18 Adding and Managing Documents

WebCenter Portal enables you to add and manage files and folders and work with document libraries using Content Manager. Content Manager also supports Hybrid Enterprise Content Management (ECM), which allows you to access your content in the Oracle Document Cloud Service.

See Also:

For an overview of the different options available in WebCenter Portal for working with portal content and adding content to a portal, see Introduction to Adding Content to a Portal.

This chapter includes the following topics:


To perform the tasks in this chapter on your personal pages, you need the application-level permission Pages: Create, Edit, and Delete Pages. Users with this permission can create and manage their personal pages in the Home portal.

To perform the tasks in this chapter on portal pages, you need the portal-level permissions Customize Pages and Edit Content and Create Documents (which includes delete permissions on documents that you create), granted by the portal manager. To delete documents that are not your own, you must have Delete Documents permission.

To set security on a document in a portal, you must have the View and Create Documents permission, granted by the portal manager.

For information about roles and permissions, see Understanding Permissions and Permission Models in a Portal in Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal.

18.1 About Adding and Managing Documents

Content Manager enables you to upload files to Content Server, the content repository for WebCenter Portal. Files are organized into document libraries and folders. Depending on your permissions, you can open, edit, delete, copy, rename, move, share, search, view, and manage information about files and work with libraries and folders in the connected content repository. The Documents page in a portal or the Home portal exposes the Content Manager view. A portal manager may choose to add one or more instances of Content Manager to a page in your portal to allow you to work with documents. For more information, see Enabling Document Management in Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Content Manager task flow also supports Hybrid Enterprise Content Management (HECM), which helps you to easily and rapidly access your enterprise content in the Oracle Document Cloud Service. To work with the cloud document, you should be a Portal Member.

In case you need to work on the loan application internally and then shared with external users using public link, you can upload the documents using HECM and share your documents with external users.

Figure 18-1 Content Manager Task Flow with Cloud Folder

This image shows the Content Manager with cloud folder and WebCenter local folder.


The permissions on WebCenter Portal is independent from the Oracle Document Cloud Service permissions and the WebCenter Portal roles cannot be paired with the Oracle Document Cloud Service roles. Table 18-1 lists the allowed cloud document and folder operations with the WebCenter Portal Document Permissions.

Table 18-1 Operations Allowed on Oracle Document Cloud Service with WebCenter Portal Document Permissions

WebCenter Portal Document Permissions Task Performed on Oracle Document Cloud Service
Document: View

You can perform the following tasks on the cloud documents.

  • View and download documents

  • View folders

Document: View

Document: Create and Edit

You can perform the following tasks on the cloud documents.

  • View, download and upload documents

  • View and create folders

  • Share documents and folders

  • Delete documents and folders

  • Copy and move documents and folders

18.2 Understanding the Content Manager Interface

Content Manager offers an easy and intuitive user interface with sophisticated searching capabilities for managing libraries, folders, and documents.

Content Manager is organized into two main pages, the Find Documents page and the View Documents page.

Find Documents Page

The Find Documents page is the default view of Content Manager on a page. You can personalize this page to display all libraries, documents, or your favorite items. It also provides ways to filter the documents displayed to help you find the required documents more quickly. For information about the basic concepts like library types, folders, search support, and favorites, see Basic WebCenter Content Concepts in Using Oracle WebCenter Content.

Figure 18-2 shows an example of the Find Documents page, highlighting the following areas:
  • Access selection area/side bar (1): Provides a way to browse through libraries, folders, files, and items you have marked as favorites. It includes the following options:
    • Search: Displays the latest revision of all documents to which you have access. In this view, all documents are displayed in a single flat list regardless of the library or folder in which they may be stored.

    • Browse: Displays the list of available libraries to which you have access. When browsing within a library, the search box searches only the names of documents within the library or folder you are browsing.

    • Favorites: Provides quick access to all the items you have marked as favorites, whether they are libraries, folders, or files.

    • Home: Displays the folders and documents from the current portal.

  • Search box (2): Provides search and filter options for locating libraries, folders, and documents. Entering text into the search box expands the box to display libraries, folders, or documents whose names are close matches to what you enter. You can use filters to limit search results. Filters applied to the search are listed in the search box. Clearing a filter from the search box removes the filter and broadens the search to a larger context. Filters predefined by a system administrator based on document properties are available by clicking the arrow next to the search box.

