47 Adding Lists of Information to a Portal

This chapter describes how to manage lists in WebCenter Portal. Create lists from Excel spreadsheets or from prebuilt templates, or create your own custom lists from scratch. When you create a list, it becomes available in the resource catalog. When the list becomes available in the resource catalog, you can then add the list from the catalog to any page in the portal in which it was created.

This chapter includes the following topics:


To perform the tasks in this chapter, you need the portal-level permission Manage Security and Configuration or Manage Configuration. A portal moderator has this permission by default. Additionally:
  • To add and work with the Lists task flow, you need permissions to Edit Pages (to add the Lists task flow to a page).

  • To create and manage lists, you need the permission Basic Services: Edit Page Access, Structure, and Content (simple permissions) or Create, Edit, and Delete Pages (advanced permissions).

Permissions to work with lists are granted by default to the portal Participant role. To manage access to lists, you need one or more advanced permissions:

  • Create, Edit, and Delete Lists

  • Create Lists

  • Edit Lists

  • Delete Lists

  • Edit List Data

  • View Lists

For more information about permissions, see Section 29.1, "About Roles and Permissions for a Portal."

47.1 Prerequisites for Working with Lists

For lists to be available in a portal, the portal moderator or anyone with Manage Security and Configuration or Manage Configuration permission must perform the following tasks:


For information about working with lists, Section 47.6, "Working with the Lists Task Flow."

47.2 About Lists

Lists provides a means of creating, publishing, and managing lists of information. Lists are useful for tracking issues, capturing project milestones, publishing project assignments, and much more. The lists you create in WebCenter Portal can be widely varied in their complexity. For example, you can start with a list of team members, and then include columns for contact information, project role, and links to relevant documents, such as any plans or proposals associated with a listed team member.

The lists created in a portal are unique to that portal. A portal cannot consume the lists created in another portal.

Create and populate lists using the controls on the Lists page (or console) using the Lists viewer. Place populated lists on a page using the List Viewer task flow. Users must have appropriate permissions to perform actions on lists.

Use the controls on the Lists page to create and revise lists and list data and to view all of a portal's current lists (Figure 47-1).

Figure 47-1 Lists on the Lists Page

Description of Figure 47-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 47-1 Lists on the Lists Page''

On the Lists page, you can make use of templates for rapid creation of lists and other features for designing and revising list structure. If you prefer, you can create a list from scratch, adding, and configuring all of the columns yourself, or you can create a list from an Excel spreadsheet.

The List Viewer task flow (Figure 47-2) provides a means of placing a particular list on a page.

Figure 47-2 A List in the List Viewer Task Flow

Description of Figure 47-2 follows
Description of ''Figure 47-2 A List in the List Viewer Task Flow''

The List Viewer provides easy access to all the features required for adding and revising list data, importing or exporting list data, filtering list data, obtaining a list RSS feed (if RSS is enabled in the portal), and linking to other WebCenter Portal assets from the list and from a list row (see the "Linking Information in WebCenter Portal" chapter in Using Oracle WebCenter Portal).

Additionally, the List Viewer provides access to customization features that enable you to control the look of a particular list instance and its data. For example, use customization to control color banding of rows or columns or to apply filters to list data. For more information, see Section 47.6.1, "Customizing Lists."

Use the Lists page and the List Viewer to add and revise list data throughout the life of the list. Add and revise content directly on a list, or use the Export and Import features to send list data to an Excel file, revise it there, and then import it back into the original list in the portal (for more information, see Section 47.6.2, "Exporting a List and Importing a List from an Excel Spreadsheet").

The list is rendered within a List Viewer task flow. See Section 47.6, "Working with the Lists Task Flow" for more information.

The Lists page is available in any portal where lists is enabled. If the Lists page (or console) is not shown by default when you navigate to a portal, refer to Section 47.3, "Adding a Lists Page to a Portal" to expose the Lists page in the portal.


Lists are not available in the Home portal.

Through tight integration with links, lists provides the opportunity to associate other WebCenter Portal assets with an entire list or an individual list row. Linking enables you to associate documents, notes, and URLs with a list or a list row (see the "Linking Information in WebCenter Portal" chapter in Using Oracle WebCenter Portal).

Lists additionally provide RSS feeds for all lists, if RSS is enabled in the portal (see Section 7.2.7, "Enabling or Disabling RSS News Feeds for a Portal"). See the "Obtaining List News Feeds" section in Using Oracle WebCenter Portal for using RSS in lists.

47.3 Adding a Lists Page to a Portal

To provide navigation to the Lists page in a portal, you can add a page link to the portal navigation, as described in Section 13.2, "Adding an Existing Page to the Portal Navigation."


The Lists page (or console) is not automatically exposed when the tool is enabled or when the portal is created. However, if the portal template exposes the Lists page, the portal will also automatically expose this page.

47.4 Adding a Lists Task Flow to a Page

For the steps to add a lists task flow to a page, see Section 14.2, "Adding a Component to a Page."


