The actual saving of an Order object occurs by calling the updateOrder() method in the OrderManager. The updateOrder() method calls into the PipelineManager to execute the updateOrder pipeline. Each processor in the pipeline saves a different type of commerce object.

The following table describes the individual processors in the updateOrder pipeline. They are listed in order of execution.

PipelineLink name



Saves an Order object’s properties to the repository. The Order is supplied in the optional user parameter of the PipelineManager. The class that implements this functionality is atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveOrderObject.


Saves the CommerceItem properties for the items in the Order. The class that implements this functionality is atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveCommerceItemObjects.


Saves the ShippingGroup properties for the shipping groups in the Order. The class that implements this functionality is atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveShippingGroupObjects.


Saves the HandlingInstruction properties for the handling instructions in the Order. The class that implements this functionality is atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveHandlingInstructionObjects.


Saves the PaymentGroup properties for the payment groups in the Order. The class that implements this functionality is atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentGroupObjects.


Saves the PaymentStatus properties for the PaymentStatus objects in all the payment groups in the Order. These are the authorizationStatus, debitStatus, and creditStatus properties in the PaymentGroup class. The class that implements this functionality is atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects.


Saves the Relationship properties for the Relationships in the Order. The class that implements this functionality is atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveRelationshipObjects.


Saves the PriceInfo properties for the PriceInfo in the Order. The properties saved are in Order (priceInfo and taxPriceInfo), ShippingGroup (priceInfo), and CommerceItems (priceInfo). The class that implements this functionality is atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentGroupObjects.


Sets the lastModifiedTime property in the Order object if any changes were made to the Order. If no changes were made, then the lastModifiedTime is not changed. The class that implements this functionality is atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetLastModifiedTime.

For more information about pipelines, the PipelineManager, and the transactional modes and transitions of the processors in the updateOrder pipeline, see Appendix F, Pipeline Chains.

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