Oracle ATG Web Commerce has one business process configured out-of-the-box, the shopping process. The shopping process is made up of a series of stages that a customer follows, from browsing for products to, if all goes well, purchasing and checking out. The stages of the shopping process in Commerce are defined as:

These stages are defined in the stageNames property of the /atg/commerce/bp/ShoppingProcessConfiguration component.

The ShoppingProcessConfiguration component also specifies the duplication mode for the shopping process. The duplication mode determines what happens if an order reaches a business stage for the second or subsequent time. By default, the duplication mode of the ShoppingProcessConfiguration component is NO_DUPLICATES, which means an order is marked as having reached a new stage in the shopping process only the first time it reaches that stage. No change is made if the order reaches the same stage again.

Every commerce site is different. The business process stages that are defined by default in Commerce may not fit the needs of your sites. You can define whatever business process stages you want by setting the stageNames property of the /atg/commerce/bp/ShoppingProcessConfiguration component. Whether you use the default business process stages or define your own, you need to track them by adding servlet beans to your checkout pages or defining scenarios to mark when a stage is reached, as described in the rest of this section.

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