Pricing Administration Guide >

What's New in This Release

What's New in Pricing Administration Guide, Version 7.8, Rev. B

Table 2 lists the changes described in this version of the documentation to support version 7.8, Rev A of the software.

Table 1. New Product Features in Pricing Administration Guide, Version 7.8, Rev. B

Order of Conditions and Processing Speed

Corrected information about improving processing speed.

Table 2. New Product Features in Pricing Administration Guide, Version 7.8, Rev. A

Activating Workflows for Product Promotion

Added this topic.

Creating Trade Promotions and Deals

Deleted this topic.

Viewing the Reference Price

Added this topic.

Exposing the Starting Price At in the Product Catalog

Added this topic.

Basic Pricing Procedure Workflow

Added this topic.

Dynamic Pricing Procedure Workflow

Changed the name of this topic from Pricing Procedure - Default Workflow to Dynamic Pricing Procedure Workflow to reflect the workflow name change and added text related to the name change.

Switching from Basic to Dynamic Pricing Procedure

Added this topic.

Pricing Procedure - Aggregate Discounts Workflow

Changed name of this topic from Pricing Procedure - Bundle Discounts Workflow to Pricing Procedure Aggregate Discounts Workflow to reflect the workflow name change and added text related to the name change.

Table 3. New Product Features in Pricing Administration Guide, Version 7.8

About Setting Up Service Pricing

Added this topic.

Giving a Product Multiple Prices with Different Effective Dates

Added this topic.

Enabling Price List-Specific and Line Item-Specific Pricing Logic

Added this topic.

Creating Aggregate Discounts

Added this chapter.

Creating Product Promotions

Added this chapter

Creating Discount Matrices

Added this chapter.

Creating Attribute Adjustments

Modified this chapter to reflect new functionality for version 7.8. Removed the sections about attribute pricing tables, which are no longer used in version. 7.8.

Pricing in the Run-Time Application

Added this chapter.

Siebel Pricer Technical Reference

Added this chapter, which describes workflows and pricing procedures used in pricing and the business services they call.

Siebel Pricer Deployment and Integration

Revised this appendix so it covers new integration methods for version 7.8.


Six chapters about pricing factors have been removed from the book. Pricing factors are no longer used in Siebel Pricer version 7.8, because you now create custom pricing rules by working directly with the pricing procedures that provide the pricing logic.

Pricing Administration Guide