Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: Performance Analyzer

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Updated: January 2015

analyzer Command Options

    These analyzer command options control the behavior of Performance Analyzer and are divided into the following groups:

  • Experiment options

  • Java options

  • Control options

  • Information options

Experiment Options

These options specify how to handle experiments that you specify on the command line.

-c base-group compare-group

Start Performance Analyzer and compare the specified experiments.

The base-group is either a single experiment or a groupname.erg file which specifies multiple experiments. The compare-group is one or more experiments that you want to compare to the base group.

To specify multiple experiments in the compare group, separate the experiment names with spaces. You can also specify a groupname.erg file which specifies multiple experiments in the compare group.

Example 4-1  Sample Commands for Opening Experiments in Comparison Mode

Open the experiment and compare it to

% analyzer -c

Open the experiment group demotest.erg and compare it to

% analyzer -c demotest.erg

Java Options for analyzer Command

These options specify settings for the JVM that runs Performance Analyzer.

-j | --jdkhome jvm-path

Specify the path to the Java software for running Performance Analyzer. When the –j option is not specified, the default path is taken first by examining environment variables for a path to the JVM, in the order JDK_HOME and then JAVA_PATH. If neither environment variable is set, the JVM found on your PATH is used. Use the –j option to override all the default paths. See


    Specify the JVM options. You can specify multiple options. For example:

  • To run the 64–bit Performance Analyzer, type:

    analyzer -J-d64
  • To run Performance Analyzer with a maximum of JVM memory of 2 Gbytes, type:

    analyzer -J-Xmx2G
  • To run the 64–bit Performance Analyzer with a maximum JVM memory of 8 Gbytes, type:

    analyzer -J-d64 -J-Xmx8G

Control Options for analyzer Command

These analyzer command options control the location of the user directory where your settings are stored, set the font size of the user interface. and display the version and runtime information before starting Performance Analyzer.

-f | --fontsize size

Specify the font size to be used in the Performance Analyzer user interface..

To start Performance Analyzer and display the menus in 14-point font, type the following:

analyzer -f 14
-v | --verbose

Display version information and Java runtime arguments and then start Performance Analyzer.

Information Options for analyzer Command

These options print information about analyzer to standard output. The individual options below are stand-alone options. They cannot be combined with other analyzer options nor combined with target or experiment-list arguments.

-V | --version

Display version information only and do not start Performance Analyzer.

-? | -h | --help

Print usage information and exit.