Scenarios allow business users to define the set of actions to be performed when certain events or conditions occur. A detailed discussion of how scenarios are created and used can be found in the ATG Personalization Guide for Business Users.

The fulfillment process uses of the scenario engine to provide features including e-mail notifications to customers. These e-mails can indicate that a shipping group has shipped, an item was backordered/preordered or whether the order is complete.

The scenario engine listens for the three different classes of messages described in the Order Fulfillment Events section. The default Oracle ATG Web Commerce implementation uses several of these messages as the events that trigger e-mail.

The following list describes the Fulfillment and ReceiveOrder scenarios included with Commerce. These scenarios are located in the Scenarios section of the ACC in the DCS folder. For a description of the events, see the previous section. By default, this scenario is disabled. Enable this scenario using the ATG Control Center.

Fulfillment scenario:

  • OrderFinished – When an OrderModified event with a subType of OrderFinished is received, send an e-mail to the owner of the order (the Profile that is included in the message). The e-mail uses the e-mail template found at dynamo/commerce/en/email_templates/jsp/OrderFinished.jsp. It notifies the customer that their order has shipped and payment has been made.

  • ShippingGroupShipped – When an ShippingGroupModified event with a subType of ShippingGroupShipped is received, send an e-mail to the owner of the order. The e-mail uses the e-mail template found at dynamo/commerce/en/email_templates/jsp/ShippingGroupShipped.jsp. It notifies the customer that a shipping group in their order has been shipped.

  • UnavailableItems: When an OrderModified event with a subType of OrderHasUnavailableItems is received, send an e-mail to the owner of the order. The e-mail uses the e-mail template found at dynamo/commerce/en/email_templates/jsp/OrderHasUnavailableItems.jsp. It notifies the customer that their order cannot be completed yet.

  • OrderCancelled: When an OrderModified event with a subtype of OrderWasRemoved is received, then send an e-mail to the owner of the order. The e-mail uses the template found at dynamo/commerce/en/email_templates/jsp/OrderCancelled.jsp. It notifies the customer that their order has been cancelled.

  • ItemRemoved: When an ItemRemovedFromOrder message is received and the order’s state is 0, send and e-mail to the send an e-mail to the owner of the order. The e-mail uses the e-mail template found at dynamo/commerce/en/email_templates/jsp/ItemRemovedFomOrder.jsp. It notifies the customer that the item has been removed from the order.

  • PaymentGroupChanged: When a PaymentGroupModified message is received, send and e-mail to the send an e-mail to the owner of the order. The e-mail uses the e-mail template found at dynamo/commerce/en/email_templates/jsp/PaymentGroupChanged.jsp. It notifies the customer that their payment information has been updated.

ReceiveOrder scenario:

  • SubmitOrder – When a SubmitOrder message is received, send an e-mail to the owner of the order. The e-mail uses the e-mail template found at dynamo/commerce/en/email_templates/jsp/SubmitOrderReceived.jsp. It notifies the customer that their order has been received.

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