  • Results list (3): Displays folders and documents in the main content area based on the filters you use when browsing and searching. You can change how results are sorted and displayed. Selecting one or more documents in the results list displays the results list toolbar that provides a convenient way to do a variety of tasks that vary depending on the permissions you have. Tasks for which you do not have permissions are either not displayed or grayed out.

Figure 18-2 Find Documents Page

Description of Figure 18-2 follows
Description of "Figure 18-2 Find Documents Page"

View Documents Page

The View Documents page displays when you open a document from a results list. The page allows you to view the content and metadata properties of the document, and provides ways to perform tasks such as update the document version, edit metadata, or download the document. When you open a document, by default its preview displays in the Preview tab.

Figure 18-3 shows an example of the View Documents page, highlighting the following areas:

  • Banner (1): Displays the name of the document. Use it to mark the document as favorite, get links, refresh, and check in the document. The banner contains the More menu that provides various options for managing the document, as described in Working with Folders and Files.

  • Properties section (2): Enables you to edit document properties, metadata, and security, and preview the document by using the following tabs: Summary, Metadata, Security, and Preview.

  • Document view area (3): Displays the document view or properties depending on the tab selected in the Properties section. When the Preview tab is selected, it displays the document preview and a toolbar for managing the document view such as navigating the pages and zooming in and out.

Figure 18-3 View Documents Page

Description of Figure 18-3 follows
Description of "Figure 18-3 View Documents Page"

18.3 Working with the Results List in Content Manager

Content Manager displays search results as a results list. When searching or browsing in Content Manager, use the View menu to view the results as a list, thumbnails, or table.

To learn more about results lists, refer to the following sections:

18.3.1 Result Views

When searching or browsing in Content Manager, results lists can be viewed as lists, thumbnails, or tables:

  • List (default): Displays a document thumbnail, document author, release date, and comments (Figure 18-4).

  • Thumbnail: Displays a document thumbnail. Clicking the information icon opens a window with a subset of the document properties (Figure 18-5).

  • Tabular: Lists the name, title, author, and release date in a table (Figure 18-6).

Figure 18-4 Content Manager — List View

This image shows the list view of the Content Manager.

Figure 18-5 Content Manager — Thumbnail View

This image shows the thumbnail view of the Content Manager.

Figure 18-6 Content Manager — Tabular View

This image shows the tabular view of the Content Manager.

18.3.2 Managing the Results List

You can manage the results list by changing the view, sorting and refreshing the results list, and specifying the number of items to display.

Table 18-2 describes how you can manage the results list.

Table 18-2 Managing the Results List

Task Action Description More Information
Changing the result view View menu Enables you to change how a results list is displayed. You can choose to view the results as a list, thumbnails, or table. Results View
Refreshing the results list Refresh icon Enables you to refresh the search results. Refreshing the Results List
Sorting the results Sort By menu Enables you to sort the folder and document results lists. Library and favorite results lists cannot be sorted. Sorting Results
Changing the number of items displayed per page Items Per Page box

Enables you to specify the number of items to display per page in a results list. You can choose to display different number of library items and document items per page.

Changing the Number of Items Displayed per Page

18.4 Searching Libraries, Folders, and Documents

Documents uploaded to Content Server can be organized into libraries and folders, or they can be unfiled, stored outside of any library or folder. Each library can have folders and each folder can have subfolders. You can find documents by browsing through libraries and folders, by searching for key words or phrases in the document text and metadata, or a combination of both.

In Content Manager, you use the options on the access selection area to browse through libraries, folders, favorites, or the current portal. For example, you can select Home to browse through your current portal or select Browse to search the libraries. You use the search box to search based on filters and metadata. As you enter the text in the search box, it expands to provide suggestions based on close matches to what you enter, organized into categories as Documents, Folders, and Libraries. For example, entering HR would show documents named HR Vacation Policy and HR Employees, folders named HR Forms and HR Policies, and a library named HR. Along with text entered into the search box, you can also use predefined filters to better refine your search. For example, you can limit your search by only browsing for documents authored, favorited, followed, or checked out by you. You can also choose to save your searches to quickly execute them again later.

For information about how to search and browse, see Finding Libraries, Folders, and Documents in Using Oracle WebCenter Content. Note that some features described for Oracle WebCenter Content in the referenced documentation might not be available in WebCenter Portal and the UI may vary.

