What's New in This Guide

This guide has been updated in several ways. The following table lists the sections that have been added or changed.

For a list of known issues (release notes), see the "Known Issues for Oracle SOA Products and Oracle AIA Foundation Pack" at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/docs/soa-aiafp-knownissuesindex-364630.html.

Sections Changes Made February 2013 May 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013
Chapter 2 Getting Started with Administering Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle BPM Suite            
Section 2.2.1, "Navigating Through the SOA Infrastructure Home Page and Menu" and Section 2.2.2, "Navigating Through the SOA Composite Application Home Page and Menu" Sections revised to describe the Home options in the SOA Infrastructure menu and SOA Composite menu that enable you to directly navigate to a selected tab of the SOA Infrastructure and SOA composite application home page, respectively. X        
Chapter 3 Configuring the SOA Infrastructure            
Section 3.1, "Configuring SOA Infrastructure Properties" Section revised to describe the bpelRecoveryAlertDurationInDays key of the AuditConfig property in the System MBean Browser. This key limits the BPEL Message Recovery Required inline warning message to be displayed only when recoverable BPEL messages have been created in the last seven days. The default setting of seven days can be changed. X        
Section 3.4.2, "Configuring Logging to Diagnose Performance Issues in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Pages" Section added to describe how you can trace the performance of costly API calls to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control page that made them. X        
Section 3.8, "Managing Global Token Variables for Multiple SOA Composite Applications" Section added to describe how you can define global token variables for specific URIs in SOA composite applications in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console. This provides an alternative to substituting values in each configuration plan. X        
Chapter 4 Monitoring the SOA Infrastructure            
Section 4.1, "Discovering the Oracle SOA Suite Routing Topology" Section added to describe how to use the Topology Viewer to view the routing relationships across components and elements. X        
Section 4.2, "Monitoring SOA Infrastructure Performance Summary Metrics" Section added to describe how to view a summary of SOA Infrastructure performance metrics on the Performance Summary page. X        
Chapter 5 Securing SOA Composite Applications            
Section 5.2, "Mapping the SOAOperator and SOAMonitor Roles to Oracle WebLogic Server Groups or Users" Section added to describe how to map the SOAMonitor and SOAOperator roles to Oracle WebLogic Server groups or users in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.     X    
Chapter 6 Monitoring SOA Composite Applications            
Section 6.1, "Monitoring SOA Composite Application Performance Summary Metrics" Section added to describe how to view a summary of SOA composite application performance metrics on the Performance Summary page. X        
Chapter 7 Deploying and Managing SOA Composite Applications            
Section 7.2, "Updating Instance, Fault, and Rejected Message States to Stale During Undeployment or Redeployment" Section added to describe how instances, faults, and rejected messages are marked as stale during undeployment and redeployment. X        
Chapter 8 Managing SOA Composite Application Instances            
Section 8.3, "Monitoring and Deleting SOA Composite Application Instances at the SOA Infrastructure Level" Section revised to describe the ability to search for composite sensors in the instances of all SOA composite applications in the SOA Infrastructure. X        
Section 8.2, "Monitoring and Deleting SOA Composite Application Instances from the Application Home Page" through Section 8.5, "Recovering from SOA Composite Application Faults in the Application Home Page" Sections revised to indicate that instances and faults are not displayed by default the first time you access the Instances pages and Faults and Rejected Messages pages of the SOA Infrastructure and SOA composite applications. You must click Search to display any instances and faults. X        
Section 8.8, "Migrating Instances Between Different SOA Composite Application Revisions" Section added to describe how to migrate running SOA composite application instances from one revision to another revision (for example, migrate an instance of CreditRatingService 1.0 to CreditRatingService 2.0). X        
Chapter 9 Developing a Database Growth Management Strategy   X        
Chapter 9, "Developing a Database Growth Management Strategy" Chapter added to describe how to manage database growth, including determining the profile or size of the database; monitoring space usage, hardware resources, and database performance; understanding growth management challenges and testing strategies; and understanding space management. X        
Chapter 10 Managing Database Growth            
Section 10.1, "Introduction to Managing Database Growth" Table added to describe the methods for managing database growth. X        
Section 10.3.1, "Looped Purge Script" Section updated to describe the ignore_state parameter. When set to true, all open and closed instances within the specified date range are purged. X        
Section 10.5, "Removing Records from the Runtime Tables Without Dropping the Tables" Section added to describe how to use the truncate script to remove all records from all Oracle SOA Suite tables without dropping the tables. X        
Section 10.6, "Recreating Tables with Open Composite Instances and Reclaiming Database Space" Section added to describe how use the table recreation script (TRS) to recreate Oracle SOA Suite tables while preserving open composite flows and reclaim space all at once without shrinking or rebuilding database segments (tables and indexes). X        
Section 10.7, "Purging Instances on Microsoft SQL Server" Section added to describe how to purge database instances in Microsoft SQL Server. X        
Section 10.7.3, "Running the Purge Scripts on Microsoft SQL Server" Section updated to indicate that English is the only supported language for running the purge scripts on Microsoft SQL Server.       X  
Chapter 11 Programmatically Managing SOA Composite Applications with the Facade API            
Section 11.1.1, "Security Credentials Required when Creating the Locator Object" Section added to describe how the creation of the locator object requires additional security credentials. X        
Chapter 12 Diagnosing Problems with SOA Composite Applications            
Section 12.1.3, "Predefined Incident Processing Rules" Section revised to describe how to dynamically load the rules file into the SOA Infrastructure without restarting the server and how to configure incident processing rules files through either the Diagnostic Framework or the SOA server home directory.   X      
Section 12.5.1, "Enabling Preconfigured Rules and Watches" Note added about contacting Oracle Support Services about patch number 2248452 if you experience issues with large numbers of incidents being created due to OWS-04086 errors.         X
Section 12.2.4, "Deployed Composite Metadata Diagnostic Dumps (soa.composite)" Section revised to describe the ecid dump parameter that matches SOA composite applications associated with the execution context ID (ECID). X        
Section 12.2.5, "Instance Audit Trail Diagnostic Dumps (soa.composite.trail)" Section revised to describe how the dump captures the top level audit trail associated with the ECID and the audit trails at the composite instances and service component instances levels. All are written in a file per composite instance/service component instance. X        
Section 12.2.8, "Dispatcher Static Configuration Diagnostic Dumps (bpel.dispatcher)," Section 12.2.9, "Average Instance Processing Time Diagnostic Dumps (bpel.apt)," Section 12.2.10, "Average Instance Processing Delay Diagnostic Dumps (bpel.apd)," Section 12.2.11, "Synchronous Process Statistics Diagnostic Dumps (bpel.sps)," Section 12.2.12, "Asynchronous Process Statistics Diagnostic Dumps (bpel.aps)," and Section 12.2.13, "Request Statistics Diagnostic Dumps (bpel.rs)" Sections added to describe how to perform BPEL process diagnostic dumps for the following:
  • Dispatcher configuration information about the static (system, invoke, engine, and audit thread counts) and runtime scheduled and working message count

