The handleHardgoodShipGroupUpdateModification chain is executed when called by the handleHardgoodModifyOrderNotification chain.

The following sections describe each processor in the pipeline chain.


This processor extracts the shipping group IDs from the ModifyOrderNotification message and places them in the pipeline’s parameter map.

Transactional mode: TX_MANDATORY

Nucleus component: /atg/commerce/fulfillment/processor/ExtractShippingGroupIds

PipelineProcessor object: atg.commerce.pricing.processor.ProcSendScenarioEvent

Transitions: Return value of 1 executes the processHardgoodShippingGroupsChain2 processor.


This processor iterates through the list of shipping groups and executes the processHardgoodShippingGroup chain for each group.

Transactional mode: TX_MANDATORY

Nucleus component: /atg/commerce/fulfillment/processor/ProcessHardgoodShippingGroupsChain

PipelineProcessor object: atg.commerce.pricing.processor.ProcSendScenarioEvent

Transitions: None. This is the last link in the chain and causes the PipelineManager to return to the caller.

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