Figure 18-7 Browsing and Searching in Content Manager

This image shows the browse and search options in the Content Manager.

18.5 Working with Libraries

Libraries are used to organize and control access to documents, as well as associate the appropriate metadata with documents.

Figure 18-8 shows the Libraries page in Content Manager.Table 18-3 summarizes the various actions you can perform to work with libraries. These actions are available when you select a library in the results list. Certain actions like propagating library metadata or deleting a library are available if you have the permissions listed in Enabling Document Management in Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Figure 18-8 Libraries Page in Content Manager

Description of Figure 18-8 follows
Description of "Figure 18-8 Libraries Page in Content Manager"

Table 18-3 Library Actions

Task Action Description
Getting a link to a library Get Link action on the results toolbar Displays the link to view the library.
Viewing and editing library properties Properties action on the results toolbar Displays library properties, such as name, owner, security group, and shortcuts. You can edit various properties if you have the required permissions. For more information, see Viewing and Editing Document Library Properties.
Following a library Follow action under the More menu Enables you to follow a library and be notified when the library is modified. For information, see Following Document Libraries.
Creating a shortcut to a library Create Shortcut action under the More menu Creates a shortcut to the library to make navigation easy. For information, see Creating Library Shortcuts.
Propagating library metadata Propagate Metadata action under the More menu

Note: This action is available for enterprise libraries, and not for system libraries, only to portal managers or members with the required permissions.

Enables you to change or add the metadata values associated with the items in the library. For information, see Propagating Library Metadata.
Deleting a library Delete action on the results toolbar

Note: This is action is available for enterprise libraries, and not for system libraries, only to portal managers or members with the required permissions.

Deletes the selected library. For information, see Deleting Document Libraries.
Creating a library Create Library button

This action is not available. Libraries can be created only on Content Server and not in WebCenter Portal.

For information, see Creating an Enterprise Library.

18.6 Working with Folders and Files

Using Content Manager, you can create folders, upload files, and manage them as needed.

Figure 18-9 shows the actions available for managing folders and files displayed in a results list in Content Manager. Table 18-4 describes the actions that can be applied to the selected folders or files. Selecting one or more items in a results list exposes the results toolbar, which provides various actions for managing the selected items. These actions are available directly on the results toolbar or under the More menu, unless otherwise specified in the table. Note that the actions available depend on your permissions to the selected items.


While performing any action like creating a folder or uploading documents by using Content Manager, if the server goes down and fails over to another server in the cluster, the page will refresh and you will need to perform the operation again.

Figure 18-9 Actions Available for Folders and Files in Content Manager

Description of Figure 18-9 follows
Description of "Figure 18-9 Actions Available for Folders and Files in Content Manager"

Table 18-4 Actions Available Either for Folders or Files

Task Action Applicable to Folder or File Description More Information

Opening a document

Click the document name


You can open documents of any type to preview file contents or properties in a read-only view. Clicking a document name displays the View Documents page.

Viewing Documents on the Document Page

Viewing alternate renditions of a document

View Web Rendition


Displays the web rendition of the selected item.

Viewing Alternate Renditions

View Dynamic Conversion


Displays the HTML conversion of the selected item.

Viewing Alternate Renditions

Add to Rendition Clipboard


Prompts you to choose the renditions of the selected item that you want to add to the rendition clipboard. The rendition clipboard stores specific renditions of specific document revisions for quick access. For example, you can save a web-viewable rendition of the first revision of a document as well as a native version of the current revision so that you can quickly compare them.

Use the Renditions Clipboard

Uploading documents



Enables you to upload documents. While uploading a document, you can specify the metadata values of the document.

Uploading Documents from a Web Browser

Upload Similar Document


Prompts you to upload a similar item. Selecting this action prepopulates the metadata values of the Document Upload dialog with those of the selected document.

Uploading Documents from a Web Browser

Checking out and downloading documents

Check out


Checks out the selected item.

Checking Out Documents

Check out and edit


Checks out the selected item and opens the native file for editing.

Checking Out and Editing a Document

Cancel Check-Out


Cancels the checked out status of a file.



Allows you to save a file from the content repository to your local file system.

Downloading Documents

Working with file versions/revisions

Check in New Revision


Enables you to replace a file with a new version that you have saved on your local file system.

Checking In New Revisions from a Web Browser

View and Manage Revisions


Enables you to download or delete a file version.


