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Developing Oracle Java CAPS Projects     Java CAPS Documentation
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Developing Java CAPS Projects

Connecting to a Repository

To Connect to a Repository

Creating a Repository-Based Project

To Create a Top-level Repository-Based Project

Opening a Repository-Based Project

To Open a Top-level Repository-Based Project

Adding and Connecting Project Components

Project Nesting

Using the Connectivity Map Editor

Linking Services and Destinations

To Link Services and Destinations

Adding and Setting Up Schedulers

To Add a Scheduler to the Project

To Configure the Schedule

To Configure the Time Zone

Project Context Menu

Project Component Context Menu

Connectivity Map Editor Toolbar

Project Component Overview

Project Components

External Applications


Message Destinations



Mapping Entities

Business Processes


Message Destinations

External Applications

Web Service Applications

Web Connectors

WLM Connectors

Collaboration Definitions

Object Type Definitions

Web Service Definitions

XML Schema Definitions

Constants and Variables

Connectivity Maps

Deployment Profiles


Object Type Definitions

Figure 17 Object Type Definition Icon

image:Image of an Object Type Definition icon.

The basic functionality of a Project is processing and routing messages, which it accomplishes by means of Collaborations. To operate on a message, the Collaboration needs a description of the message structure and format. This description is embodied in an Object Type Definition, or OTD, instances of which are incorporated into the Collaboration Definition.

A Collaboration will typically receive a message containing the external representation of a particular OTD. It will use the unmarshal method of an instance of that OTD to parse the data and make it accessible though the hierarchical data structure. Then it will perform some operation— for example, copying parts of the data to another OTD instance. Finally, it will invoke the marshal method on the other OTD instance to render the contents of its data structure as a single, serialized data stream for further transport.

In some cases, the OTD can be generated semi-automatically based on the external data source itself; in other cases, you must create the OTD using the tools provided in the NetBeans IDE.