The presence or location of a lists task flow in the resource catalog depends on how the resource catalog is configured. For example, in the Default Portal Catalog, the Lists folder is included under the Social and Communication folder. The Lists folder contains the lists that have been created using the Lists viewer on the Lists page. If no lists have been created, the Default Portal Catalog shows an empty folder

For more information about creating a list, editing the list structure, copying a list, and deleting a list, see the "Creating and Managing Lists" section in Using Oracle WebCenter Portal.

All of the lists created in a portal are available on the Lists page (or console) and through the portal's resource catalog (Figure 47-3).

Figure 47-3 Lists in the Resource Catalog

Description of Figure 47-3 follows
Description of ''Figure 47-3 Lists in the Resource Catalog''

If the portal has only one list that has been created on the Lists page (or console), you will see only that one list in the portal's resource catalog (Figure 47-4).

Figure 47-4 Lists in the Resource Catalog

Description of Figure 47-4 follows
Description of ''Figure 47-4 Lists in the Resource Catalog''

47.5 Setting List Viewer Task Flow Properties

The List Viewer task flow has associated properties, which users with sufficient privileges can access through the Component Properties dialog in Composer (Figure 47-5).

Figure 47-5 List Viewer Task Flow Parameters in the Component Properties Dialog

Description of Figure 47-5 follows
Description of ''Figure 47-5 List Viewer Task Flow Parameters in the Component Properties Dialog''

See Also:

For information about accessing the Component Properties dialog, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Component Properties."

The following sections provide information about properties associated with the List Viewer task flow and describe the parameters that are unique to it:

47.5.1 About List Viewer Task Flow Properties

When you set property values on a List Viewer task flow, you are affecting only the task flow instance on which the value is set. Other instances of the same task flow are not affected by such changes.

The properties on the Parameters tab of the Component Properties dialog control the default task flow content. For descriptions of the parameters on this tab, see Section 47.5.2, "List Viewer Task Flow Parameters." For some task flows, parameters on this tab facilitate the wiring of the task flow to page parameters and page definition variables. For more information, see Chapter 19, "Wiring Pages, Task Flows, Portlets, and ADF Components."

Changes to the properties on the Display Options, Style, and Content Style tabs affect the appearance and behavior of the task flow for all users. These properties are common to all task flows. For more information, see Section 14.3, "Modifying Component Properties."

All properties on the Parameters and Display Options tabs provide access to an Expression Language (EL) editor, which you can use to select or specify a variable value instead of a constant value. Click the Expression Editor icon icon next to a property, then select Expression Builder to open the editor.


When you enter EL on the generic Display Options tab in the Component Properties dialog, the parser reports an error only if it detects invalid syntax, such as a missing closing bracket. Validation is performed only on syntax, not on the expression value. Generic Display Options are those cataloged in Table 14-1, "Display Options Properties".

EL validation is not performed on non-generic display options.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see the "Expression Language Expressions" appendix in Developing Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal and Oracle JDeveloper.

The contents of the Events tab depend on the events supported by the task flow. For more information, see Section 14.3.7, "Working with Component Contextual Events."

47.5.2 List Viewer Task Flow Parameters

Table 47-1 describes the parameters that are unique to the List Viewer task flow. Note that List Viewer task flow parameter values are set automatically and should not be changed.

Table 47-1 List Viewer Task Flow Parameters

Parameter Description

List ID

A unique identifier for the list to show

Either List ID or Local List ID must have a value. This value is set automatically. Do not edit this value.

List Scope ID

A unique identifier for the scope containing the list

If no value is present, the current scope is used. This value is set automatically. Do not edit this value.

Local List Customization ID

A unique identifier within the scope for the list customization

This value is set automatically. Do not edit this value.

Local List ID

A unique identifier within the scope for the list to show

Either List ID or Local List ID must have a value. This value is set automatically. Do not edit this value.

Show List Name and Description

A check box for specifying whether to display the list name and description

If no value is present, the list name and description are not shown. Values include true and false. This value is set automatically. Do not edit this value.

47.6 Working with the Lists Task Flow

This section describes how to use the Lists task flow in the portal moderator role. It includes the following subsections:

See the "Working with Lists" chapter in Using Oracle WebCenter Portal for the following tasks:

47.6.1 Customizing Lists

You can perform user customizations on your own view of a list instance, or you as the portal moderator or application specialist can perform application customizations on a list instance, affecting everyone's view. User personalizations involve changes made in page view mode; while application customizations involve changes made in page edit mode (that is, in Composer). Everyone can perform user personalizations of their own view of a list; but page edit privileges are always required for application-level list customizations.


User and application customizations apply to a list rendered in a List Viewer task flow. They do not apply to lists rendered on the Lists page.

A second instance of a list is not affected by the customizations you make to the first instance. For example, you have placed the Issues list on both the Sales page and the What's New page. If you sort the list by the Number column on the Sales page, the Issues list is not automatically sorted by Number on the What's New page.