Refreshing file content

Refresh icon on the View Documents page


Displays the latest content of a file.


Filing or unfiling a document

File Document/Unfile Document


Allows you to file the selected unfiled document in a library or folder, or remove the selected filed document from a library or folder. When you unfile a document, you can no longer locate that document by browsing to its parent library or folder.


Viewing document properties



Opens the View Documents page where you can view and set various document properties such as metadata and security.

Understanding Documents and Document Properties

Setting security on a file

Security tab on the View Documents page


Enables you to change the access to unfiled documents or documents uploaded to a library by using security groups, accounts, and access control lists.

Changing Access to Uploaded Documents

Propagating folder metadata

Propagate Metadata


Enables you to change or add the metadata values associated with the items in a folder.

Propagating Library Metadata

Creating a folder

Create Folder


Creates a folder within the context of a library, inheriting the properties of the parent library.

You can create a Local folder or Oracle Document Cloud folder.

Creating Folders

Note: To create Oracle Document Cloud folder, ensure that your system administrator has configured the Document Cloud Service integration settings. If not configured, contact your system administrator. For more information, see Configuring Document Cloud Service Integration Settings in Administering Oracle WebCenter Content.

Content Manager provides actions that are available for both folders and files when viewing a listing of folders and/or files in the results list. These actions are available directly on the results toolbar or under the More menu on the toolbar. Table 18-5 summarizes the folder and file management actions.

Table 18-5 Common Actions Available for Both Folders and Files

Task Action Description More Information

Following a folder or file


Starts tracking the selected item so you can follow the updates.

Following Items

Creating shortcuts

Create Shortcut

Prompts you to create a shortcut to the selected item.


See also, Creating Library Shortcuts

Renaming a folder or file


Prompts you to rename the selected item.


Linking to a folder or file

Get link

Displays links to view the document properties page and to the native file of the latest released revision or optionally the specific revision in the results list. This action is not available if multiple items are selected.

Using Links

Moving a folder or file


Prompts you to move the selected items.


Copying a folder or file


Prompts you to copy the selected items.


Deleting a folder or file


Prompts you to delete the selected folder or file.


Adding a folder or file to your favorites

Favorite icon

Provides quick access to a folder or file.

Setting Favorites

18.7 Working with Workflow-Enabled Content

While a document is being developed, it must typically be reviewed and approved by a number of people. To assist in managing this process, WebCenter Portal provides a built-in workflow capability to move a document through required approvals by assigned approvers before it is released to the system. The workflow notifies approvers through mail messages when they have a file to review and approve.

If you have the permissions to view the contents of a folder that is assigned a workflow, you can view the files while they are in a workflow, showing the pending changes.

For information about working with files in a workflow, see Working with Workflow-Enabled Content in Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal.

18.8 Working with Desktop Integration

This section includes the following topics:

18.8.1 About Desktop Integration

WebCenter Portal, through Oracle WebCenter Content: Desktop, provides convenient access to the files in your portal directly from the following desktop applications:

  • Microsoft File Explorer

  • Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint)

  • Email clients (Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes)

  • Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome)

Integrating your content repository with your desktop applications improves your ability to work with your portal files. You can easily edit and manage files, and share files with other users directly from your desktop in addition to using WebCenter Portal.

18.8.2 Prerequisites for Desktop Integration

To allow for full integration of desktop applications with WebCenter Portal, your system administrator must complete the steps detailed in Configuring Content Server for Desktop in Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Additionally, you must install the latest version of the Desktop client software and set up a connection to your portal's content repository. These tasks may have been performed for you by your system administrator. For more information, see the following topics in Using Oracle WebCenter Content: Desktop:

18.8.3 Working with Microsoft Office Integration

This section includes the following topics: About Microsoft Office Integration

If you have installed the Desktop client and set up a connection to your portal's content repository, as described in Prerequisites for Desktop Integration, you can interact with the Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files in your portal directly in the appropriate Microsoft Office application. Opening and Editing a Microsoft Office File from WebCenter Portal

When you open a Microsoft Office file from WebCenter Portal, the file is automatically checked out of the Content Server repository.

To make your changes available to other users, you can save and close it in Microsoft Office, or explicitly check the file in using Microsoft Office.


For all browsers except Internet Explorer, you must install the Java plugin to edit a Microsoft Office file. This plugin is included in Java 6 Update 15 and above.

