B Predefined Assertion Templates for Oracle Web Services

Use the assertion template settings and configuration properties for Oracle web services to customize the assertion template.


B.1 Assertion Template Settings for Oracle Web Services

Use the assertion template setting to set the predefined assertion template.

B.1.1 Action Match

Action Match performs authorization checks for web service operation.

This value can be a comma-separated list of values. This field accepts wildcards.For example, validate,amountAvailable.

B.1.2 Algorithm Suite

Algorithm suite is used for message protection.

For more information, see "Supported Algorithm Suites".

B.1.3 Authentication Header—Header Name

Specifies the name of the authentication header.

B.1.4 Authentication Header—Mechanism

This setting is used to specify the authentication mechanism for the assertion template.

Valid values include:

  • basic—Client authenticates itself by transmitting the username and password.

    Note: It is recommended that you configure SSL when using basic authentication. For more information, see "About Configuring Keystores for SSL".

  • certNot supported in this release. Client authenticates itself by transmitting a certificate.

  • customNot supported in this release. Custom authentication mechanism.

  • digestNot supported in this release. Client authenticates itself by transmitting an encrypted password through the use of an MD5 digest.

  • jwt—Reserved for future use.

  • oam—Client authenticates itself using OAM agent.

  • saml20-bearer—Client authenticates itself using SAML 2.0 Bearer token.

  • spnego—Client authenticates itself using Kerberos SPNEGO.

B.1.5 Body Elements

This setting is used to define the body elements for the assertion template.

Note: This field is available if Include Entire Body is disabled.

Sign or encrypt the specified body elements. This field is applicable if the Include Body field is disabled.

To add a body element:

  1. Click Add.

  2. Enter the namespace URI.

  3. Enter the local name for the body element.

  4. Click OK.

To edit a body element:

  1. Select the bpdu element that you want to edit in the Body Elements list.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Modify the values, as required.

  4. Click OK.

To delete a body element:

  1. Select the body element that you want to delete in the Body Elements list.

  2. Click Delete.

  3. When prompted to confirm, click OK.

B.1.6 Bootstrap Message Security

A Secure Conversation policy has two policies: inner and outer. The Bootstrap Message Security control exposes the inner and outer policies.

The bootstrap (inner) policy is used to obtain the token and establish the handshake between the client and the web service. The outer policy is used for application messages when making requests with the token.

B.1.7 Client Entropy

This is used as key material for the requested proof token in Secure Conversation.

B.1.8 Client Policy URI

The client policy URI that will be used by the client to communicate with the STS.

The policy you choose depends on the authentication requirements of the STS, as identified in its WSDL. In some cases, you can filter the list of policies by selecting either Show All Client Policies or Show Compatible Client Policies. If you choose Show Compatible Client Policies, only those policies compatible with the port specified in Port URI are shown.

B.1.9 Confirm Signature

This flag specifies whether to send a signature confirmation back to the client.

B.1.10 Confirmation Type

This setting specifies the Sender Vouches SAML token for authentication.

The only valid value is:

  • sender-vouches—Uses the Sender Vouches SAML token for authentication.

B.1.11 Constraint Match

Expression that represents the constraints against which authorization checks are performed.

The constraints expression is specified using the following two messageContext properties:

  • messageContext.authenticationMethod—Determines the authentication method used to authenticate the user. Valid value is SAML_SV.

  • messageContext.requestOrigin—Determines whether the request originated from an internal or external network. This property is valid only when using Oracle HTTP Server and the Oracle HTTP server administrator has added a custom VIRTUAL_HOST_TYPE header to the request.

The constraint pattern properties and their values are case sensitive.

The constraint expression uses the following standard supported operators: ==, !=, &&, || and !.

B.1.12 Creation Time Required

This flag specifies whether a time stamp for the creation of the username token is required.

Note: If Password Type is set to digest, then this attribute must be set to true. Otherwise, the policy to which it is attached will not validate.

B.1.13 Derived Keys

This flag specifies whether derived keys should be used.

B.1.14 Enabled

For the preconfigured WS-SC policies, Secure Conversation is enabled by default. For all of the other policies, Secure Conversation is disabled by default.

B.1.15 Encrypt Signature

This flag specifies whether to encrypt the signature.

B.1.16 Encryption Key Reference Mechanism

Mechanism used when encrypting the request.

