Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: Performance Analyzer

Exit Print View

Updated: January 2015

Setting Defaults in .er.rc Files

The er_print utility reads settings in resource files named .er.rc from several locations to determine default values. The files are read in the following order:

  1. System resource file /Studio-installation-dir/lib/analyzer/lib/er.rc

  2. User's .er.rc resource file if it exists in the user's home directory.

  3. A .er.rc resource file if it exists in the current directory from which you executed the er_print command.

The settings of each file override the settings of the files read before it. Defaults from the .er.rc file in your home directory override the system defaults, and defaults from the .er.rc file in the current directory override both home and system defaults.

Any settings in .er.rc that apply to source and disassembly compiler commentary are also used by the er_src utility.

You can use the following commands in your .er.rc file to set the defaults for er_print and er_src. You can use these commands only for setting defaults, not as input for the er_print utility.

You can include a .er.rc defaults file in your home directory to set defaults for all experiments, or in any other directory to set defaults locally. When the er_print utility, the er_src utility, or the Performance Analyzer is started, the current directory and your home directory are scanned for .er.rc files. These files are read if they are present, and the system defaults file is also read. Defaults from the .er.rc file in your home directory override the system defaults, and defaults from the .er.rc file in the current directory override both home and system defaults.

Note -  To ensure that you read the defaults file from the directory where your experiment is stored, you must start the er_print utility from that directory.

These files can contain scc, sthresh, dcc, dthresh, addpath, pathmap, name, mobj_define, indxobj_define, object_show, object_hide, object_api, compare, printmode, machinemodel, and viewmode commands, as described previously in this chapter. They can also contain the following commands, which cannot be used on either the command line or in scripts: