The moveToConfirmation pipeline chain prices the Order and validates it. The moveToConfirmation pipeline chain is executed by the handleMoveToConfirmation() method in the PaymentGroupFormHandler. The pipeline chain’s transaction mode is TX_REQUIRED.

The following sections describe each processor in the pipeline chain.


This processor causes the repriceOrder pipeline chain to be executed.

Transactional mode: TX_MANDATORY

Nucleus component: /atg/commerce/pricing/processor/ExecuteRepriceOrderChain

PipelineProcessor object: atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcExecuteChain

Transitions: return value of 1 will execute executeValidateForCheckoutChain2 next.


This processor causes the validateForCheckout chain to be executed.

Transactional mode: TX_MANDATORY

Nucleus component: /atg/commerce/order/processor/ExecuteValidateForCheckoutChain

PipelineProcessor object: atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcExecuteChain

Transitions: None, this is the last link in the chain and will cause the PipelineManager to return to the caller.

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