Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: Performance Analyzer

Exit Print View

Updated: January 2015


Write the function list with the currently selected metrics. The function list includes all functions in load objects that are selected for display of functions, and any load objects whose functions are hidden with the object_select command.

The default metrics printed are exclusive and inclusive user CPU time, in both seconds and percentage of total program metric. You can change the current metrics displayed with the metrics command, which you must issue before you issue the functions command. You can also change the defaults with the dmetrics command in an .er.rc file.

You can limit the number of lines written by using the limit command (see Commands That Control Output).

For applications written in the Java programming language, the displayed function information varies depending on whether the View mode is set to user, expert, or machine.

  • User mode shows each method by name, with data for interpreted and HotSpot-compiled methods aggregated together. It also suppresses data for non-user-Java threads.

  • Expert mode separates HotSpot-compiled methods from interpreted methods. It does not suppress non-user Java threads.

  • Machine mode shows data for interpreted Java methods against the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) software as it does the interpreting, while data for methods compiled with the Java HotSpot virtual machine is reported for named methods. All threads are shown.

In all three modes, data is reported in the usual way for any C, C++, or Fortran code called by a Java target.