While application customizations affect everyone's view of a list instance, user customizations are layered over them. For example, you may perform an application customization on a list containing columns A, B, and C, so that column C is first in list column order (C, A, B). A user can then perform a user customization on the list so that column A is first in list column order in their personal view of the same list instance (A, C, B).


In the page editor, you can perform application customizations. In page view mode, you see user customizations layered over application customizations. If the same property is set at both the application and user levels, the user value takes precedence in your own view. For user-level customizations, see the "Customizing Lists" section in Using Oracle WebCenter Portal. Performing Application-Level Customizations on a List

You can perform user-level or application level customizations on a list. WebCenter Portal users or portal participants can perform these customizations to manage their personal view of lists. An application specialist or portal moderator can perform the same customizations from the page editor to affect the view of all users.


Some user and application customizations apply to a list rendered in a List Viewer task flow. They do not apply to lists rendered on the Lists page.

To perform application-level customizations on a list:

  1. Go to the List page or List instance.

  2. Open the page in Edit mode in Composer.

    See Section 12.4.3, "Opening a Page in the Page Editor (Composer)."

  3. Customize the list for all users.

    See Using Oracle WebCenter Portal for the following customizations tasks that can be performed on a list:

47.6.2 Exporting a List and Importing a List from an Excel Spreadsheet

Lists provides a means of exporting and importing lists. If you can view the list, you can export it to Microsoft Excel 1997 - 2003 and 2007 formats and revise list data in Excel. If you have sufficient privileges to edit the list, you can import the revised list back into WebCenter Portal.


You can also create a list by importing an Excel spreadsheet. For more information, see the "Creating Lists" section in Using Oracle WebCenter Portal.

This section describes how to export and import lists and provides information about additional software that may be of use in this process. It includes the following subsections: About Exporting and Importing Lists

Use list export and import options to add and revise list rows in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. List structure and links for the list and list rows are unaffected by export and import. When exporting a list, only the list data is exported, not the list structure nor the links. When a list is imported, new links and modified links will not be affected by the import.

After you export a list, if other changes are made to list data in WebCenter Portal, they are overwritten when you import the list. Before content is overwritten, a confirmation dialog provides you with an opportunity to stop the import and preserve WebCenter Portal changes.

Importing a spreadsheet cannot be used to modify list structure. However, you can import any spreadsheet to a list that has the same columns. A warning is raised if the spreadsheet was not created from an export of the list, but you can dismiss this warning and proceed if desired. You can also export a list without rows to a spreadsheet, add rows in Excel, and then import it.

You must take care when you export a list not to revise the list structure in Excel nor in WebCenter Portal. You cannot import an exported list if the list structure is changed in WebCenter Portal after export. You can add and remove list rows in the spreadsheet; such changes are reflected in the list on import.

Adding and removing list columns in the spreadsheet does not affect the list structure. Consequently, when you import a spreadsheet with columns that were removed through Excel, the import succeeds. The columns continue to appear in the imported list; though the deleted column data does not.

When you export a list from WebCenter Portal, you are prompted for the Excel format (1997 - 2003 and 2007 formats are offered). To import a spreadsheet, the same formats are accepted. Exporting a List to a Spreadsheet

When you can view a list, you can export the list to a Microsoft Excel file. Exporting enables you to use your Excel skills to easily add to and revise list data. Controls for exporting lists are available in both the List Viewer task flow and on the Lists page.

To export a list:

  1. Go to the list you want to export, and select Export from the Actions drop-down list.

  2. Select a format for the output file (Figure 47-6):

    • MS Excel 2007

    • MS Excel 1997 - 2003

  3. Follow your browser's prompts to save the exported file to your local file system.

    The list is saved in the Excel format you select. The file name is the list name, with underscores in place of character spaces. For example, my list becomes my_list.xlsx or my_list.xls.

Figure 47-6 Export to Excel Dialog

Description of Figure 47-6 follows
Description of ''Figure 47-6 Export to Excel Dialog'' Importing an Exported List

After you have created or revised list data and saved it in an Excel format, you can import it using controls available in both the List Viewer task flow and on the Lists page. To import list data, you must have, minimally, Edit permission on the page that contains the list.

To import an exported list:

  1. Go to the list into which to import a spreadsheet, and select Import from the Actions drop-down list.

  2. In the Import from Excel dialog (Figure 47-7), click the Browse button and navigate to and select the relevant spreadsheet.


    The spreadsheet must have the same columns as the list.

    The file must be in Excel 1997-2003 (*.xls) or 2007 format (*.xlsx).

    Figure 47-7 Import from Excel Dialog

    Description of Figure 47-7 follows
    Description of ''Figure 47-7 Import from Excel Dialog''

  3. Click Import.

    If the spreadsheet was not created from an export of the list, a warning is given. Click Import to proceed if you choose.

    The list is refreshed, now displaying the imported data. List data is validated on import. If any rows contain validation errors, such errors are presented in a dialog and the import is terminated. You can correct validation errors in the spreadsheet and import again.