Valid values for wss10_message_protection_client_template and wss10_saml_token_with_message_protection_client_template:

  • direct—X.509 Token is included in the request.

  • ski—Subject Key Identifier (SKI) extension value of the X.509 certificate used to reference the certificate. (Some certificates may not have this extension.) The recipient of the message looks up its keystore for a certificate corresponding to the SKI and validates the signature against it.

  • issuerserial—Composite key of issuer name and serial number attributes used to reference the X.509 certificate. The recipient of the message looks up its keystore for a certificate corresponding to Issuer name and Serial Number and validates the signature using it.

Valid values for wss11_message_protection_client_template, wss11_saml_token_with_message_protection_client_template, wss11_saml20_token_with_message_protection_client_template, wss11_username_token_with_message_protection_client_template, wss11_x509_token_with_message_protection_client_template, wss11_username_token_with_message_protection_client_template:

  • direct—X.509 Token is included in the request.

  • ski—Subject Key Identifier (SKI) extension value of the X.509 certificate used to reference the certificate. (Some certificates may not have this extension.) The recipient of the message looks up its keystore for a certificate corresponding to the SKI and validates the signature against it.

  • issuerserial—Composite key of issuer name and serial number attributes used to reference the X.509 certificate. The recipient of the message looks up its keystore for a certificate corresponding to Issuer name and Serial Number and validates the signature using it.

  • thumbprint—Fingerprint (SHA1 hash) of the contents of the certificate. Provides a method to store certificates that is low overhead.

B.1.17 Fault

Use this setting for logging fault messages.

The valid values are:

  • all—Log the entire SOAP message.

  • header—Log SOAP header information only.

  • soap_body—Log SOAP body information only.

  • soap_envelope—Log SOAP envelope information only.

B.1.18 Fault Message Settings

Use these settings for message signing and encryption.

B.1.19 Header Elements

Use this setting to sign or encrypt the specified SOAP header elements.

To add a header element:

  1. Click Add.

  2. Enter the namespace URI.

  3. Enter the local name for the header element.

  4. Click OK.

To edit a header element:

  1. Select the header element that you want to edit in the Header Elements list.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Modify the values, as required.

  4. Click OK.

To delete a header element:

  1. Select the header element that you want to delete in the Header Elements list.

  2. Click Delete.

  3. When prompted to confirm, click OK.

B.1.20 Include Entire Body

Use this setting to sign or encrypt the entire body of the SOAP message.

If false, you can add specific body elements using the Body Elements section.

B.1.21 Include MIME Headers

Sign or encrypt SOAP attachments with MIME headers.

Note: This field is enabled and applicable if Include SwA Attachment is enabled. It is not applicable to MTOM attachments.

B.1.22 Include SwA Attachment

Include SwA Attachment sign or encrypt SOAP messages with attachments.

Note: This field is not applicable to MTOM attachments.

B.1.23 Include Timestamp

This flag specifies whether to include a timestamp.

A timestamp can be used to prevent replay attacks by identifying an expiration time after which the message is no longer valid.

B.1.24 Is Encrypted

This flag specifies whether the SAML token is encrypted.

B.1.25 Is Signed

This flag specifies whether the SAML token is signed.

B.1.26 Kerberos Token Type

This specifies the type of Kerberos token.

The only valid value is: gss-apreq-v5 (Kerberos Version 5 GSS-API).

B.1.27 Key Type

This specifies the key type.

The only valid value is: bearer.

B.1.28 Keystore Recipient Alias

The alias of the STS certificate you added to the keystore.

The default alias name is sts-csf-key.

B.1.29 Mutual Authentication Required

This flag specifies whether two-way authentication is required.

Valid values include:

  • Enabled—The service must authenticate itself to the client, and the client must authenticate itself to the service.

  • Disabled—One-way authentication is required. The service must authenticate itself to the client, but the client is not required to authenticate itself to the service.

B.1.30 Name Identifier Format

This specifies the type of format to be used for the name identifier.

