Siebel Sales Handheld Guide

What's New in This Release

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Overview of Siebel Sales Handheld

Siebel Mobile Products

About Siebel Handheld Applications

Overview of Siebel Handheld Application Synchronization

Synchronization Methods and Architecture for Siebel Handheld Applications

Overview of Siebel Handheld Client Configuration

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Developing Siebel Handheld Applications

Overview of Siebel Handheld Application Architecture

Unsupported Features for Siebel Handheld Client

About Defining User Functionality in the Siebel Handheld Client

Configuration Guidelines for the Siebel Handheld Client

About Creating Siebel Handheld Application Projects

Designing Screens and Views for Siebel Handheld Applications

Working With Different Handheld Device Specifications

Configuring User Interface Elements in the Siebel Handheld Client

Configuring List Applets for the Siebel Handheld Client

Configuring Fields to Display as Pop-Up Text Areas in List Applets

Configuring Alpha Tabs in List Applets for the Siebel Handheld Client

Configuring Form Applets for the Siebel Handheld Client

Configuring Form UI Applets for the Siebel Handheld Client

Using Auto Pop-Up Lists in the Siebel Handheld Client

Configuring Tree Applets for the Siebel Handheld Client

About Home Page Applets in Siebel Handheld Applications

About Buttons in Siebel Handheld Applications

About Multi-Value Groups in Siebel Handheld Applications

About the Menu Bar in Siebel Handheld Applications

About Toolbars in Siebel Handheld Applications

About the Status Bar in the Siebel Handheld Application

About Hyperlinks in the Siebel Handheld Application

Using the COM Interface with Siebel Handheld Applications

Configuring Calendar Settings

User Properties for Calendar Settings

Configuring Calendar Color Codes and Descriptions

Configuring the Goto View Button

Developing Tasks for Task UI in Siebel Handheld Applications

Designing a Task for Siebel Handheld Applications

Creating a Task for Siebel Handheld Applications

Example of Creating a Task for Siebel Handheld Application

Scripting in the Siebel Handheld Application

Compiling the Siebel Handheld Application

Installing and Setting Up End User Translation Functionality

Performing Setup for Initial String Translation

Distributing Translated Strings

Configuring Printing from the Siebel Handheld Application

Defining Documents for Siebel Handheld Applications

Designing Print Applets for Siebel Handheld Applications

Configuring Print Applets for the Siebel Handheld Application

Configuring Print Buttons for the Siebel Handheld Application

Creating Print Templates for the Siebel Handheld Application

Configuring a Printer Settings Dialog Box for the Siebel Handheld Application

Configuring Multiple Form and Multiple Quantity Printing for the Siebel Handheld Application

Configuring Siebel Handheld Applications to Open Other Applications

Configuring Signature Capture Capabilities in Siebel Handheld Applications

Enabling Signature Capture

Invoking Signature Capture Dialog Box and Display

Signature Capture Dialog Box and Signature Display

Example of Configuring Signature Capture in Activities More Info View in Siebel Handheld Applications

Adding a Signature Capture Button in Siebel Tools

User Properties for Signature Capture Applets

Testing the Siebel Handheld Application

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Siebel Handheld Application Administration

Overview of Siebel Handheld Application Administration Screens

Setting Up Users in Siebel Handheld Applications

Assigning User Responsibilities to Siebel Handheld Application Users

Creating Siebel Handheld Application Views

Specifying Views for the Siebel Handheld Application

About Business Component Filters

About Business Object Filters

About Thread Throttling in Siebel Handheld Applications

About Settings in the Administration Screens of Siebel Handheld Applications

Configuring Application Settings for Siebel Handheld Applications

Configuring Component Level Settings for Siebel Handheld Applications

Administering Barcode Settings for Siebel Handheld Applications

Enabling Barcode Scanning in Siebel Handheld Applications

Setting New Record Behavior for Barcode Scans

Mapping a Button for Socket In-Hand Scan Card

Creating New Barcode Definitions for Siebel Handheld Applications

Enabling Applications Views for Barcode Scanning

Enhancing the Behavior of the Barcode Scan

Example of Creating a New Barcode Definition in the Siebel Handheld Application

About BatchSync for Siebel Handheld Applications

Process for Administering Batch Sync for Siebel Handheld Applications

Enabling BatchSync for Siebel Handheld Applications

Downloading a Database Extraction

Reviewing Batch Synchronization Status

Running a Batch Extract

Running a Batch Transaction Process

Load Balancing Support for Synchronization

Setting the ApplicationDirectory Parameter

Enabling Encryption for Siebel Handheld Applications

Enabling Application Lockout for a Siebel Handheld Application

Enabling Authentication for a Siebel Handheld Application

Enabling Local Database Encryption for a Siebel Handheld Application

Storing Asynchronous Data

About Monitoring Synchronization Sessions for Siebel Handheld Applications

Monitoring Synchronization Sessions for Siebel Handheld Applications

Obtaining Error Details from Synchronization Sessions in Siebel Handheld Applications

