MIME/DIME settings


The MIME/DIME settings list a number of default common content types that are used when transmitting MIME messages. You can configure the API Gateway's Content Type filter to accept or block messages containing specific MIME types. Therefore, the contents of the MIME types library act as the set of all MIME types that the API Gateway can filter messages with.

All of the MIME types listed in the table are available for selection in the Content Type filter. For example, you can configure this filter to accept only XML-based types, such as application/xml, application/*+xml, text/xml, and so on. Similarly, you can block certain MIME types (for example, application/zip, application/octet-stream, and video/mpeg). For more details on configuring this filter, see the API Gateway User Guide.


To configure the MIME/DIME settings, in the Policy Studio main menu, select Tasks > Manage Gateway Settings > General > MIME/DIME. Alternatively, in the Policy Studio tree, select the Server Settings node, and click General > MIME/DIME. To confirm updates to these settings, click Apply changes at the bottom right of the screen.

The MIME/DIME settings screen lists the actual MIME types on the left column of the table, together with their corresponding file extensions (where applicable) in the right column.

To add a new MIME type, click the Add button. In the Configure MIME/DIME Type dialog, enter the new content type in the MIME or DIME Type field. If the new type has a corresponding file extension, enter this extension in the Extension field. Click the OK button when finished.

Similarly, you can edit or delete existing types using the Edit and Delete buttons.