Specify one of the following values:

  • unspecified

  • emailAddress

  • X509SubjectName

  • WindowsDomainQualifiedName

The following assertion templates have the additional value: kerberos:

wss10_saml20_token_client_template, wss_saml20_token_bearer_over_ssl_client_template, wss10_saml20_token_with_message_protection_client_template, wss11_saml20_token_with_message_protection_client_template

Name Identifier Format is applicable only when subject.precedence is set to false. If subject.precedence is false, the user name to create the SAML assertion is obtained from the csf-key property or the username property (see "Configuring SAML Web Service Client at Design Time"). The format of the user name must be the same as the format set in Name Identifier Format.

If subject.precedence is true, the user name to create the SAML assertion is obtained from the Subject. In this case, the Name Identifier Format is always "unspecified" and this cannot be changed by setting Name Identifier Format.

B.1.31 Nonce Required

This flag specifies whether a nonce must be included with the username to prevent replay attacks.

Note: If Password Type is set to digest, then this attribute must be set to true. Otherwise, the policy to which it is attached will not validate.

B.1.32 Password Type

This specifies the type of password required.

Valid values are:

  • none—No password.

  • plaintext—Password in clear text.

  • digest— Client authenticates itself by transmitting an encrypted password through the use of an MD5 digest.

If you specify a password type of None, you do not need to include a password in the key.


If you do not use a digest password, policies created using this template are not secure; plaintext transmits the password in clear text. You should use this assertion without a digest password in low security situations only, or when you know that the transport is protected using some other mechanism. Alternatively, consider using the SSL version of this assertion, "oracle/wss_username_token_over_ssl_client_template".

B.1.33 Permissions

Role- and permission-based polices use the guard element to define resource, action, and constraint match values. These values allow the assertion execution only if the result of the guard is true. If the accessed resource name and action match, only then is the assertion allowed to execute.

For more information on guard element, see "orawsp:guard Element".

By default, resource name and action use the wildcard asterisk "*" and everything is allowed.

B.1.34 Permission Class

Class used for the permission-based checking.

For example, oracle.wsm.security.WSFuncPermission.

You have the option to change the permission_class configuration property for the policy, which identifies the permission class as per JAAS standards. The permission class must be available in the application or server classpath.

The custom permission class must extend the abstract Permission class and implement the Serializable interface. See the Javadoc at http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/security/Permission.html.

The default is oracle.wsm.security.WSFunctionPermission.

B.1.35 Port Endpoint

The endpoint of the STS web service.For a WSDL 2.0 STS, the format is specified as target-namespace#wsdl.endpoint(service-name/port-name).

For example, http://samples.otn.com.LoanFlow#wsdl.endpoint(LoanFlowService/LoanFlowPort). For a WSDL 1.1 STS, the format is specified as targetnamespace#wsdl11.endpoint(servicename/portname). For example, http://samples.otn.com.LoanFlow#wsdl11.endpoint(LoanFlowService/LoanFlowPort).

B.1.36 Port URI

The actual endpoint URI of the STS port.

For example. http://host:port/context-root/service1.

B.1.37 Re-authenticate

You can enable the re-authenticate control only for SAML sender vouches policies when the propagate.identity.context configuration attribute is set to True.

For more information, see "When to Use Re-Authentication" in Understanding Oracle Web Services Manager.

B.1.38 Recipient Encryption Key Reference Mechanism

Mechanism used when encrypting the receipt.

Valid values are the same as for Sign Key Reference Mechanism above.

B.1.39 Recipient Sign Key Reference Mechanism

Mechanism used when signing the receipt.

Valid values are the same as for "Sign Key Reference Mechanism".

B.1.40 Request

Requirements for logging request messages.

The valid values are:

  • all—Log the entire SOAP message.

  • header—Log SOAP header information only.

  • soap_body—Log SOAP body information only.

  • soap_envelope—Log SOAP envelope information only.

B.1.41 Request Message Settings

Specifies the request message settings.

B.1.42 Request XPaths

This specifies if XPaths should be requested.

Optional element. A comma-separated list of XPaths for the request. Default value is blank.

B.1.43 Request Namespaces

Optional element. A comma-separated list of namespaces for the request, where each namespace has a prefix and URI separated by the equals sign. Default value is blank.

B.1.44 Require Applies To

Optional element in the RST. If present, OWSM sends the endpoint address of the web service for which the token is being requested. The default behavior is to always send the appliesTo element in the message from the client to the STS.

B.1.45 Require Client Entropy

If a symmetric proof key is required by the web service's security policy, the requestor can pass some key material (entropy) that can be included in the calculation of the proof key. The web service policy can indicate whether client entropy, STS entropy, or both are required.

