Test an interview or screen flow

Test an interview or screen flow

There are two ways in which you can test an interview or screen flow in Oracle Web Determinations:

What do you want to do?

Use Oracle Web Determinations in the debugger

Use Oracle Web Determinations externally

Start an interview in Web Determinations

Investigate a goal in Web Determinations

Create entity instances in Web Determinations

Review the reason for a decision in Web Determinations

Review a document generated from the interview

Review the data collected in Web Determinations

Save an interview in Web Determinations

Know what to test for

Use Oracle Web Determinations in the debugger

When running Oracle Web Determinations from within Oracle Policy Modeling you have the advantage of being able to use the other features available in the debugger. To start testing your rules using Oracle Web Determinations embedded in Oracle Policy Modeling:

  1. Select Build | Build and Debug
  2. In the Debug Options dialog box, select the option to debug With screens.

  3. Select the appropriate deployment option. The options are:
    * Build and deploy with built-in Oracle Web Determinations - most commonly you would use this option. If you want to completely replace the previously deployed version of the project , click the checkbox to Replace deployed version of Web Determinations.
    * Attach to existing Oracle Web Determinations Website - use this option if you want to connect to an existing instance of Oracle Web Determinations for Java or .NET. Enter the URL of the deployed rulebase. See below for how to enable debugging when choosing this option.
  4. Click OK. This will launch a session of Web Determinations.
    When you have finished testing your screens, stop the debugger by either closing the Debug view or by selecting Stop Debugging from the Build menu.

Enable debugging in a deployed instance of Oracle Web Determinations

By default, a deployed instance of Oracle Web Determinations doesn't support debugging. To enable debugging for either Java or .NET, the following change needs to be made to the configuration file:

  1. Open the application.properties file located in \Release\web-determinations\WEB-INF\classes\configuration.
  2. In the Deployment Properties section, change the enable.debugger setting to true.
  3. Save the application.properties file.
  4. Restart IIS. (To do this go to Control Panel/ Administrative Services/ Internet Information Services. Select the local computer/Web Sites/Default Web Site. Right click and select Stop, and then right click and select Start.)

Use Oracle Web Determinations externally

To start testing your rules using Oracle Web Determinations deployed to an external server:

  1. Select Build | Build and Run
  2. In the Build and Run dialog box, select the run mode.

    The options are:
    * Run with Oracle Web Determinations
    * Run with Oracle Determinations Server
    If you want to completely replace the previously deployed version of the project (located in the Release folder), click the checkbox to Replace deployed version for project.
  3. Click Run.

Start an interview in Web Determinations

When you launch Web Determinations it opens to the summary screen which lists a set of goals that you can investigate. What you see on this screen will depend on the labels and goals that you have defined for the default summary screen in your screens file.


(If no summary screen has been defined in Oracle Policy Modeling, the summary screen in Web Determinations will be blank.)

Click on any goal link to start investigating it.

Open a saved investigation

To open a saved investigation:

  1. Click on the Load link in the menu bar.

  2. This will open the Load Case screen which lists all of the existing saved cases.

  3. Click on the case name to open the investigation.

Investigate a goal in Web Determinations

Question screens are used to collect information during an interview. For example:



What you see on a question screen during your interview will depend on whether the attribute that needs an answer is defined on a question screen in your screens file in Oracle Policy Modeling (see Create a question screen for more information). If it is, the labels, format and behaviour of that attribute on the question screen in Web Determinations will be as defined on the question screen in that file. If the attribute does not exist on a question screen in the screens file then the attribute will be displayed on an Automatic question screen in Web Determinations.

You must answer questions in the format specified by the Region setting for your rulebase, for example you must enter dates or currency values in the correct format.

On question screens, mandatory questions are identified by the icon *. You must provide an answer to these questions before you can continue on to the next screen in the interview.

TIP: If you are using Web Determinations in the debugger, at any point in an interview you can switch to the Data view to see which attributes are known.

Progress stages

At the top of the interview screen is a section which shows the screen/stage you are currently on (in bold) and gives a measure of 'how known' the goal is that you are investigating.

If question screens are grouped into sub-folders in the screens file, the subfolders will be used as the progress stages.

This feature only works when a screen order is defined. To turn off this feature, change the show-progress-stages setting to false in the appearance.properties file that is located in \Release\web-determinations\WEB-INF\classes\configuration for the project.

NOTE: This is not a navigation tool.

