Siebel CRM Desktop for Microsoft Outlook Administration Guide > How Siebel CRM Desktop Works > How Siebel CRM Desktop Uses the Siebel Enterprise >

Siebel Enterprise Components That Siebel CRM Desktop Uses

Figure 4 illustrates Siebel Enterprise components that Siebel CRM Desktop uses.

Figure 4. Siebel Enterprise Components That Siebel CRM Desktop Uses

Siebel CRM Desktop uses the following Siebel Enterprise components:

  1. SOAP Message to Server. To request metadata, sends a SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) message to the Siebel Server over HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) or HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure). The payload is a Siebel message that Siebel CRM Desktop sends in a SOAP envelope.
  2. SWSE (Siebel Web Service Extension) To handle requests from Microsoft Outlook for data and metadata synchronization, Siebel CRM Desktop does the following:
    • Uses the Web Service API as the endpoint of the Web service.
    • Accepts SOAP over HTTP or HTTPS from the Synchronization Engine in Microsoft Outlook.
    • To connect to the EAI Object Manager component or another component that provides access to the Web services, uses the configured endpoint.

      For more information, see About the Web Service API, and Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

  3. PIM Client Sync Service Business Service. Handles the data synchronization request from the Synchronization Engine, and then passes the request to the EAI Siebel Adapter business service for processing. This business service supports batching, error handling, and a few custom functions, such as providing counts of records and resolving appointment attendees that reside on the Siebel Server. For more information, see About the PIM Client Sync Service Business Service.
  4. Integration Objects. Requests certain processes through the EAI Siebel Adapter business service. To describe the underlying Siebel data structure, uses integration objects. Specifies objects and fields that are available for synchronization. For more information, see About Integration Objects.
  5. EAI Siebel Adapter. Sends requests to the data and metadata synchronization Web services. To process the requests through the EAI Siebel Adapter business service, these services use the Execution method and various operations. Example operations include querypage, insert, update, and delete. For more information, see About the EAI Siebel Adapter Business Service.
  6. Customization package. A collection of XML and JavaScript files that describe the application that runs in Microsoft Outlook. It verifies that the latest application metadata for the user is available on the Siebel Server. For more information, see About the Customization Package.
  7. XML Reply to Microsoft Outlook. Sends an XML message that contains the metadata that Siebel CRM Desktop requests in Step 1. Siebel CRM Desktop sends this message to Microsoft Outlook over HTTP or HTTPS.

For more information, see How Siebel CRM Desktop Synchronizes Data Between the Client and the Siebel Server.

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