B.1.46 Require External Reference

Indicates whether external reference to the token is required.

B.1.47 Require Internal Reference

Indicates whether internal reference to the token is required.

B.1.48 Require Server Entropy

If a symmetric proof key is required by the web service's security policy, the requestor can pass some key material (entropy) that can be included in the calculation of the proof key. The web service policy can indicate whether client entropy, STS entropy, or both are required.

B.1.49 Resource Match

Name of the resource for which authorization checks are performed. This field accepts wildcards.For example, if the namespace of the web service is http://project11 and the service name is CreditValidation, the resource name is http://project11/CreditValidation.

B.1.50 Response

Requirements for logging response messages. The valid values are the same as for Request.

B.1.51 Response Message Settings

B.1.52 Response Namespaces

Optional element. A comma-separated list of namespaces, where each namespace has a prefix and URI separated by the equals sign. Default value is blank.

B.1.53 Response XPaths

Optional element. A comma-separated list of XPaths for the response. Default value is blank.

B.1.54 Roles

Specifies the roles that are authorized.

The valid values are:

  • Permit All—Permit users with any roles.

  • Deny All—Deny all users with roles.

  • Selected Roles—Permit selected roles.

To add roles:

  1. Click Add.

  2. To add roles, click the checkbox next to each role you want to add in the Roles Available column and click Move. To add all roles, click Move All.

    To remove roles, click the checkbox next to each role you want to remove in the Roles Selected to Add column, and click Remove. To remove all roles, click Remove All.

    To search for roles, enter a search string in the Role Name search box and click the go arrow. The Roles Available column is updated to include only those roles that match the search string.

  3. Click OK.

To delete roles:

  1. Select the role that you want to delete in the Selected Roles list.

  2. Click Delete.

B.1.55 Server Entropy

This is used as key material for the requested proof token for Secure Conversation.

B.1.56 Sign Key Reference Mechanism

Mechanism used when signing the request.

Valid values include:

  • direct—X.509 Token is included in the request.

  • ski—Subject Key Identifier (SKI) extension value of the X.509 certificate used to reference the certificate. (Some certificates may not have this extension.) The recipient of the message looks up its keystore for a certificate corresponding to the SKI and validates the signature against it.

  • issuerserial—Composite key of issuer name and serial number attributes used to reference the X.509 certificate. The recipient of the message looks up its keystore for a certificate corresponding to Issuer name and Serial Number and validates the signature using it.

  • thumbprint—Fingerprint (SHA1 hash) of the contents of the certificate. Provides a method to store certificates that is low overhead. This property is valid only for the following templates: wss11_saml_token_with_message_protection_client_template, wss11_saml20_token_with_message_protection_client_template, wss11_x509_token_with_message_protection_client_template, wss11_sts_issued_saml_with_message_protection_client_template, oracle/wss11_sts_issued_saml_hok_with_message_protection_client_template.

B.1.57 Sign Then Encrypt

This flag specifies whether the request is signed and then encrypted.

B.1.58 Token Type

SAML token type. The only valid value is: 1.1.

B.1.59 Transport Layer Security

This flag specifies whether Secure Socket Layer (SSL), otherwise known as Transport Layer Security (TLS), is enabled.

B.1.60 Transport Layer Security—Include Timestamp

This flag specifies whether to include a timestamp.

A timestamp can be used to prevent replay attacks by identifying an expiration time after which the message is no longer valid.

B.1.61 Transport Layer Security—Mutual Authentication Required

This flag specifies whether two-way authentication is required.

Valid values include:

  • Enabled—The service must authenticate itself to the client, and the client must authenticate itself to the service.

  • Disabled—One-way authentication is required. The service must authenticate itself to the client, but the client is not required to authenticate itself to the service.

B.1.62 Version

This specifies the SAML or Secure Conversation version.

B.1.63 Trust Version

This specifies the WS-Trust version.

B.1.64 Use Derived Keys

This flag specifies whether derived keys should be used.

B.1.65 Use PKI Path

This flag specifies whether X509PKIPathV1 tokens should be processed and propagated.

B.1.66 WSDL Exist

Indicates whether a WSDL exists for the Security Token Service (STS).

