Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: Performance Analyzer

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Updated: January 2015

MPI Chart View

The MPI Chart view shows charts of the MPI tracing data displayed in the MPI Timeline view. It displays plots of data concerning MPI execution. Changing the controls in the MPI Chart view and clicking Redraw causes a new chart to be displayed. Selecting an element from a chart shows more detailed information about that element in the MPI Chart Controls view.

Dragging the mouse causes the MPI Chart view to zoom in on the rectangular area defined by the drag.

You can print an image of the MPI chart to a .jpg file. Choose File → Export and select Export as JPEG.

MPI Chart Controls

The MPI Chart Controls window has a set of drop-down lists to control the type of chart, the parameters for the X and Y axes, and the Metric and Operator used to aggregate the data. Clicking Redraw causes a new graph to be drawn.

Filtering causes data outside the current field of view to be eliminated from the data set shown in the MPI Timeline view and MPI Chart view. To apply a filter, click the Filter button. Click the back-filter button to undo the last filter; click the forward-filter button to reapply a filter.

The MPI Chart Controls window is also used to show the details for a selection from the MPI Chart view.