Siebel Hospitality Guide > Working with Inventory > Actualizing a Function >

Out of Order and Unavailable

Out of Order and Unavailable records are associated at the property level. Both record types prevent any bookings against the specific space. For more information about creating Out of Order and Unavailable records, see Defining Out-of-Order and Unavailable Function Space at a Property.

A space is considered to be out of order when there is a physical issue that prevents the use of that space. For example, a water pipe breaks flooding a function space. This function space is designated as out of order for a span of time, with a specified start date and time, and end date and time.

A space is considered as unavailable when the property determines that a specific space is not available at a specified time, or a range of dates because the specific space is being used for other purposes or operationally does not make sense to have the space available for bookings. For example, a hotel has a restaurant that operates only during dinner hours (5-11 P.M.). During these hours of operation the restaurant is unavailable for bookings. The space is unavailable for a specific period. Each day the space is unavailable at the same time.

The Out of Order and Unavailable records are referenced when the user creates bookings against a specific space. If the user tries to book a function against a specific space at the date or time the specific space has an Out of Order or Unavailable record associated, the Inventory Status is set to Unreserved.

Siebel Hospitality Guide