  • Average instance processing time information

  • Average instance processing delay information (for asynchronous processes)

  • Minimum, maximum, and average processing time information (in milliseconds) and the count of instances processed (for synchronous processes)

  • Minimum, maximum, and average processing time information (in milliseconds) and the count of instances processed (for asynchronous processes)

  • Minimum, maximum, and average processing time information (in milliseconds) and count of requests processed as the request flows though various layers of the BPEL process service engine

Section 12.2.14, "Resequencer Group Processing Delay Diagnostic Dumps (mediator.resequencer)" Section added with information about finding Mediator diagnostic information about resequencer groups that have been pending for a certain period. X        
Section 12.2.15, "Adapter Diagnostic Dumps (soa.adapter.ra)," Section 12.2.16, "Adapter Diagnostic Dumps (soa.adapter.connpool)," and Section 12.2.17, "Adapter Diagnostic Dumps (soa.adapter.stats)" Sections added to describe how to perform adapter diagnostic dumps for the following:
  • Connection factory configuration information

  • Adapter connection pool information

  • Dynamic Monitoring Service (DMS) statistics such as message size and fault count

Section 12.3, "Executing Diagnostic Framework Thread Dumps for SOA Composite Applications" Section added to describe how to execute Diagnostic Framework thread dumps for SOA composite applications. X        
Section 12.5.1, "Enabling Preconfigured Rules and Watches" Section added to describe how to enable preconfigured rules and watches with the sca_createWatches WLST command. X        
Section 12.5.3, "Creating a Watch to Identify the Elapsed Time of Web Service Binding Calls" Section added to describe how to manually create a watch that keeps track of the time it takes for web service binding calls from a composite to an external references to complete. X        
Section 12.5.4, "Creating a Watch to Identify if Processing Delays Exceed a Specified Time Limit" Section added to describe how to create a watch that alerts you if the counts or message wait times or processing delays exceed a certain limit. X        
Section 12.5.5, "Creating Resequencer Watches and Notifications" Section added to describe how to create a watch that tracks how long it takes for resequencer groups to process messages. X        
Chapter 14 Monitoring BPEL Process Service Components and Engines            
Section 14.3, "Monitoring BPEL Process Service Component Instances" and Section 14.7, "Monitoring BPEL Process Service Engine Instances" Sections revised to indicate that instances are not displayed by default the first time you access the Instances pages of the BPEL process service component and BPEL process service engine. You must click Search to display any instances. X        
Section 14.6.1, "Viewing Low Level Request Breakdown Table Details" and Section 14.9, "Viewing Statistics About the Time a Request Spends in the BPEL Process Service Engine" Section added to describe how you can configure the Request Breakdown part of the Statistics page to display lower level details about the time a request spends in various service engine layers during processing. X        
Chapter 15 Managing BPEL Process Service Components and Engines            
Section 15.1, "Recovering from BPEL Process Service Component Faults" and Section 15.3, "Recovering from BPEL Process Service Engine Faults" Sections revised to indicate that faults are not displayed by default the first time you access the Faults pages of the BPEL process service component and BPEL process service engine. You must click Search to display any faults. X        
Section 15.4, "Performing BPEL Process Service Engine Message Recovery" Section revised to describe the following options on the Recovery page of the BPEL process service engine:
  • The Abort option enables you to terminate the entire composite instance flow in the context of the ECID. All composite instances and component instances associated with the flow are terminated.

