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System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration
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1.  Managing Terminals and Modems (Overview)

2.  Setting Up Terminals and Modems (Tasks)

3.  Managing Serial Ports With the Service Access Facility (Tasks)

4.  Managing System Resources (Overview)

5.  Displaying and Changing System Information (Tasks)

6.  Managing Disk Use (Tasks)

7.  Managing UFS Quotas (Tasks)

8.  Scheduling System Tasks (Tasks)

9.  Managing System Accounting (Tasks)

10.  System Accounting (Reference)

11.  Managing System Performance (Overview)

12.  Managing System Processes (Tasks)

13.  Monitoring System Performance (Tasks)

14.  Troubleshooting Software Problems (Overview)

15.  Managing System Messages

16.  Managing Core Files (Tasks)

17.  Managing System Crash Information (Tasks)

18.  Troubleshooting Miscellaneous Software Problems (Tasks)

19.  Troubleshooting File Access Problems (Tasks)

20.  Resolving UFS File System Inconsistencies (Tasks)

21.  Troubleshooting Software Package Problems (Tasks)


























sa1 command, Collecting System Activity Data Automatically (sar)
sa2 command
Collecting System Activity Data Automatically (sar)
Producing Reports With the sa2 Shell Script
SAC, See Service Access Controller
sacadm command, How to Enable a ttymon Port Monitor
adding a ttymon port monitor with, How to Add a ttymon Port Monitor
described, Overall SAF Administration (sacadm)
killing a ttymon port monitor with, How to Stop a ttymon Port Monitor
starting a ttymon port monitor with, How to Start a ttymon Port Monitor
sadc command
Collecting System Activity Data Automatically (sar)
Running the sadc Command When Booting
Setting Up Automatic Data Collection (sar)
sadd file, Running the sadc Command Periodically With the sa1 Script
SAF, See Service Access Facility
sar command
How to Check File Access (sar -a)
Setting Up Automatic Data Collection (sar)
description of all options, Setting Up Automatic Data Collection (sar)
options listed, Setting Up Automatic Data Collection (sar)
Monitoring System Activities (sar)
Setting Up Automatic Data Collection (sar)
-a option (file access)
How to Check File Access (sar -a)
How to Check File Access (sar -a)
-A option (overall performance)
How to Check Overall System Performance (sar -A)
Setting Up Automatic Data Collection (sar)
-b option (buffers), How to Check Buffer Activity (sar -b)
-c option (system calls), How to Check System Call Statistics (sar -c)
-e option (ending time), Setting Up Automatic Data Collection (sar)
-f option (file to extract data from), Setting Up Automatic Data Collection (sar)
-i option (interval), Setting Up Automatic Data Collection (sar)
-m option (interprocess communication), How to Check Interprocess Communication (sar -m)
-p option (page-in/page faults), How to Check Page-In Activity (sar -p)
-q option (queue)
How to Check Queue Activity (sar -q)
How to Check Queue Activity (sar -q)
-r option (unused memory), How to Check Unused Memory (sar -r)
-s option (starting time), Setting Up Automatic Data Collection (sar)
-u option (CPU usage), How to Check CPU Utilization (sar -u)
-v option (system tables), How to Check System Table Status (sar -v)
-y option (terminal devices), How to Check Terminal Activity (sar -y)
saving crash dump information, Saving Crash Dumps
See also crontab command, atcommand
one-time system tasks
For Scheduling a Single Job: at
Scheduling a Single System Task (at)
repetitive system tasks
For Scheduling Repetitive Jobs: crontab
Scheduling a Repetitive System Task (cron)
scheduling classes, Managing Process Class Information
changing, How to Change the Class of a Process (priocntl)
changing priority of
How to Change Scheduling Parameters of a Timesharing Process (priocntl)
Changing the Priority of a Timesharing Process (nice)
designating, How to Designate a Process Priority (priocntl)
displaying information on
Using the ps Command
How to Display Basic Information About Process Classes (priocntl)
How to Display the Global Priority of a Process
priority levels and
Managing Process Class Information
How to Change Scheduling Parameters of a Timesharing Process (priocntl)
search path, files for setting, How to Diagnose and Correct Search Path Problems
at command, Controlling Access to the at Command
crontab command, Controlling Access to the crontab Command
security around superuser password
Common Agent Container shared component
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting Common Agent Container Problems in the Oracle Solaris OS
serial port
adapter board, Ports Description
defined, Ports Description
Service Access Controller
Service Access Controller (SAC Program)
SAC Initialization Process
Service Access Facility
overview of
Overview of the Service Access Facility
Using the Service Access Facility
programs associated with (table), Using the Service Access Facility
services controlled by
states of (table), Service States
uses for
Overview of the Service Access Facility
Using the Service Access Facility
setting, a core file name pattern with coreadm, How to Set a Core File Name Pattern
setting terminals and modems, task map, Setting Terminals and Modems (Task Map)
setting the baud rate on the ttymon console terminal, how to, How to Set the Baud Rate Speed on the ttymon Console Terminal
shared memory, process virtual memory, Processes and System Performance
shutacct script
How Daily Accounting Works
What Happens If the System Shuts Down
shutdown command, What Happens If the System Shuts Down
How Daily Accounting Works
What Happens If the System Shuts Down
Daily Report
Checking the Size of Directories
How to Display the User Ownership of Local UFS File Systems
Checking the Size of Files
How to Display the Size of Files
Checking the Size of Directories
How to Display the User Ownership of Local UFS File Systems
soft limit time, changing, How to Change the Soft Limit Default
software packages, troubleshooting installation of, Troubleshooting Software Package Problems (Tasks)
Spacctn.MMDD file
runacct Script
System Accounting Files
startup command, acct, How Daily Accounting Works
statefile file
Restarting the runacct Script
runacct Script
System Accounting Files
states, (runacct script), runacct Script
processes temporarily, Using the /proc File System and Commands
system accounting, How to Temporarily Stop System Accounting
superuser (root) password, forget
SPARC, What to Do If You Forgot the Root Password
What to Do If You Forgot the Root Password
What to Do If You Forgot the Root Password
svcadm enable system/sar:default command, Running the sadc Command When Booting
swap volume size, for systems with ZFS root file system, Oracle Solaris ZFS Support for Swap Area and Dump Devices
sys crontab, Running the sadc Command Periodically With the sa1 Script
syslog.conf file
Customizing System Message Logging
Customizing System Message Logging
syslogd daemon, Viewing System Messages
system accounting, task map, System Accounting (Task Map)
system activities
automatic collection of data on
Collecting System Activity Data Automatically (sar)
Running the sadc Command When Booting
list of activities tracked, About Monitoring System Performance
manual collection of data on, Setting Up Automatic Data Collection (sar)
system crash information, managing with dumpadm, The dumpadm Command
system message logging (customizing), Customizing System Message Logging
system messages
customizing logging (how to), How to Customize System Message Logging
specifying storage location for, Viewing System Messages
system resources
overview, What is System Accounting?
monitoring, Controlling Access to the at Command
accounting, How to Restart the runacct Script
accounting system for, System Accounting Files
automatic, Controlling Access to the at Command
Customizing System Message Logging
What to Do If a System Hangs
UFS quotas, How to Check UFS Quotas on a File System
overview, System Performance and System Resources
system tasks
See also crontab command, at command
one-time tasks
For Scheduling a Single Job: at
Scheduling a Single System Task (at)
repetitive tasks
For Scheduling Repetitive Jobs: crontab
Scheduling a Repetitive System Task (cron)
scheduling automatically, Ways to Automatically Execute System Tasks