Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: Performance Analyzer

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Updated: January 2015

MemoryObjects Views

Each MemoryObjects view shows the metric values for dataspace metrics attributed to the various memory objects such as pages. If one or more of the loaded experiments contains a dataspace profile, you can select the memory objects for which you want to display views in the Views tab of the Settings dialog box. Any number of MemoryObjects views can be displayed.

Various MemoryObjects views are predefined. Memory objects are predefined for virtual and physical pages with names such as Vpage_8K, Ppage_8K, Vpage_64K, and so on. You can also define a custom memory object. Click the Add Custom Object button in the Settings dialog box, then set the values for the object in the Add Memory Objects dialog box. You can also define a memory object with a mobj_define directive in an .er.rc file. (See mobj_define mobj-type index-exp.)

DataLayout View

The DataLayout view shows the annotated data object layouts for all program data objects with data-derived metric data. The view is applicable only to experiments that include dataspace profiling, which is an extension of hardware counter overflow profiling. See Dataspace Profiling and Memoryspace Profiling for more information.

The layouts appear in the view sorted by the data sort metrics values for the structure as a whole. The view shows each aggregate data object with the total metrics attributed to it, followed by all of its elements in offset order. Each element, in turn, has its own metrics and an indicator of its size and location in 32–byte blocks.

To display the DataLayout view, select it in the Views tab of the Settings dialog box (see Views Settings). As with the DataObjects view, you can make the DataLayout view visible only if one or more of the loaded experiments contains a dataspace profile.

To select a single data object, click that object.

To select several objects that are displayed contiguously in the view, select the first object, then press the Shift key while clicking the last object.

To select several objects that are not displayed contiguously in the view, select the first object, then select the additional objects by pressing the Ctrl key while clicking each object.

DataObjects View

The DataObjects view shows the list of data objects with their metrics. The view applies only to experiments that include dataspace profiling, which is an extension of hardware counter overflow profiling. See Dataspace Profiling and Memoryspace Profiling for more information.

You display the view by selecting it in the Views tab of the Settings dialog box (see Views Settings). You can make the DataObjects view visible only if one or more of the loaded experiments contains a dataspace profile.

The view shows hardware counter memory operation metrics against the various data structures and variables in the program.

To select a single data object, click that object.

To select several objects that are displayed contiguously in the view, select the first object, then press Shift while clicking the last object.

To select several objects that are not displayed contiguously in the view, select the first object, then select the additional objects by pressing Ctrl while clicking each object.