genes for Gene Names
Method: get
Path: /genes/byGeneName
Retrieve Genes for Geneset Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genes/byGeneSet
Retrieve Genes for HUGO Names
Method: get
Path: /genes/byHugoName
Retrieve Genes for Pathway Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genes/byPathway
Retrieve Genesets
Method: get
Path: /geneSets
Retrieve Genome Assembly Reference Versions for an Assembly Name
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyRefVersions/byName/{name}
Retrieve Genome Assembly Reference Versions for Assembly Names
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyRefVersions/byName
Retrieve Genomic Assemblies
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblies
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Details for an Assembly Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyDetails/{id}
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Details for an Assembly Name
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyDetails/byName/{name}
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Details for Assembly Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyDetails
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Details for Assembly Names
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyDetails/byName
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Reference Versions for an Assembly Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyRefVersions/{id}
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Reference Versions for Assembly Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyRefVersions
Retrieve Genomic Files for a Specimen Number and Specimen Vendor Number
Method: get
Path: /genomicspecimens/genomicFiles
Retrieve Genomic Positions for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/genomicPositions
Retrieve Genomic Positions for Gene Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genes/genomicPositions
Retrieve Genomic Specimen details for a Clinical Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/genomicspecimens/{id}
Retrieve Genomic Specimen details for Clinical Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/genomicspecimens
Retrieve Genomic Specimen File Metadata for Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/genomicspecimens/{id}/fileMetadata
Retrieve Genomic Specimen Metadata for Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/genomicspecimens/{id}/metadata
Retrieve Genomic Specimens for a Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}/genomicspecimens
Retrieve Genomics Specimen Identifiers for Clinical Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/genomicspecimens
Retrieve History for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/history
Retrieve History for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/history
Retrieve History for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/history
Retrieve History for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/history
Retrieve HUGO Names for a Pathway Identifier
Method: get
Path: /pathways/{id}
Retrieve Intron Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/intron
Retrieve Intron Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/intron
Retrieve Job Information for an Export Identifier and Job Identifier
Method: get
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs/{jobId}/info
Retrieve Job Status for an Export Identifier and Job Identifier
Method: get
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs/{jobId}
Retrieve Jobs
Method: get
Path: /jobs
Retrieve Jobs for an Export Identifier
Method: get
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs
Retrieve Medications for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/administeredmedications
Retrieve Medications for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/administeredmedications
Retrieve Medications for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/administeredmedications
Retrieve Medications for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/administeredmedications
Retrieve misc_feature Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/misc_feature
Retrieve misc_feature Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/misc_feature
Retrieve misc_RNA Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/misc_RNA
Retrieve misc_RNA Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/misc_RNA
Retrieve mRNA Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/mRNA
Retrieve mRNA Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/mRNA
Retrieve Observations for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/observations
Retrieve Observations for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/observations
Retrieve Observations for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/observations
Retrieve Observations for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/observations
Retrieve Pathways
Method: get
Path: /pathways
Retrieve Pathways for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/pathways
Retrieve Patient Clinical Specimen Queries Status
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries
Retrieve Patient Clinical Specimen Query Status
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}
Retrieve Patient Clinical Specimen Using Query Criteria
Method: post
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries
Retrieve Patient for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/patients
Retrieve Patient Queries Status
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries
Retrieve Patient Query Results for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries/{id}/data
Retrieve Patient Query Status for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries/{id}
Retrieve Patients Count
Method: post
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries/count
Retrieve Procedures for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/procedures
Retrieve Procedures for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/procedures
Retrieve Procedures for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/procedures
Retrieve Procedures for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/procedures
Retrieve Proteins for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/proteins
Retrieve Race for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/race
Retrieve Race for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/race
Retrieve Saved Cohort Lists
Method: get
Path: /cohortlists
Retrieve Saved Queries
Method: get
Path: /savedqueries
Retrieve STS Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/STS
Retrieve STS Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/STS
Retrieve Studies for a Study Identifier
Method: get
Path: /studies/{id}
Retrieve Studies for Study Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /studies
Retrieve Studies for Study Identifiers and Names
Method: get
Path: /studies/search
Retrieve Study Specimens for a Study Identifier
Method: get
Path: /studies/{id}/specimens
Retrieve Study Subjects for a Study Identifier
Method: get
Path: /studies/{id}/subjects
Retrieve Subject Clinical Specimen Queries Status
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries
Retrieve Subject Clinical Specimen Query Status
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}
Retrieve Subject Clinical Specimen Using Query Criteria
Method: post
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries
Retrieve Subject Queries Status
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries
Retrieve Subject Query Results for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries/{id}/data
Retrieve Subject Query Status for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries/{id}
Retrieve Subjects Count
Method: post
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries/count
Retrieve Subjects for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/subjects
Retrieve Transcripts for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/transcripts
Retrieve Variant Annotations for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}
Retrieve Variant Cancers for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/cancer
Retrieve Variant Effects for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/variantEffects
Retrieve Variant Predictions for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/variantPredictions
Retrieve Variant References for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/variantXRef
Retrieve Variants for Chromosome
Method: get
Path: /variants/byChromosome
Retrieve Variants for Chromosome and Allele
Method: get
Path: /variants/byChromosome/byAllele
Retrieve Variants for Gene Identifiers and Gene Components
Method: get
Path: /variants/byGeneComponents
Retrieve Variants for Prediction and Chromosome
Method: get
Path: /variants/byPrediction/byChromosome
Retrieve Variants for Prediction and Gene Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /variants/byPrediction/byGenewid