To open a Microsoft Office file from WebCenter Portal in-place in its corresponding application:

  1. On the Documents page or in Content Manager on any portal page, select the document you want to edit.
  2. From the More menu on the results toolbar, select Check Out and Edit.


    If the document is already checked out by another user, the File in Use dialog opens.

  3. If prompted, enter the same credentials used to log in to WebCenter Portal to open the file in-place in its corresponding application.
  4. When the file opens, it is automatically checked out of the Content Server repository.
  5. Make required updates, then save and close the document.

    When you close the document, you will be prompted to check the file back in. Working with Files in Microsoft Office

When you open a portal file in a Microsoft Office application, you can perform a number of content management tasks, including:

  • Checking a document out

  • Checking a document in

  • Comparing document revisions

  • Inserting other files on the server into the current document

  • Inserting links to other files on the server into the current document

You can also create new documents and check them in to your content repository.


Not all these features may be available in all Microsoft Office applications.

The Desktop client provides access to portal document management tasks in Microsoft Office in the following ways:

  • A WebCenter Content ribbon

    Figure 18-10 WebCenter Content Ribbon in Microsoft Word 2007

    Description of Figure 18-10 follows
    Description of "Figure 18-10 WebCenter Content Ribbon in Microsoft Word 2007"
  • In versions of Microsoft Office that include a File tab, Desktop adds Oracle WebCenter Content options as follows:

    • In Microsoft Office 2010, Desktop adds WebCenter Content Options directly to the File tab.

    • In Microsoft Office 2013, Desktop adds Oracle WebCenter Content options to the Open and Save As pages, as well as to a new WebCenter Content page. These pages are available from the File tab.

For more information about how you can work with portal documents in Microsoft Office applications, see Microsoft Office Integration in Using Oracle WebCenter Content: Desktop.

18.8.4 Working with Microsoft File Explorer Integration

If you have installed the Desktop client, as described in Prerequisites for Desktop Integration, you can manage your portal's documents using a "folders tree" in Microsoft File Explorer.

After you install the Desktop client on your computer, Microsoft File Explorer includes a top-level node called WebCenter Content Servers, through which you can connect your portal repository and work with the documents stored there.

Figure 18-11 A Portal Content Repository Listed in Windows File Explorer

Description of Figure 18-11 follows
Description of "Figure 18-11 A Portal Content Repository Listed in Windows File Explorer"

You work with the documents in much the same way you do with other folders and files on your computer. You can copy files, drag and drop files into folders, right-click objects to open context menus, and so on. However, some tasks typically performed on files or folders on your local computer may have a somewhat different effect when performed on files and folders managed by Content Server. For example, copying a new file to a content folder does not put it on your local computer, but rather uploads and saves it on Content Server. In addition, the context menus of files may include items specific to content management, such as Check In, Check Out, and Copy Links.

For more information about how you can work with portal documents in Microsoft File Explorer, see Microsoft File Explorer Integration in Using Oracle WebCenter Content: Desktop.

18.8.5 Working with Email Client Integration

You can check in email messages and their attachments to your content repository directly from Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes to preserve them and share them with others in your organization. You can also attach content items from the server as well as links to them to your outgoing messages.

Checked-in messages are not intended to be checked out, modified, and checked back in. Messages are checked in to Content Server for the express purpose of preserving them exactly as they were received. You can open a checked-in message from a server to view it in your default email application. You can even make changes if you want, but you cannot check it back in to the server. You can, however, send the message to other people or save a copy on your local computer.

For more information about how you can work with portal documents in your email client, see the following chapters in Using Oracle WebCenter Content: Desktop:

18.8.6 Working with Web Browser Search Integration

You can search for content in your content repository directly from the search field of the following web browsers:

  • Internet Explorer

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • Google Chrome

Desktop's web browser integration adds a search provider or search engine to your web browser. A search provider or engine in your web browser is for a specific Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance only. You cannot search multiple content servers using a single search provider or engine. You cannot add two search providers or engines for the same Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance.

If you are logged into Content Server, you will see all content items that meet the search criteria and for which you have access privileges on the server. If you are not logged in, then you will see only public content.

For web browser integration to work, it must first be enabled on Content Server by the system administrator.

For more information about searching for portal documents in your web browser, see Web Browser Search Integration in Using Oracle WebCenter Content: Desktop.