Roadmap for Users

Oracle BI Enterprise Edition offers features for different kinds of users who perform various tasks. The largest user population is end users who create analyses and dashboards to enable them to glean important information about their business.

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Create analyses that show the data in views on dashboards. Share these analyses with co-workers, clients, and business partners. Content developers Creating Your First Analysis
Filter the data in the analyses. Content developers Creating Filters for Columns
Add views to the analysis. Content developers Adding Views
Add interactivity to the analysis. Content developers Adding Interactivity to Analyses
Create prompts to drive the display of data in the analyses on dashboard pages. Content developers Creating Prompts
Build interactive dashboards for users to analyze data. Content developers Creating Your First Dashboard
Find and explore content. Content developers and content consumers Finding and Exploring Existing Content
Analyze information for insight. Content consumers Analyzing and Interacting with Information for Insight