Retrieve Variants for Reference Identifiers and Database with GET Request
Method: get
Path: /variants/byReferenceId
Retrieve Variants for Reference Identifiers and Database with POST Request
Method: post
Path: /variants/byReferenceId
Retrieve Variants for Variant Effect and Chromosome
Method: get
Path: /variants/byEffect/byChromosome
Retrieve Variants for Variant Effect and Gene Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /variants/byEffect/byGenewid
Update Configuration Value
Method: put
Path: /config
Administration APIs
Reload Configuration Cache
Method: delete
Path: /config
Update Configuration Value
Method: put
Path: /config
Cohort Selection/Clinical Specimen
Retrieve Patient Clinical Specimen Queries Status
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries
Retrieve Patient Clinical Specimen Using Query Criteria
Method: post
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries
Retrieve Count of Patient Specimens for a Query Name/Criteria
Method: post
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/count
Delete Patient Clinical Specimen API Query by Query Identifier
Method: delete
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}
Retrieve Patient Clinical Specimen Query Status
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}
Retrieve Subject Clinical Specimen Queries Status
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries
Retrieve Subject Clinical Specimen Using Query Criteria
Method: post
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries
Retrieve Count of Subject Specimens for a Query Name/Criteria
Method: post
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/count
Delete Subject Clinical Specimen API Query by Query Identifier
Method: delete
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}
Retrieve Subject Clinical Specimen Query Status
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Query Results for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}/data
Cohort Selection/Patient
Retrieve Patient Queries Status
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries
Invoke Patient Query
Method: post
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries
Retrieve Patients Count
Method: post
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries/count
Delete Patient API Query
Method: delete
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries/{id}
Retrieve Patient Query Status for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries/{id}
Retrieve Patient Query Results for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries/{id}/data
Cohort Selection/Subject
Retrieve Subject Queries Status
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries
Invoke Subject Query
Method: post
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries
Retrieve Subjects Count
Method: post
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries/count
Delete Subject API Query
Method: delete
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries/{id}
Retrieve Subject Query Status for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries/{id}
Retrieve Subject Query Results for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries/{id}/data
Demographics Patient APIs
Retrieve Demographics for Cohort List Name or Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients
Retrieve Demographics for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}
Retrieve Subjects for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/subjects
Demographics Subject APIs
Retrieve Demographics for Cohort List Name or Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects
Retrieve Demographics for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}
Retrieve Patient for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/patients
Genomic Export (VCF)
Retrieve Export Definitions for Export Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /exports
Create Export Definition
Method: post
Path: /exports
Retrieve Jobs for an Export Identifier
Method: get
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs
Create Export Job for an Export Definition
Method: post
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs
Retrieve Job Status for an Export Identifier and Job Identifier
Method: get
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs/{jobId}
Retrieve Exported Data for a Job
Method: get
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs/{jobId}/data
Retrieve Job Information for an Export Identifier and Job Identifier
Method: get
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs/{jobId}/info
Delete Export Definition
Method: delete
Path: /exports/{id}
Retrieve Export Definition for an Export Identifier
Method: get
Path: /exports/{id}
Retrieve Jobs
Method: get
Path: /jobs
Genomic Reference/Assembly
Genomic Reference Assembly APIs
Retrieve Genomic Assemblies
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblies
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Details for Assembly Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyDetails
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Details for Assembly Names
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyDetails/byName
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Details for an Assembly Name
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyDetails/byName/{name}
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Details for an Assembly Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyDetails/{id}
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Reference Versions for Assembly Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyRefVersions
Retrieve Genome Assembly Reference Versions for Assembly Names
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyRefVersions/byName
Retrieve Genome Assembly Reference Versions for an Assembly Name
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyRefVersions/byName/{name}
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Reference Versions for an Assembly Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyRefVersions/{id}
Genomic Reference/Gene
Genomic Reference Gene APIs
Retrieve Genes for an Assembly Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/byAssembly/{id}
Retrieve Genes for Chromosome
Method: get
Path: /genes/byChromosome/{name}/{id}
Retrieve Genes for Gene Names
Method: get
Path: /genes/byGeneName
Retrieve Genes for a Gene Name
Method: get
Path: /genes/byGeneName/{name}/{alignmentId}
Retrieve Genes for Geneset Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genes/byGeneSet
Retrieve Genes for a Geneset Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/byGeneSet/{id}/{alignmentId}
Retrieve Genes for HUGO Names
Method: get
Path: /genes/byHugoName
Retrieve Genes for a HUGO Name
Method: get
Path: /genes/byHugoName/{name}/{alignmentId}
Retrieve Genes for Pathway Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genes/byPathway
Retrieve Genes for a Pathway Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/byPathway/{id}/{alignmentId}
Retrieve Genomic Positions for Gene Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genes/genomicPositions
Retrieve Gene for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}
Retrieve Cancers for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/cancer
Retrieve Gene Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components
Retrieve CDS Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/CDS
Retrieve STS Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/STS
Retrieve Exon Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/exon
Retrieve Intron Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/intron
Retrieve mRNA Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/mRNA
Retrieve misc_RNA Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/misc_RNA
Retrieve misc_feature Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/misc_feature
Retrieve Diseases for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/diseases
Retrieve Drugs for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/drugs
Retrieve Gene References for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/geneXref
Retrieve Genomic Positions for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/genomicPositions
Retrieve Pathways for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/pathways
Retrieve Proteins for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/proteins
Retrieve Transcripts for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/transcripts
Retrieve CDS Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/CDS
Retrieve STS Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/STS
Retrieve Exon Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/exon
Retrieve Intron Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/intron
Retrieve mRNA Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/mRNA
Retrieve misc_RNA Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/misc_RNA
Retrieve misc_feature Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/misc_feature
