You can replace the fulfillment system that ships with Oracle ATG Web Commerce with another fulfillment system. For example, if you wanted to use a test fulfillment system with or in place of the existing fulfillment system.

Follow these steps to replace the default Commerce fulfillment system:

  1. Configure your new fulfillment system within Patchbay (/atg/dynamo/messaging/dynamoMessagingSystem.xml) to subscribe to the sqldms://Fulfillment/SubmitOrder topic. This is where the Purchase Process sends messages. For more information on Patch Bay, see the Dynamo Message System chapter of the ATG Platform Programming GuideATG Platform Programming Guide.

  2. If your test fulfillment system is using a separate repository for orders, configure a new OrderManager with a new OrderRepository. Use this from your test fulfiller. For more information on OrderManager, see the Configuring Purchase Process Services chapter.

  3. If you want the Scenario Server to perform actions based on fulfillment events, configure Patchbay so that your fulfillment systems sends the events and the ScenarioManager listens for them. For more information on scenarios, see the Using Scenarios in the Fulfillment Process section.

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