5.1 Performing a Deployment

Before you deploy OpenStack services, ensure that you have set up your deployment, as described in Chapter 4, Setting up a Deployment.

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Container Registry and accept the Oracle Standard Terms and Restrictions for the Oracle software images.

    You only need to perform this step if you are using the Oracle Container Registry for your deployment.

    1. In a web browser, go to https://container-registry.oracle.com and sign in using your Oracle credentials.

    2. Click the Continue button at the top of the page, then scroll down and click the Accept button.

    Your acceptance of the Oracle Standard Terms and Restrictions is stored in a database that links the software images to your Oracle account. Your acceptance of the terms is valid for only eight hours from the time you last accepted it. This is subject to change without notice. If you do not deploy OpenStack services within the valid period for acceptance, you must repeat this step.

  2. Ensure that the Docker Engine is running on all the target nodes.

    To check that the Docker Engine is running:

    $ systemctl status docker.service
    ● docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
       Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
      Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
       Active: inactive (dead) since Tue 2016-03-29 13:20:53 BST; 2min 35s ago

    If the output of this command shows the status of the Docker service to be inactive (dead), start the Docker Engine:

    # systemctl start docker.service
  3. On the master node, log in as a user that is a member of the kolla group.

    You add users to the kolla group as part of setting up a master node, see Section 3.7, “Preparing a Separate Master Node”.

    You deploy OpenStack services with the kollacli command, and you must be a member of the kolla group to use this command.

  4. Check that the target nodes are configured correctly and ready for the deployment.

    $ kollacli host check all --predeploy

    This command is only suitable for an initial deployment. Do not use this command if OpenStack services have already been deployed.

    If you are adding nodes to a deployment and they are currently not running any OpenStack services, you can check the nodes individually.

    $ kollacli host check host --predeploy

    where host is the fully qualified domain name or IP address of the node.

    The checks verify that the nodes are ready to run OpenStack services, for example by checking whether the required network ports are available. If the check indicates a problem (you do not see a Success message), fix the problem before performing the deployment.

  5. Deploy OpenStack services to the target nodes.

    Use the kollacli deploy command to deploy services.

    • To deploy all enabled OpenStack services to all hosts:

      $ kollacli deploy

      Use this command to perform an initial deployment.

    • To deploy services serially (one host at a time).

      $ kollacli deploy --serial

      In a high availability environment, this is useful for updating existing services without interrupting them.

    • To add compute nodes to a deployment:

      $ kollacli deploy --hosts compute1.example.com,compute2.example.com

      The hosts must belong to the compute or storage group and no other group.

    If the deployment fails, see Chapter 8, Troubleshooting Deployment.