Genomic Reference/GeneSet
Genomic Reference Geneset APIs
Retrieve Genesets
Method: get
Path: /geneSets
Create Geneset
Method: post
Path: /geneSets/create
Delete Geneset by Geneset Identifier
Method: delete
Path: /geneSets/delete/{id}
Retrieve Genes for a Geneset Identifier
Method: get
Path: /geneSets/{id}
Genomic Reference/Pathway
Genomic Reference Pathway APIs
Retrieve Pathways
Method: get
Path: /pathways
Retrieve HUGO Names for a Pathway Identifier
Method: get
Path: /pathways/{id}
Genomic Reference/Variant
Retrieve Variants for Chromosome
Method: get
Path: /variants/byChromosome
Retrieve Variants for Chromosome and Allele
Method: get
Path: /variants/byChromosome/byAllele
Retrieve Variants for Variant Effect and Chromosome
Method: get
Path: /variants/byEffect/byChromosome
Retrieve Variants for Variant Effect and Gene Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /variants/byEffect/byGenewid
Retrieve Variants for Gene Identifiers and Gene Components
Method: get
Path: /variants/byGeneComponents
Retrieve Variants for Prediction and Chromosome
Method: get
Path: /variants/byPrediction/byChromosome
Retrieve Variants for Prediction and Gene Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /variants/byPrediction/byGenewid
Retrieve Variants for Reference Identifiers and Database with GET Request
Method: get
Path: /variants/byReferenceId
Retrieve Variants for Reference Identifiers and Database with POST Request
Method: post
Path: /variants/byReferenceId
Retrieve Variant Annotations for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}
Retrieve Variant Cancers for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/cancer
Retrieve Diseases for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/diseases
Retrieve Variant Effects for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/variantEffects
Retrieve Variant Predictions for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/variantPredictions
Retrieve Variant References for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/variantXRef
Manage Cohort
Retrieve Saved Cohort Lists
Method: get
Path: /cohortlists
Create Cohort List
Method: post
Path: /cohortlists/create
Delete Cohort List
Method: delete
Path: /cohortlists/delete/{id}
Retrieve Cohort List Members for a Cohort List Identifier
Method: get
Path: /cohortlists/{id}
Retrieve Saved Queries
Method: get
Path: /savedqueries
Phenotype/Administered Medications
Phenotype Medication APIs
Retrieve Medications for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/administeredmedications
Retrieve Medications for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/administeredmedications
Retrieve Medications for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/administeredmedications
Retrieve Medications for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/administeredmedications
Phenotype/Conditions (Diagnosis)
Phenotype Condition APIs
Retrieve Conditions for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/conditions
Retrieve Conditions for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/conditions
Retrieve Conditions for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/conditions
Retrieve Conditions for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/conditions
Phenotype Consent APIs
Retrieve Consent for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/consents
Retrieve Consent for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/consent
Retrieve Consent for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/consents
Retrieve Consent for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/consent
Phenotype Encounter APIs
Retrieve Clinical Encounters for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/encounters
Retrieve Clinical Encounters for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/encounters
Phenotype Ethnicity APIs
Retrieve Ethnicity for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/ethnicity
Retrieve Ethnicity for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/ethnicity
Phenotype History APIs
Retrieve History for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/history
Retrieve History for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/history
Retrieve History for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/history
Retrieve History for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/history
Phenotype Observation APIs
Retrieve Observations for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/observations
Retrieve Observations for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/observations
Retrieve Observations for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/observations
Retrieve Observations for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/observations
Phenotype Procedure APIs
Retrieve Procedures for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/procedures
Retrieve Procedures for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/procedures
Retrieve Procedures for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/procedures
Retrieve Procedures for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/procedures
Phenotype Race APIs
Retrieve Race for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/race
Retrieve Race for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/race
Retrieve Clinical Specimen for Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Alias for Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/aliases
Retrieve Clinical Specimens having Omics Data for Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/hasOmicsData
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Metadata for Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/metadata
Retrieve Clinical Specimen for a Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Alias for a Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}/aliases
Retrieve Clinical Specimens having Omics Data for Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}/hasOmicsData
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Metadata for a Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}/metadata
Retrieve Genomic Files for a Specimen Number and Specimen Vendor Number
Method: get
Path: /genomicspecimens/genomicFiles
Retrieve Genomics Specimen Identifiers for Clinical Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/genomicspecimens
Retrieve Genomic Specimens for a Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}/genomicspecimens
Retrieve Genomic Specimen details for Clinical Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/genomicspecimens
Retrieve Genomic Specimen details for a Clinical Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/genomicspecimens/{id}
Retrieve Genomic Specimen File Metadata for Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/genomicspecimens/{id}/fileMetadata
Retrieve Genomic Specimen Metadata for Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/genomicspecimens/{id}/metadata
Retrieve Studies for Study Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /studies
Retrieve Studies for Study Identifiers and Names
Method: get
Path: /studies/search
Retrieve Studies for a Study Identifier
Method: get
Path: /studies/{id}
Retrieve Study Specimens for a Study Identifier
Method: get
Path: /studies/{id}/specimens
Retrieve Study Subjects for a Study Identifier
Method: get
Path: /studies/{id}/subjects
All Endpoints
Retrieve Saved Cohort Lists
Method: get
Path: /cohortlists
Create Cohort List
Method: post
Path: /cohortlists/create
Delete Cohort List
Method: delete
Path: /cohortlists/delete/{id}
Retrieve Cohort List Members for a Cohort List Identifier
Method: get
Path: /cohortlists/{id}
Reload Configuration Cache
Method: delete
Path: /config
Update Configuration Value
Method: put
Path: /config
Retrieve Export Definitions for Export Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /exports
Create Export Definition
Method: post
Path: /exports
Retrieve Jobs for an Export Identifier
Method: get
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs
Create Export Job for an Export Definition
Method: post
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs
Retrieve Job Status for an Export Identifier and Job Identifier
Method: get
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs/{jobId}
Retrieve Exported Data for a Job
Method: get
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs/{jobId}/data
Retrieve Job Information for an Export Identifier and Job Identifier
Method: get
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs/{jobId}/info
Delete Export Definition
Method: delete
Path: /exports/{id}
Retrieve Export Definition for an Export Identifier
Method: get
Path: /exports/{id}
Retrieve Genesets
Method: get
Path: /geneSets
Create Geneset
Method: post
Path: /geneSets/create
Delete Geneset by Geneset Identifier
Method: delete
Path: /geneSets/delete/{id}
Retrieve Genes for a Geneset Identifier
Method: get
Path: /geneSets/{id}
Retrieve Genes for an Assembly Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/byAssembly/{id}
Retrieve Genes for Chromosome
Method: get
Path: /genes/byChromosome/{name}/{id}
Retrieve Genes for Gene Names
Method: get
Path: /genes/byGeneName
Retrieve Genes for a Gene Name
Method: get
Path: /genes/byGeneName/{name}/{alignmentId}
Retrieve Genes for Geneset Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genes/byGeneSet
Retrieve Genes for a Geneset Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/byGeneSet/{id}/{alignmentId}
Retrieve Genes for HUGO Names
Method: get
Path: /genes/byHugoName
Retrieve Genes for a HUGO Name
Method: get
Path: /genes/byHugoName/{name}/{alignmentId}
Retrieve Genes for Pathway Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genes/byPathway
Retrieve Genes for a Pathway Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/byPathway/{id}/{alignmentId}
Retrieve Genomic Positions for Gene Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genes/genomicPositions
Retrieve Gene for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}
Retrieve Cancers for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/cancer
Retrieve Gene Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components
Retrieve CDS Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/CDS
Retrieve STS Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/STS
Retrieve Exon Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/exon
Retrieve Intron Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/intron
Retrieve mRNA Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/mRNA
Retrieve misc_RNA Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/misc_RNA
Retrieve misc_feature Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/misc_feature
Retrieve Diseases for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/diseases
Retrieve Drugs for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/drugs
Retrieve Gene References for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/geneXref
Retrieve Genomic Positions for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/genomicPositions
Retrieve Pathways for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/pathways
Retrieve Proteins for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/proteins
Retrieve Transcripts for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/transcripts
Retrieve CDS Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/CDS
Retrieve STS Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/STS
Retrieve Exon Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/exon
Retrieve Intron Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/intron
Retrieve mRNA Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/mRNA
Retrieve misc_RNA Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/misc_RNA
Retrieve misc_feature Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/misc_feature
Retrieve Genomic Assemblies
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblies
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Details for Assembly Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyDetails
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Details for Assembly Names
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyDetails/byName
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Details for an Assembly Name
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyDetails/byName/{name}
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Details for an Assembly Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyDetails/{id}
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Reference Versions for Assembly Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyRefVersions
Retrieve Genome Assembly Reference Versions for Assembly Names
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyRefVersions/byName
Retrieve Genome Assembly Reference Versions for an Assembly Name
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyRefVersions/byName/{name}
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Reference Versions for an Assembly Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyRefVersions/{id}
Retrieve Genomic Files for a Specimen Number and Specimen Vendor Number
Method: get
Path: /genomicspecimens/genomicFiles
Retrieve Jobs
Method: get
Path: /jobs
Retrieve Pathways
Method: get
Path: /pathways
Retrieve HUGO Names for a Pathway Identifier
Method: get
Path: /pathways/{id}
Retrieve Medications for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/administeredmedications
Retrieve Patient Clinical Specimen Queries Status
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries
Retrieve Patient Clinical Specimen Using Query Criteria
Method: post
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries
Retrieve Count of Patient Specimens for a Query Name/Criteria
Method: post
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/count
Delete Patient Clinical Specimen API Query by Query Identifier
Method: delete
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}
Retrieve Patient Clinical Specimen Query Status
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}
Retrieve Conditions for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/conditions
Retrieve Consent for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/consents
Retrieve Clinical Encounters for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/encounters
Retrieve Observations for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/observations
Retrieve Demographics for Cohort List Name or Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients
Retrieve History for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/history
Retrieve Patient Queries Status
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries
Invoke Patient Query
Method: post
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries
Retrieve Patients Count
Method: post
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries/count
Delete Patient API Query
Method: delete
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries/{id}
Retrieve Patient Query Status for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries/{id}
Retrieve Patient Query Results for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries/{id}/data
Retrieve Demographics for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}
Retrieve Medications for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/administeredmedications
Retrieve Conditions for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/conditions
Retrieve Consent for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/consent
Retrieve Clinical Encounters for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/encounters
Retrieve Ethnicity for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/ethnicity
Retrieve History for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/history
Retrieve Observations for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/observations
Retrieve Procedures for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/procedures
Retrieve Race for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/race
Retrieve Subjects for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/subjects
Retrieve Procedures for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/procedures
Retrieve Saved Queries
Method: get
Path: /savedqueries
Retrieve Studies for Study Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /studies
Retrieve Studies for Study Identifiers and Names
Method: get
Path: /studies/search
Retrieve Studies for a Study Identifier
Method: get
Path: /studies/{id}
Retrieve Study Specimens for a Study Identifier
Method: get
Path: /studies/{id}/specimens
Retrieve Study Subjects for a Study Identifier
Method: get
Path: /studies/{id}/subjects
Retrieve Medications for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/administeredmedications
Retrieve Subject Clinical Specimen Queries Status
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries
Retrieve Subject Clinical Specimen Using Query Criteria
Method: post
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries
Retrieve Count of Subject Specimens for a Query Name/Criteria
Method: post
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/count
Delete Subject Clinical Specimen API Query by Query Identifier
Method: delete
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}
Retrieve Subject Clinical Specimen Query Status
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}
Retrieve Conditions for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/conditions
Retrieve Consent for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/consents
Retrieve Observations for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/observations
Retrieve Procedures for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/procedures
Retrieve Demographics for Cohort List Name or Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects
Retrieve History for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/history
Retrieve Subject Queries Status
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries
Invoke Subject Query
Method: post
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries
Retrieve Subjects Count
Method: post
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries/count
Delete Subject API Query
Method: delete
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries/{id}
Retrieve Subject Query Status for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries/{id}
Retrieve Subject Query Results for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries/{id}/data
Retrieve Demographics for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}
Retrieve Medications for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/administeredmedications
Retrieve Conditions for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/conditions
Retrieve Consent for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/consent
Retrieve Ethnicity for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/ethnicity
Retrieve History for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/history
Retrieve Observations for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/observations
Retrieve Patient for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/patients
Retrieve Procedures for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/procedures
Retrieve Race for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/race
Retrieve Variants for Chromosome
Method: get
Path: /variants/byChromosome
Retrieve Variants for Chromosome and Allele
Method: get
Path: /variants/byChromosome/byAllele
Retrieve Variants for Variant Effect and Chromosome
Method: get
Path: /variants/byEffect/byChromosome
Retrieve Variants for Variant Effect and Gene Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /variants/byEffect/byGenewid
Retrieve Variants for Gene Identifiers and Gene Components
Method: get
Path: /variants/byGeneComponents
Retrieve Variants for Prediction and Chromosome
Method: get
Path: /variants/byPrediction/byChromosome
Retrieve Variants for Prediction and Gene Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /variants/byPrediction/byGenewid
Retrieve Variants for Reference Identifiers and Database with GET Request
Method: get
Path: /variants/byReferenceId
Retrieve Variants for Reference Identifiers and Database with POST Request
Method: post
Path: /variants/byReferenceId
Retrieve Variant Annotations for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}
Retrieve Variant Cancers for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/cancer
Retrieve Diseases for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/diseases
Retrieve Variant Effects for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/variantEffects
Retrieve Variant Predictions for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/variantPredictions
Retrieve Variant References for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/variantXRef
Retrieve Clinical Specimen for Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Alias for Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/aliases
Retrieve Genomics Specimen Identifiers for Clinical Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/genomicspecimens
Retrieve Clinical Specimens having Omics Data for Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/hasOmicsData
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Metadata for Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/metadata
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Query Results for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}/data
Retrieve Clinical Specimen for a Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Alias for a Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}/aliases
Retrieve Genomic Specimens for a Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}/genomicspecimens
Retrieve Clinical Specimens having Omics Data for Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}/hasOmicsData
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Metadata for a Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}/metadata
Retrieve Genomic Specimen details for Clinical Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/genomicspecimens
Retrieve Genomic Specimen details for a Clinical Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/genomicspecimens/{id}
Retrieve Genomic Specimen File Metadata for Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/genomicspecimens/{id}/fileMetadata
Retrieve Genomic Specimen Metadata for Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/genomicspecimens/{id}/metadata
Administration APIs
Reload Configuration Cache
Method: delete
Path: /config
Update Configuration Value
Method: put
Path: /config
Cohort Selection/Clinical Specimen
Delete Patient Clinical Specimen API Query by Query Identifier
Method: delete
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}
Delete Subject Clinical Specimen API Query by Query Identifier
Method: delete
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}
Retrieve Patient Clinical Specimen Queries Status
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries
Retrieve Patient Clinical Specimen Query Status
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}
Retrieve Subject Clinical Specimen Queries Status
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries
Retrieve Subject Clinical Specimen Query Status
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Query Results for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}/data
Retrieve Patient Clinical Specimen Using Query Criteria
Method: post
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries
Retrieve Count of Patient Specimens for a Query Name/Criteria
Method: post
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/count
Retrieve Subject Clinical Specimen Using Query Criteria
Method: post
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries
Retrieve Count of Subject Specimens for a Query Name/Criteria
Method: post
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/count
Cohort Selection/Patient
Delete Patient API Query
Method: delete
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries/{id}
Retrieve Patient Queries Status
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries
Retrieve Patient Query Status for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries/{id}
Retrieve Patient Query Results for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries/{id}/data
Invoke Patient Query
Method: post
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries
Retrieve Patients Count
Method: post
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries/count
Cohort Selection/Subject
Delete Subject API Query
Method: delete
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries/{id}
Retrieve Subject Queries Status
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries
Retrieve Subject Query Status for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries/{id}
Retrieve Subject Query Results for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries/{id}/data
Invoke Subject Query
Method: post
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries
Retrieve Subjects Count
Method: post
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries/count
Demographics Patient APIs
Retrieve Demographics for Cohort List Name or Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients
Retrieve Demographics for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}
Retrieve Subjects for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/subjects
Demographics Subject APIs
Retrieve Demographics for Cohort List Name or Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects
Retrieve Demographics for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}
Retrieve Patient for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/patients
Genomic Export (VCF)
Delete Export Definition
Method: delete
Path: /exports/{id}
Retrieve Export Definitions for Export Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /exports
Retrieve Jobs for an Export Identifier
Method: get
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs
Retrieve Job Status for an Export Identifier and Job Identifier
Method: get
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs/{jobId}
Retrieve Exported Data for a Job
Method: get
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs/{jobId}/data
Retrieve Job Information for an Export Identifier and Job Identifier
Method: get
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs/{jobId}/info
Retrieve Export Definition for an Export Identifier
Method: get
Path: /exports/{id}
Retrieve Jobs
Method: get
Path: /jobs
Create Export Definition
Method: post
Path: /exports
Create Export Job for an Export Definition
Method: post
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs
Genomic Reference/Assembly
Genomic Reference Assembly APIs
Retrieve Genomic Assemblies
