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Java Platform Micro Edition Software Development Kit Version 3.0, Mac OS

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Document Information

Getting Started


Using Sample Projects

Creating and Editing Projects

Project Types

The Project Wizard

Project Template Page

Name and Location Page

WTK MIDP Project Location

Platform Selection Page (MIDP)

Create a CLDC Project

Working With Projects

View Project Files

Create a New MIDlet

Import a Legacy MIDP Project

Add Files to a Project

Search Project Files

Viewing and Editing Project Properties

Running Projects in the Emulator

Searching the WURFL Device Database

Finding Files in the Multiple User Environment

Profiling Applications

Network Monitoring

Lightweight UI Toolkit

Security and MIDlet Signing

CLDC Emulation on a Windows Mobile Device

Installing CLDC Emulation on a Windows Mobile Emulator (Windows Only)

On-device Debugging

Command Line Reference


JSR Support

JSR 75: PDA Optional Packages

JSR 82: Bluetooth and OBEX Support

JSR 135: Mobile Media API Support

JSR 172: Web Services Support

JSR 177: Smart Card Security (SATSA)

JSR 179: Location API Support

JSR 180: SIP Communications

JSR 184: Mobile 3D Graphics

JSR 205: Wireless Messaging API (WMA) Support

JSR 211: Content Handler API (CHAPI)

JSR 226: Scalable 2D Vector Graphics

JSR 229: Payment API Support

JSR 238: Mobile Internationalization API (MIA)

JSR 256: Mobile Sensor API Support


Create a New MIDlet

To create a new MIDlet from the Files view, right‐click a project and select New > MIDlet. With this form you can specify the name of the MIDlet and its location within the selected project.

MIDlet Name. The name of the new MIDP class.

Midlet Class Name. The name that users see when the application runs on a device.

MIDlet Icon. The path to an icon associated with the MIDlet. Users see the icon when the application runs on a device.

Project. Displays the name of the project.

Package. Specifies the location of the MIDlet class. You can select an existing package from the drop down menu, or type in the name of a new package. The new package is created along with the class.

Created File. Displays the name and location of the MIDlet.

When the new MIDlet is created the SDK automatically adds it to the project’s Application Descriptor File.