A common practice for Oracle ATG Web Commerce installations is to use a switching database configuration. This means in essence that you have two copies of your database, only one of which is online at any given time. Updates can be made to the offline database, which is then switched to be the live database while the second database is updated. If you are not planning to use database switching, you can run all of your Commerce database creation scripts against a single database, as described in the previous section.

Using a switching schema entails configuring three datasources. If you are using CIM, this configuration is handled for you. See Configuring a Database Switch for information.

If you want to set up your database for switching, you must take this into account when creating database tables. Not all of your tables need to be switched, so there is no need to create all tables in both locations. If you are using CIM, database tables are automatically created in the correct schemas, but if you want to create your tables manually, the following scripts should be run for your switching database:

  • priceLists_ddl.sql

  • product_catalog_ddl.sql

  • custom_catalog_ddl.sql

  • promotion_ddl.sql

The following scripts are run against the (non-switching) production core database:

  • claimable_ddl.sql

  • commerce_user.sql

  • dcs_mappers.sql

  • inventory_ddl.sql

  • order_ddl.sql

  • contracts_ddl.sql

  • organization_ddl.sql

  • order_markers_ddl.sql

  • user_giftlist_ddl.sql

  • user_promotion_ddl.sql

  • invoice_ddl.sql

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