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblies
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Details for Assembly Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyDetails
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Details for Assembly Names
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyDetails/byName
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Details for an Assembly Name
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyDetails/byName/{name}
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Details for an Assembly Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyDetails/{id}
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Reference Versions for Assembly Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyRefVersions
Retrieve Genome Assembly Reference Versions for Assembly Names
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyRefVersions/byName
Retrieve Genome Assembly Reference Versions for an Assembly Name
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyRefVersions/byName/{name}
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Reference Versions for an Assembly Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyRefVersions/{id}
Genomic Reference/Gene
Genomic Reference Gene APIs
Retrieve Genes for an Assembly Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/byAssembly/{id}
Retrieve Genes for Chromosome
Method: get
Path: /genes/byChromosome/{name}/{id}
Retrieve Genes for Gene Names
Method: get
Path: /genes/byGeneName
Retrieve Genes for a Gene Name
Method: get
Path: /genes/byGeneName/{name}/{alignmentId}
Retrieve Genes for Geneset Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genes/byGeneSet
Retrieve Genes for a Geneset Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/byGeneSet/{id}/{alignmentId}
Retrieve Genes for HUGO Names
Method: get
Path: /genes/byHugoName
Retrieve Genes for a HUGO Name
Method: get
Path: /genes/byHugoName/{name}/{alignmentId}
Retrieve Genes for Pathway Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genes/byPathway
Retrieve Genes for a Pathway Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/byPathway/{id}/{alignmentId}
Retrieve Genomic Positions for Gene Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genes/genomicPositions
Retrieve Gene for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}
Retrieve Cancers for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/cancer
Retrieve Gene Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components
Retrieve CDS Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/CDS
Retrieve STS Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/STS
Retrieve Exon Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/exon
Retrieve Intron Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/intron
Retrieve mRNA Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/mRNA
Retrieve misc_RNA Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/misc_RNA
Retrieve misc_feature Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/misc_feature
Retrieve Diseases for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/diseases
Retrieve Drugs for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/drugs
Retrieve Gene References for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/geneXref
Retrieve Genomic Positions for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/genomicPositions
Retrieve Pathways for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/pathways
Retrieve Proteins for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/proteins
Retrieve Transcripts for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/transcripts
Retrieve CDS Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/CDS
Retrieve STS Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/STS
Retrieve Exon Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/exon
Retrieve Intron Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/intron
Retrieve mRNA Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/mRNA
Retrieve misc_RNA Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/misc_RNA
Retrieve misc_feature Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/misc_feature
Genomic Reference/GeneSet
Genomic Reference Geneset APIs
Delete Geneset by Geneset Identifier
Method: delete
Path: /geneSets/delete/{id}
Retrieve Genesets
Method: get
Path: /geneSets
Retrieve Genes for a Geneset Identifier
Method: get
Path: /geneSets/{id}
Create Geneset
Method: post
Path: /geneSets/create
Genomic Reference/Pathway
Genomic Reference Pathway APIs
Retrieve Pathways
Method: get
Path: /pathways
Retrieve HUGO Names for a Pathway Identifier
Method: get
Path: /pathways/{id}
Genomic Reference/Variant
Retrieve Variants for Chromosome
Method: get
Path: /variants/byChromosome
Retrieve Variants for Chromosome and Allele
Method: get
Path: /variants/byChromosome/byAllele
Retrieve Variants for Variant Effect and Chromosome
Method: get
Path: /variants/byEffect/byChromosome
Retrieve Variants for Variant Effect and Gene Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /variants/byEffect/byGenewid
Retrieve Variants for Gene Identifiers and Gene Components
Method: get
Path: /variants/byGeneComponents
Retrieve Variants for Prediction and Chromosome
Method: get
Path: /variants/byPrediction/byChromosome
Retrieve Variants for Prediction and Gene Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /variants/byPrediction/byGenewid
Retrieve Variants for Reference Identifiers and Database with GET Request
Method: get
Path: /variants/byReferenceId
Retrieve Variant Annotations for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}
Retrieve Variant Cancers for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/cancer
Retrieve Diseases for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/diseases
Retrieve Variant Effects for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/variantEffects
Retrieve Variant Predictions for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/variantPredictions
Retrieve Variant References for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/variantXRef
Retrieve Variants for Reference Identifiers and Database with POST Request
Method: post
Path: /variants/byReferenceId
Manage Cohort
Delete Cohort List
Method: delete
Path: /cohortlists/delete/{id}
Retrieve Saved Cohort Lists
Method: get
Path: /cohortlists
Retrieve Cohort List Members for a Cohort List Identifier
Method: get
Path: /cohortlists/{id}
Retrieve Saved Queries
Method: get
Path: /savedqueries
Create Cohort List
Method: post
Path: /cohortlists/create
Phenotype/Administered Medications
Phenotype Medication APIs
Retrieve Medications for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/administeredmedications
Retrieve Medications for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/administeredmedications
Retrieve Medications for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/administeredmedications
Retrieve Medications for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/administeredmedications
Phenotype/Conditions (Diagnosis)
Phenotype Condition APIs
Retrieve Conditions for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/conditions
Retrieve Conditions for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/conditions
Retrieve Conditions for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/conditions
Retrieve Conditions for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/conditions
Phenotype Consent APIs
Retrieve Consent for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/consents
Retrieve Consent for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/consent
Retrieve Consent for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/consents
Retrieve Consent for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/consent
Phenotype Encounter APIs
Retrieve Clinical Encounters for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/encounters
Retrieve Clinical Encounters for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/encounters
Phenotype Ethnicity APIs
Retrieve Ethnicity for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/ethnicity
Retrieve Ethnicity for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/ethnicity
Phenotype History APIs
Retrieve History for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/history
Retrieve History for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/history
Retrieve History for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/history
Retrieve History for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/history
Phenotype Observation APIs
Retrieve Observations for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/observations
Retrieve Observations for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/observations
Retrieve Observations for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/observations
Retrieve Observations for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/observations
Phenotype Procedure APIs