Progress bar

Another option for the display of progress through an interview is a progress bar:

To turn on this feature, change the show-progress-bar setting to true in the appearance.properties file that is located in \Release\web-determinations\WEB-INF\classes\configuration for the project.

NOTE: The calculation of progress is based entirely on attributes, not on screens, which means that the progress bar works even if you are not using a screen order or even if you have automatic screens. It will not appear while executing a screen flow.

Help text

If help text is available for a question, this can be accessed by clicking on the question text.

When you have answered the questions on a screen, click the Submit button to move to the next screen in the interview. Continue to work through the interview process until no more question screens are presented to you. The number of screens shown will depend on your answers to the questions.


When Web Determinations reaches a conclusion for the chosen goal in the assessment, no more questions will be asked and you will be returned to the Summary screen where the conclusion is displayed.



At this point you have several options:

Create entity instances in Web Determinations

To create an entity instance in Web Determinations, you click on the Add button (eg Add New Instance, Add Child) when presented with the entity collection screen. (The entity collection screen is defined in Oracle Policy Modeling, including the name of the Add New Instance button, see Define a screen for collecting entity instances for more information. If you have not yet defined one, an automatic (default) entity collect screen will be displayed in Web Determinations.)



Fill in the required fields and use the Add button to create additional entity instances. Then click Submit to move to the next screen in the interview.

NOTE: In Web Determinations, the entity completion status is set automatically.

Review the reason for a decision in Web Determinations

When the interview has reached a conclusion, you can obtain a structured list of the reasons for that conclusion. This type of audit trail is known as a decision report.

The decision report is a "map" of the rules traversed in the rulebase in order to prove the current conclusion. Attributes that are proved by other attributes are displayed hierarchically, down to the level at which the user has entered data.

To see the decision report for your assessment, click on the [Why ?] link next to the interview goal on the Summary screen.


A decision report looks like this:



You can expand and collapse nodes in the report by clicking on the + and - signs.

Clicking on a base level attribute will open the screen on which that attribute was collected, allowing you to change the value for it.

Decision reports can be modified to prevent superfluous details from being shown. For more information, see Hide information in a decision report.

Where an inferred attribute has several values over time these will be listed in the decision report:


Review a document generated from the interview

If there are any interview documents (eg assessment notices or personalized claim forms) you can access these from the Summary screen. Click on the appropriate link to generate the document.



If the interview document is a PDF, RTF or Excel file, you will prompted to Open or Save the file. If the document is a HTML file, it will open directly in Web Determinations.


  1. If clicking the document link prompts you to save an XML file, the Generate Xml Data checkbox for the document control in the summary screen has be selected, and will need to be unselected in order to view the actual generated document.
  2. If your document is not generated, or if elements in your generated document do not appear, see the Troubleshooting guide for using BI Publisher with Oracle Policy Modeling.

Review the data collected in Web Determinations

You can review the data already collected in an investigation by visiting the data review screen. To access this screen click on the Data Review link on the Summary screen. This screen provides a list of all the questions answered during an interview. Pre-seeded data will also be displayed.

An example of a data review screen is:



On this screen you can click on the links provided to go directly to the relevant question screen. This allows you to change the information entered on those screens, and determine whether changes to that information affects system decisions.

If a screen order has been defined in the screens file in Oracle Policy Modeling, the data review screen in Web Determinations will list screens according to that order.

If no screen order has been defined in your screens file, the screens will be listed in a random order without reference to the order in which they have appeared in the interview. It is therefore recommended that you always define a screen order in your screens file. See Define interview screen order for more information.

The formatting of attribute values in Oracle Web Determinations, including date, number and currency values, is set based on the Region specified in the Project Properties for the rulebase. See the Oracle Policy Automation Developer's Guide for details on how to override this if required.

TIP: You can change the name of this screen. See Change the title of the data review screen for more information.

Save an interview in Web Determinations

At any point during an interview, you may want to save it. Saved interviews can be reloaded at a later time, allowing you to continue the assessment or modify it.

To save a new interview, click the Save link on the Summary screen. To save an existing interview click on the Save As link on the Summary screen.



The Save As screen will be shown. This allows you to enter a name for the assessment and save the case.



To save an interview that has previously been saved, on the Summary screen:

Know what to test for

Using Web Determinations you can undertake an interview to ensure that your screens are effective and working as expected. You should make sure that you check that: