The InventoryManager implementations that Oracle ATG Web Commerce provides out of the box require the atg.service.cache package and an instance of the Generic SQL Adapter. For more information on SQL Repositories, see the ATG Repository Guide.

The SQL Repository must be configured before the RepositoryInventoryManager can use it. You must set values for the following properties:

  • stocklevel (optional)

  • backorderLevel (optional)

  • preorderLevel (optional)

  • stockThreshold (optional)

  • backorderThreshold (optional)

  • preorderThreshold (optional)

  • availabilityStatus (required)

  • availabilityDate (optional)

If the properties above are not included, all items will be treated as having a stockLevel of –1 (infinite supply). The backorderLevel, preorderLevel, stockThreshold, preorderThreshold, and backorderThreshold are set to zero. These default values are configurable in the RepositoryInventoryManager.

The best way to insure that every item in the repository that represents an inventory item has the required properties is to have a view and/or ItemDescriptor in the repository dedicated to the “inventory item” type. However, this is not specifically required.

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