Retrieve Procedures for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/procedures
Retrieve Procedures for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/procedures
Retrieve Procedures for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/procedures
Retrieve Procedures for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/procedures
Phenotype Race APIs
Retrieve Race for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/race
Retrieve Race for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/race
Retrieve Clinical Specimen for Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Alias for Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/aliases
Retrieve Clinical Specimens having Omics Data for Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/hasOmicsData
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Metadata for Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/metadata
Retrieve Clinical Specimen for a Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Alias for a Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}/aliases
Retrieve Clinical Specimens having Omics Data for Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}/hasOmicsData
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Metadata for a Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}/metadata
Retrieve Genomic Files for a Specimen Number and Specimen Vendor Number
Method: get
Path: /genomicspecimens/genomicFiles
Retrieve Genomics Specimen Identifiers for Clinical Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/genomicspecimens
Retrieve Genomic Specimens for a Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}/genomicspecimens
Retrieve Genomic Specimen details for Clinical Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/genomicspecimens
Retrieve Genomic Specimen details for a Clinical Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/genomicspecimens/{id}
Retrieve Genomic Specimen File Metadata for Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/genomicspecimens/{id}/fileMetadata
Retrieve Genomic Specimen Metadata for Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/genomicspecimens/{id}/metadata
Retrieve Studies for Study Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /studies
Retrieve Studies for Study Identifiers and Names
Method: get
Path: /studies/search
Retrieve Studies for a Study Identifier
Method: get
Path: /studies/{id}
Retrieve Study Specimens for a Study Identifier
Method: get
Path: /studies/{id}/specimens
Retrieve Study Subjects for a Study Identifier
Method: get
Path: /studies/{id}/subjects
All Endpoints
Delete Cohort List
Method: delete
Path: /cohortlists/delete/{id}
Reload Configuration Cache
Method: delete
Path: /config
Delete Export Definition
Method: delete
Path: /exports/{id}
Delete Geneset by Geneset Identifier
Method: delete
Path: /geneSets/delete/{id}
Delete Patient Clinical Specimen API Query by Query Identifier
Method: delete
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}
Delete Patient API Query
Method: delete
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries/{id}
Delete Subject Clinical Specimen API Query by Query Identifier
Method: delete
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}
Delete Subject API Query
Method: delete
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries/{id}
Retrieve Saved Cohort Lists
Method: get
Path: /cohortlists
Retrieve Cohort List Members for a Cohort List Identifier
Method: get
Path: /cohortlists/{id}
Retrieve Export Definitions for Export Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /exports
Retrieve Jobs for an Export Identifier
Method: get
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs
Retrieve Job Status for an Export Identifier and Job Identifier
Method: get
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs/{jobId}
Retrieve Exported Data for a Job
Method: get
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs/{jobId}/data
Retrieve Job Information for an Export Identifier and Job Identifier
Method: get
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs/{jobId}/info
Retrieve Export Definition for an Export Identifier
Method: get
Path: /exports/{id}
Retrieve Genesets
Method: get
Path: /geneSets
Retrieve Genes for a Geneset Identifier
Method: get
Path: /geneSets/{id}
Retrieve Genes for an Assembly Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/byAssembly/{id}
Retrieve Genes for Chromosome
Method: get
Path: /genes/byChromosome/{name}/{id}
Retrieve Genes for Gene Names
Method: get
Path: /genes/byGeneName
Retrieve Genes for a Gene Name
Method: get
Path: /genes/byGeneName/{name}/{alignmentId}
Retrieve Genes for Geneset Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genes/byGeneSet
Retrieve Genes for a Geneset Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/byGeneSet/{id}/{alignmentId}
Retrieve Genes for HUGO Names
Method: get
Path: /genes/byHugoName
Retrieve Genes for a HUGO Name
Method: get
Path: /genes/byHugoName/{name}/{alignmentId}
Retrieve Genes for Pathway Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genes/byPathway
Retrieve Genes for a Pathway Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/byPathway/{id}/{alignmentId}
Retrieve Genomic Positions for Gene Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genes/genomicPositions
Retrieve Gene for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}
Retrieve Cancers for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/cancer
Retrieve Gene Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components
Retrieve CDS Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/CDS
Retrieve STS Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/STS
Retrieve Exon Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/exon
Retrieve Intron Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/intron
Retrieve mRNA Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/mRNA
Retrieve misc_RNA Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/misc_RNA
Retrieve misc_feature Components for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/components/misc_feature
Retrieve Diseases for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/diseases
Retrieve Drugs for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/drugs
Retrieve Gene References for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/geneXref
Retrieve Genomic Positions for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/genomicPositions
Retrieve Pathways for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/pathways
Retrieve Proteins for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/proteins
Retrieve Transcripts for a Gene Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/transcripts
Retrieve CDS Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/CDS
Retrieve STS Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/STS
Retrieve Exon Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/exon
Retrieve Intron Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/intron
Retrieve mRNA Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/mRNA
Retrieve misc_RNA Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/misc_RNA
Retrieve misc_feature Components for a Gene Identifier and Structure Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genes/{id}/{structure}/components/misc_feature
Retrieve Genomic Assemblies
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblies
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Details for Assembly Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyDetails
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Details for Assembly Names
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyDetails/byName
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Details for an Assembly Name
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyDetails/byName/{name}
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Details for an Assembly Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyDetails/{id}
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Reference Versions for Assembly Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyRefVersions
Retrieve Genome Assembly Reference Versions for Assembly Names
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyRefVersions/byName
Retrieve Genome Assembly Reference Versions for an Assembly Name
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyRefVersions/byName/{name}
Retrieve Genomic Assembly Reference Versions for an Assembly Identifier
Method: get
Path: /genomeAssemblyRefVersions/{id}
Retrieve Genomic Files for a Specimen Number and Specimen Vendor Number
Method: get
Path: /genomicspecimens/genomicFiles
Retrieve Jobs
Method: get
Path: /jobs
Retrieve Pathways
Method: get
Path: /pathways
Retrieve HUGO Names for a Pathway Identifier
Method: get
Path: /pathways/{id}
Retrieve Medications for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/administeredmedications
Retrieve Patient Clinical Specimen Queries Status