If a WSDL does exist, you may be prompted when cloning the template to enter the endpoint URI for the WSDL, indicate whether authentication is required, and enter a user name and password. You can then select Parse WSDL to parse the WSDL and fill the subsequent fields with values from the WSDL.

B.1.67 WSDL

The endpoint URI of an STS WSDL, used to obtain STS information and invoke the STS for token exchange.

B.2 Assertion Template Configuration Properties for Oracle Web Services

The following sections summarize the configuration properties that can be set for the predefined assertion templates; settings are listed alphabetically.

B.2.1 algorithm

The key derivation algorithm, which must be PBKDF2.

B.2.2 application.name

The application name defined in OES. Value can be static or dynamic that uses ${} notation.

B.2.3 attesting.mapping.attribute

The mapping attribute used to represent the attesting entity. Only the DN is currently supported. This attribute is applicable only to sender vouches and then only to message protection use cases. It is not applicable to SAML over SSL policies.

B.2.4 caller.principal.name

Client's principal name as generated using the ktpass command and mapped to the username for which the kerberos token should be generated. Use the following format: <username>@<REALM NAME>.

Note: keytab.location and caller.principal.name are required for propagating client identity for Java EE applications.

B.2.5 credential.delegation

Flag that specifies whether Credential Delegation with Forwarded TGT is supported. For more information, see "About Configuration of Credential Delegation". This value is false by default.

B.2.6 csf.map

Oracle WSM map in the credential store that contains the CSF aliases.

You can override the default, domain-level Oracle WSM map, by specifying an application-level map name as the Value for this property.

For example: Value=app-level-mapname.map.

Accessing an application-level map also requires granting credential access and identity permission to the wsm-agent-core.jar, as explained in "About Creating an Application-level Credential Map".

B.2.7 csf-key

Credential Store Key that maps to a username and password in the OPSS identity store. For information about how to add the key to the credential store, see "Adding Keys and User Credentials to Configure the Credential Store".

B.2.8 encryption-algorithm

The data encryption algorithm. It must be AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding.

B.2.9 execute.action

Optional property. Action that will be used during real authorization. Value can be static or dynamic that uses ${} notation.

B.2.10 ignore.timestamp.in.response

Property used by the client to ignore the timestamp in the SOAP security header when it receives the response from the service. The default behavior is to NOT ignore the timestamp (the default value of this property is false). If set to true, then the timestamp is not required in the response message; if the timestamp is present, it is ignored.

The timestamp is required to prevent replay attacks, so in general, Oracle does not recommend setting this property to true except to address interoperability issues.

B.2.11 issued.token.caching

The issued tokens are cached by OWSM. When making a request to STS, OWSM requests a token lifetime for returned tokens for the period specified by issued.token.lifetime.

If the STS returns a token lifetime value different from the requested issued.token.lifetime value, OWSM uses the return value as the period for caching returned tokens. If the STS returns an empty token lifetime value, OWSM does not cache returned tokens.

B.2.12 issued.token.lifetime

The time in milliseconds for OWSM to request as the token lifetime when obtaining an issued token from a security token service (STS). The domain default for this value is 28800000 milliseconds (eight hours). For information about how to change this default value, see "Configuring the Lifetime for the Issued Token Using Fusion Middleware Control".

B.2.13 iteration

The iteration count for key derivation.

B.2.14 keysize

The size of the key for key derivation.

B.2.15 keytab.location

Location of the client's keytab file.

B.2.16 keystore.enc.csf.key

The alias and password used for storing the decryption key password in the keystore.

If you set this value you then can override keystore.enc.csf.key, as described in "Overview of Policy Configuration Overrides".

If you do override this value, the key for the new value must be in the keystore. That is, overriding the value does not free you from the requirement of configuring the key in the keystores.

B.2.17 keystore.recipient.alias

Keystore alias associated with the peer certificate. The security run time uses this alias to extract the peer certificate from the configured keystore and to encrypt messages to the peer. For information about overriding policies, see "Overview of Policy Configuration Overrides".

B.2.18 keystore.sig.csf.key

The alias and password used for storing the signature key password in the keystore. This property allows you to specify the signature key on a per-attachment level instead of at the domain level. This key is used when generating the enveloping signature, as specified using saml.envelope.signature.required flag.