Obtaining Business Component Information from Synchronization Conflicts in Siebel Handheld Applications

Obtaining an Audit Trail for Synchronization Sessions in Siebel Handheld Applications

Responding to Synchronization Errors in Siebel Handheld Applications

Organization Enabled LOV Support

Enabling Organization LOV Support in the Siebel Handheld Client

Example of Configuring, Enabling, and Using Multiple Organization LOVs in Handheld Applications

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Data Filtering for Siebel Handheld Applications

Developing Data Filters for Siebel Handheld Applications

Constructing Business Component and Business Object Filters for Siebel Handheld Applications

Business Object Filters for Siebel Handheld Applications

Recommendations for Managing Business Object Filters for Siebel Handheld Applications

Companion Synchronization Deployments

Direct Server Synchronization Deployments

Examples of Default Business Object Declarations

Designating Visibility

Overriding the Popup Visibility

Multiple Visibility Methods

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Deploying Siebel Handheld Applications

Overview of Deployment for the Siebel Handheld Application Client

Installing the Siebel Server for Direct Server Synchronization

Installing the Components for Direct Server Synchronization Using the Siebel Server Installer

Siebel Server Component Parameters for Direct Server Synchronization

Configuring the Siebel Server for Direct Server Synchronization

Configuring Logging Levels for Direct Server Synchronization

Configuring Logging Levels for Companion Synchronization

Optimizing Siebel Server Process Management for Direct Server Synchronization

Performance and Scalability of Synchronization for Handheld Applications

Providing Synchronization Security with Secure Sockets Layer

Process of Installing the Siebel Handheld Application

Editing the Siebel Handheld Application Installation Configuration File

Enabling Back Up of Siebel Handheld Application Database

Installing Print Templates in the Siebel Handheld Install Directory

Setting Up Siebel Handheld Application Installation on a CompactFlash Card

Changing the SyncURL on Handheld Devices

Installing the Siebel Handheld Application from External Media

Distributing Siebel Handheld Application Patches

Deploying Patches to Handheld Applications with Direct Server Synchronization

Deploying Handheld Application Patches with Companion Synchronization

Creating Handheld Application Upgrade Kits for Companion Synchronization PDA

Deploying Attachments to Handheld Applications with Direct Server Synchronization

Deploying Handheld Application Attachments with Companion Synchronization

Downloading Patches to the Handheld Device

Setting up PatchAgent on Windows 2003

Using PatchAgent to Distribute New Print Templates to the Handheld Device

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Synchronization Conflict Handling and Recovery with Siebel Handheld Applications

Preventing Synchronization Transaction Conflicts with Handheld Applications

Extended Pick Processing in Siebel Handheld Applications

Insert Failure Processing in Siebel Handheld Applications

Recovering Error Data in Siebel Handheld Applications

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Installing the Siebel Handheld Application

Process of Installing, Reinstalling, or Upgrading a Siebel Handheld Application

Uninstalling the Siebel Handheld Application

Installing the Siebel Handheld Application

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Working with Siebel Handheld Applications

Components of the Siebel Handheld Application Interface

Navigating the Siebel Handheld Application Interface

Navigating a List of Records in the Siebel Handheld Application

Entering Data with the Siebel Handheld Application

Finding and Querying Data in the Siebel Handheld Application

About Find in Siebel Handheld Applications

About Queries in Siebel Handheld Applications

Printing with the Siebel Handheld Application

Exporting Data with the Siebel Handheld Application

Setting User Preferences in the Siebel Handheld Application

Backing Up and Restoring Data with the Siebel Handheld Client

Synchronizing Data on Your Handheld Device

Using Synchronization with the Siebel Handheld Application Client

Using Companion Synchronization with the Siebel Handheld Client

Using Direct Server Synchronization with the Siebel Handheld Application Client

About Synchronization Options

Troubleshooting Synchronization with the Siebel Handheld Application Client

Guidelines for Improving Siebel Handheld Application Performance

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Using Siebel Sales Handheld

About Using Siebel Sales Handheld

About Managing Contacts in Siebel Sales Handheld

Adding Contacts in Siebel Sales Handheld

Associating Contacts with Opportunities in Siebel Sales Handheld

Managing Accounts in Siebel Sales Handheld

Creating Accounts in Siebel Sales Handheld

Associating Activities with Accounts in Siebel Sales Handheld

Associating Opportunities with Accounts in Siebel Sales Handheld

Developing Opportunities in Siebel Sales Handheld

About Creating Opportunities in Siebel Sales Handheld

About Sales Methods in Siebel Sales Handheld

Associating a Contact with an Opportunity in Siebel Sales Handheld

Associating a Product with an Opportunity in Siebel Sales Handheld

About Opportunity Quotes in Siebel Sales Handheld

Managing Customer Relationships in Siebel Sales Handheld

Creating Activities in Siebel Sales Handheld

Delegating Activities in Siebel Sales Handheld

Associating Contacts with Activities in Siebel Sales Handheld

Adding General Activities Using the Calendar in Siebel Sales Handheld

Developing Quotes in Siebel Sales Handheld

Creating Quotes in Siebel Sales Handheld

Using Auto Quote in Siebel Sales Handheld

Adding Quote Items in Siebel Sales Handheld

Printing Quotes in Siebel Sales Handheld

Managing Orders in Siebel Sales Handheld

Creating Orders in Siebel Sales Handheld

Adding Order Line Items in Siebel Sales Handheld

Entering Terms and Totals in Siebel Sales Handheld

Tracking Expenses in Siebel Sales Handheld

Creating an Expense Report in Siebel Sales Handheld

Submitting an Expense Report in Siebel Sales Handheld

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Troubleshooting Siebel Handheld Application Installation

Troubleshooting Siebel Handheld Application Synchronization

Companion Synchronization Checklist

Direct Server Synchronization Checklist

Resynchronizing Problems

Synchronization Timeout Parameters

Siebel Handheld Application Log Files

Direct Server Synchronization Log and Output Files

Companion Synchronization Log and Output Files

Handheld Device Log

Using SQLTrace with Siebel Handheld Applications

End User Error Messages

Web Server Timeout Errors

Handheld Device Timeout Errors

Siebel Handheld Application Performance

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Screens and Views

Screens and Views

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Business Components and Classes

Business Components for Siebel Sales Handheld

Business Component Classes for Siebel Sales Handheld

Applet Classes for Siebel Sales Handheld

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User Properties and Methods

User Properties for Siebel Sales Handheld Applications

Methods for Siebel Sales Handheld

AutoQuote Method

AutoOrder Method

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Print Tagging Language

Overview of Print Tagging Language for Siebel Handheld Applications

Print Mode Tags

Absolute Tag

Relative Tag

Data Output Tags

Applet Tag

Cell Tag

Picture Tag

Static Text Tag

Print Formatting Tags

Background Tag

Comment Tag

Divider Tag

DrawRect Tag

EndOfLine Tag

EndOfPage Tag

Footer Tag

Format Tag

Frame Tag

Header Tag

Landscape Tag

List Tag

LineTo Tag

Margin Tag

PageBreak Tag

Portrait Tag

Title Tag

Get and Set Tags

GetCount Tag

GetDate Tag

GetDirect Tag

GetField Tag

GetRegistry Tag

GetTime Tag

GetTotal Tag

SetVariable Tag

Control Positioning Tags

GetX Tag

GetY Tag

Offset Tag

SetX Tag

SetY Tag

Data Manipulation and Logic Tags

Concat Tag

Conditional Tags

sql (WHERE) Tag

Variable Parameter Tags

Using Variables in Print Templates

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Print Configuration Settings

Overview of Print Configuration Settings for Siebel Handheld Applications

Print Configuration Settings



















Default Printing Settings

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COM Extensibility

About COM Extensibility

Overview of the SCEC Framework

Receiving Event Notifications

Invoking Siebel Methods (Action Requests)

Obtaining and Using Action Request Interface References

Process of Implementing a SCEC

Obtaining the SCEC Support Files

Generating and Configuring a SCEC

Modifying SCEC Files

Deploying SCEC Files to a PDA Device

Configuring SCEC User Properties in Siebel Tools

Configuring SCEC Registry Settings

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Siebel Sales Handheld Guide Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.