  • The Cancel Without Abort option enables you to cancel the delivery of the selected BPEL process messages, and not the entire composite instance flow in which the messages are included.

Section 15.5, "Storing Instance and Message Data in Oracle Coherence Distributed Cache on Oracle Exalogic Platforms" Sections revised to describe properties for configuring the storage of the audit trail and invocation messages to Oracle Coherence cache. X        
Chapter 17 Monitoring Oracle Mediator Service Components and Engines            
Section 17.2.2, "Monitoring Oracle Mediator Service Component Instances" and Section 17.3.2, "Monitoring Oracle Mediator Service Engine Instances" Sections revised to indicate that instances are not displayed by default the first time you access the Instances pages of the Oracle Mediator service component and Oracle Mediator service engine. You must click Search to display any faults. X        
Section, "Mediator Resequencing Group Dialog" Section revised to include information about the new skip feature for standard resequencer groups. This option allows you to skip the next ID in the sequence to expedite processing. X        
Chapter 18 Managing Oracle Mediator Service Components and Engines            
Section 18.1, "Recovering From Oracle Mediator Service Component Faults" and Section 18.3, "Recovering From Oracle Mediator Service Engine Faults" Sections revised to indicate that faults are not displayed by default the first time you access the Faults pages of the Oracle Mediator service component and Oracle Mediator service engine. You must click Search to display any faults. X        
Chapter 20 Managing Oracle Mediator Service Components and Engines            
Section 20.3, "Monitoring Business Rules Service Engine Instances" and Section 20.4, "Monitoring Business Rules Service Engine Faults" Sections revised to indicate that instances and faults are not displayed by default the first time you access the Instances page and Faults page, respectively, of the business rule service engine. You must click Search to display any faults. X        
Chapter 22 Monitoring Human Workflow Service Components and Engines            
Section 22.3, "Monitoring Human Task Service Component Instances" and Section 22.6, "Monitoring Human Workflow Service Engine Instances" Sections revised to indicate that instances are not displayed by default the first time you access the Instances pages of the human task process service component and human workflow service engine. You must click Search to display any instances. X        
Chapter 23 Managing Human Workflow Service Components and Engines            
Section 23.2, "Recovering from Human Workflow Service Engine Faults" and Section 23.4, "Recovering from Human Task Service Component Faults" Sections revised to indicate that faults are not displayed by default the first time you access the Faults pages of the human workflow service engine and human task process service component. You must click Search to display any faults. X        
Chapter 36 Configuring Service and Reference Binding Components            
Section, "Oracle MQ Series Adapter" Note added indicating that the MQ Series adapter does not support browsing messages in the queue for service binding components.       X  
Chapter 39 Monitoring Human Workflow Service Components and Engines            
Section 40.3, "Monitoring BPMN Process Service Component Instances" and Section 40.6, "Monitoring BPMN Process Service Engine Instances" Sections revised to indicate that instances are not displayed by default the first time you access the Instances pages of the BPMN process service component and BPMN process service engine. You must click Search to display any instances. X        
Chapter 40 Managing Human Workflow Service Components and Engines            
Section 41.1, "Recovering from BPMN Process Service Component Faults" and Section 41.3, "Recovering from BPMN Process Service Engine Faults" Sections revised to indicate that faults are not displayed by default the first time you access the Faults pages of the BPMN process service component and BPMN process service engine. You must click Search to display any faults. X        
Appendix A Installing the Demo User Community in the Database            
Appendix A, "Installing the Demo User Community in the Database" Section revised to include the steps for installing the demo user community in the database. These steps were previously only included in the README.txt file that is part of the workflow-001-DemoCommunitySeedApp sample available from the Oracle SOA Suite samples site. X        
Appendix C Roles and Privileges for Oracle SOA Suite Users in Oracle Enterprise Manager            
Section C.1, "Roles and Privileges" Selected revised to indicate that the actions that you can perform in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control are protected using Oracle WebLogic Server enterprise roles (Monitor, Operator, and Administrator). To get the appropriate behavior in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, you must correctly map either the user or enterprise role to the SOA application role.       X  
Appendix C, "Roles and Privileges for Oracle SOA Suite Users in Oracle Enterprise Manager" Table headers in appendix revised to indicate the mapping required between Oracle WebLogic Server enterprise roles and Oracle SOA Suite application roles         X