B.2.19 lookup.action

Optional property. Action that will be used during attributes lookup. Value can be static or dynamic that uses ${} notation.

B.2.20 on.behalf.of

Optional property. Override this property to indicate whether the request is on behalf of an another entity. The default value for this flag is false.

When set to true and sts.auth.on.behalf.of.csf.key is configured, then it will be given preference and the identity established using that CSF key will be sent in the onBehalfOf token. If the sts.auth.on.behalf.of.username.only property is also set to true, the password portion of the identity in the CSF key will not be sent in the onBehalfOf token.

Otherwise, if the subject is already established, then the username from the subject will be sent as the onBehalfOf token.

If sts.auth.on.behalf.of.csf.key is not set and the subject does not exist, on.behalf.of is treated as a token exchange for the requestor and not for another entity. It is not included in an onBehalfOf element in the request.

B.2.21 policy.reference.uri

It is the client policy URI that will be used by the client to communicate with the STS. The policy you choose depends on the authentication requirements of the STS, as identified in its WSDL.

In some cases, you can filter the list of policies by selecting either Show All Client Policies or Show Compatible Client Policies. If you choose Show Compatible Client Policies, only those policies compatible with the port specified in Port URI are shown.

B.2.22 port.endpoint

The endpoint of the STS web service.For a WSDL 2.0 STS, the format is specified as target-namespace#wsdl.endpoint(service-name/port-name). For example, http://samples.otn.com.LoanFlow#wsdl.endpoint(LoanFlowService/LoanFlowPort). For a WSDL 1.1 STS, the format is specified as targetnamespace#wsdl11.endpoint(servicename/portname). For example, http://samples.otn.com.LoanFlow#wsdl11.endpoint(LoanFlowService/LoanFlowPort).

B.2.23 port.uri

The actual endpoint URI of the STS port. For example. http://host:port/context-root/service1.

B.2.24 propagate.identity.context

Propagates the identity context from the web service client to the web service, and then makes it available ("publishes it") to other components for authentication and authorization purposes. For more information, see "Propagating Identity Context Using SAML Policies".

B.2.25 realm

HTTP Realm.

B.2.26 reference.priority


This property has no effect when defined as an unscoped override using the setWSMPolicySetOverride command. For more information, see "setWMSPolicySetOverride" in WLST Command Reference for Infrastructure Components.

Optional property that specifies the priority of the policy attachment. When specified for an attached policy, the effective set of policies algorithm allows the policy with the highest integer value priority to take precedence over a conflicting policy attachment, irrespective of its scope.

The value of reference.priority can be any number between(-231) and (231 - 1). The higher the number, the higher the priority assigned during effective policy calculation. Any policy that does not have a value or a non-numeric value is treated as having a value of 0. If the value is set to any of the words "yes", "true", or "on", the value is set to 1.

For more information, see "Specifying the Priority of a Policy Attachment".

B.2.27 resource.mapping.model

Optional property that switches between different out-of-the-box mapping models. The default value is operation_as_action. Other allowed values are operation_as_resource_hierarchy and lookup_action_fixed_execute_action_as_operation.

B.2.28 resource.name

Optional property. Resource name defined in OES. Value can be static or dynamic that uses ${} notation.

B.2.29 resource.type

Optional property. Resource type defined in OES. Value can be static or dynamic that uses ${} notation.

B.2.30 rm.encrypt.body

Applies to web service client only. If this is set, the body of protocol request messages such as createSequence() and terminateSequence() are encrypted. The default is that WS-RM protocol messages are not encrypted.

The response message body for protocol messages depends on the request message body: if the request message from the client is encrypted for protocol messages, the web service sends the response encrypted, and vice versa.

B.2.31 role

SOAP role.

B.2.32 salt

A non-null and non-empty salt for key derivation.

B.2.33 saml.assertion.filename

Name of the of the SAML token file.

B.2.34 saml.audience.uri

The saml.audience.uri configuration property represents the relying party, as a comma-separated URI.

This field accepts the following wildcards:

  • * in any location.

  • /* at the end of the URI.

  • .* at the end of the URI.

B.2.35 saml.envelope.signature.required

Flag that specifies whether the bearer token is signed using the domain signature key. You can override the domain signature key using the private signature key configured using keystore.sig.csf.key.

Set this flag false (in both client and service policy) to have the bearer token be unsigned.