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries
Retrieve Patient Clinical Specimen Query Status
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}
Retrieve Conditions for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/conditions
Retrieve Consent for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/consents
Retrieve Clinical Encounters for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/encounters
Retrieve Observations for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/observations
Retrieve Demographics for Cohort List Name or Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients
Retrieve History for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/history
Retrieve Patient Queries Status
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries
Retrieve Patient Query Status for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries/{id}
Retrieve Patient Query Results for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries/{id}/data
Retrieve Demographics for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}
Retrieve Medications for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/administeredmedications
Retrieve Conditions for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/conditions
Retrieve Consent for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/consent
Retrieve Clinical Encounters for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/encounters
Retrieve Ethnicity for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/ethnicity
Retrieve History for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/history
Retrieve Observations for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/observations
Retrieve Procedures for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/procedures
Retrieve Race for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/race
Retrieve Subjects for a Patient Identifier
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/patients/{id}/subjects
Retrieve Procedures for Patient Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /patientapi/procedures
Retrieve Saved Queries
Method: get
Path: /savedqueries
Retrieve Studies for Study Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /studies
Retrieve Studies for Study Identifiers and Names
Method: get
Path: /studies/search
Retrieve Studies for a Study Identifier
Method: get
Path: /studies/{id}
Retrieve Study Specimens for a Study Identifier
Method: get
Path: /studies/{id}/specimens
Retrieve Study Subjects for a Study Identifier
Method: get
Path: /studies/{id}/subjects
Retrieve Medications for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/administeredmedications
Retrieve Subject Clinical Specimen Queries Status
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries
Retrieve Subject Clinical Specimen Query Status
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}
Retrieve Conditions for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/conditions
Retrieve Consent for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/consents
Retrieve Observations for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/observations
Retrieve Procedures for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/procedures
Retrieve Demographics for Cohort List Name or Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects
Retrieve History for Subject Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/history
Retrieve Subject Queries Status
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries
Retrieve Subject Query Status for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries/{id}
Retrieve Subject Query Results for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries/{id}/data
Retrieve Demographics for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}
Retrieve Medications for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/administeredmedications
Retrieve Conditions for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/conditions
Retrieve Consent for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/consent
Retrieve Ethnicity for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/ethnicity
Retrieve History for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/history
Retrieve Observations for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/observations
Retrieve Patient for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/patients
Retrieve Procedures for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/procedures
Retrieve Race for a Subject Identifier
Method: get
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/{id}/race
Retrieve Variants for Chromosome
Method: get
Path: /variants/byChromosome
Retrieve Variants for Chromosome and Allele
Method: get
Path: /variants/byChromosome/byAllele
Retrieve Variants for Variant Effect and Chromosome
Method: get
Path: /variants/byEffect/byChromosome
Retrieve Variants for Variant Effect and Gene Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /variants/byEffect/byGenewid
Retrieve Variants for Gene Identifiers and Gene Components
Method: get
Path: /variants/byGeneComponents
Retrieve Variants for Prediction and Chromosome
Method: get
Path: /variants/byPrediction/byChromosome
Retrieve Variants for Prediction and Gene Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /variants/byPrediction/byGenewid
Retrieve Variants for Reference Identifiers and Database with GET Request
Method: get
Path: /variants/byReferenceId
Retrieve Variant Annotations for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}
Retrieve Variant Cancers for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/cancer
Retrieve Diseases for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/diseases
Retrieve Variant Effects for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/variantEffects
Retrieve Variant Predictions for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/variantPredictions
Retrieve Variant References for a Variant Identifier
Method: get
Path: /variants/{id}/variantXRef
Retrieve Clinical Specimen for Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Alias for Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/aliases
Retrieve Genomics Specimen Identifiers for Clinical Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/genomicspecimens
Retrieve Clinical Specimens having Omics Data for Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/hasOmicsData
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Metadata for Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/metadata
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Query Results for a Query Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/queries/{id}/data
Retrieve Clinical Specimen for a Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Alias for a Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}/aliases
Retrieve Genomic Specimens for a Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}/genomicspecimens
Retrieve Clinical Specimens having Omics Data for Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}/hasOmicsData
Retrieve Clinical Specimen Metadata for a Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/clinicalspecimens/{id}/metadata
Retrieve Genomic Specimen details for Clinical Specimen Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/genomicspecimens
Retrieve Genomic Specimen details for a Clinical Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/genomicspecimens/{id}
Retrieve Genomic Specimen File Metadata for Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/genomicspecimens/{id}/fileMetadata
Retrieve Genomic Specimen Metadata for Specimen Identifier
Method: get
Path: /{apiContext}/genomicspecimens/{id}/metadata
Create Cohort List
Method: post
Path: /cohortlists/create
Create Export Definition
Method: post
Path: /exports
Create Export Job for an Export Definition
Method: post
Path: /exports/{exportId}/jobs
Create Geneset
Method: post
Path: /geneSets/create
Retrieve Patient Clinical Specimen Using Query Criteria
Method: post
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries
Retrieve Count of Patient Specimens for a Query Name/Criteria
Method: post
Path: /patientapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/count
Invoke Patient Query
Method: post
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries
Retrieve Patients Count
Method: post
Path: /patientapi/patients/queries/count
Retrieve Subject Clinical Specimen Using Query Criteria
Method: post
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries
Retrieve Count of Subject Specimens for a Query Name/Criteria
Method: post
Path: /subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/count
Invoke Subject Query
Method: post
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries
Retrieve Subjects Count
Method: post
Path: /subjectapi/subjects/queries/count
Retrieve Variants for Reference Identifiers and Database with POST Request
Method: post
Path: /variants/byReferenceId
Update Configuration Value
Method: put
Path: /config