B.2.36 saml.issuer.name

SAML issuer URI. For more information, see "Adding an Additional SAML Assertion Issuer Name".

B.2.37 saml.trusted.issuers

A comma-separated list of SAML token trusted issuers for an application that will override trusted issuers at domain level.

B.2.38 sc.token.lifetime

Secure Conversation token lifetime in milliseconds. The security context is shared by the client and web service for the lifetime of a communication session. This is the time after which the SCT is expired.

B.2.39 service.principal.name

Kerberos principal name that identifies the service.

B.2.40 subject.precedence

Set subject.precedence to false to allow for the use of a client-specified username rather than the authenticated subject.

If subject.precedence is true, the user name to create the SAML assertion is obtained only from the Subject. Similarly, if subject.precedence is false, the user name to create the SAML assertion is obtained only from the csf-key username property.

B.2.41 sts.auth.caller.principal.name

Client's principal name as generated using the ktpass command and mapped to the username for which the kerberos token should be generated. It is of the format <username>@<REALM NAME>.

B.2.42 sts.auth.keytab.location

Location of the client's keytab file.

B.2.43 sts.auth.on.behalf.of.csf.key

Optional property. Use to configure on behalf of entity. If present, it will be given preference over Subject (if it exists). For information about the on behalf of entity, see "on.behalf.of".

B.2.44 sts.auth.on.behalf.of.username.only

Optional property. Use to configure the on behalf of entity when sts.auth.on.behalf.of.csf.key is specified. For information about the on behalf of entity, see "on.behalf.of".

B.2.45 sts.auth.service.principal.name

Principal name for the web service that needs to be protected. It is of the format <host>/<machine name>@<REALM NAME>. For example, HTTP/mymachine@MYREALM.COM.

B.2.46 sts.auth.user.csf.key

Use to configure username/password to authenticate to the STS.

If policy-reference-uri in the oracle/sts_trust_config_template client assertion template points to a username-based policy, then you configure the sts.auth.user.csf.key property to specify a username/password to authenticate to the STS.

B.2.47 sts.auth.x509.csf.key

Use to configure X509 certificate for authenticating to the STS.

If policy-reference-uri in the oracle/sts_trust_config_template client assertion template points to an x509-based policy, then you configure the sts.auth.x509.csf.key property to specify the X509 certificate for authenticating to the STS.

B.2.48 sts.in.order

Use in Web Services Federation cases to specify the STSes in the trust chain from the RP-STS that web service trusts back to the IP-STS that the web client uses to authenticate.

Set the value of sts.in.order to a comma separated list of the STS URIs to be contacted, starting with the RP-STS and ending with the IP-STS.

For more information about using this property, see "About Configuring Web Services Federation".

B.2.49 sts.keystore.recipient.alias

The alias of the STS certificate you added to the keystore. The default alias name is sts-csf-key.

B.2.50 use.single.step

This is an optional configuration property. Set value to true to skip lookup phase.

Does not apply to masking policy.

B.2.51 user.attributes

User attributes related to the principal of the SAML token.

Specify the attributes to be included as a comma-separated list. For example, attrib1,attrib2. The attribute names you specify must exactly match valid attributes in the configured identity store. The OWSM run time reads the values for these attributes from the configured identity store, and then includes the attributes and their values in the SAML assertion.

Requires that the Subject is available and subject.precedence is set to true.

A client policy reads the values of the attributes specified using user.attributes from the configured identity store. All valid attribute names and values are used to create the SAML attribute statement.

The user.attributes property is supported for a single identity store, and only the first identity store in the list is used. The user must, therefore, exist and be valid in the identity store used by the configured WebLogic Server Authentication provider. Authentication providers are described in "Supported Authentication Providers in WebLogic Server".

If the identity store you require is not the first identity store, you can specify that additional identity stores be searched. See "Including User Attributes in the Assertion" for more information.

B.2.52 user.roles.include

This configuration property specifies the user roles.

When set to true, OWSM reads the roles of the user from the user repository (LDAP) and propagates them as SAML attributes.

B.2.53 user.tenant.name

This configuration property is reserved for use with Oracle Cloud.

B.2.54 wsdl.uri

The endpoint URI of an STS WSDL, used to obtain STS information and invoke the STS for token exchange.