Siebel System Administration Guide > Configuring the Browser for Siebel Web Clients >

High-Interactivity Deployment—ActiveX Requirements

This section describes in detail the ActiveX requirements for deploying Siebel applications in high-interactivity mode. For more information, see About Deployment Modes for Siebel Web Clients.

Siebel eBusiness Applications in high-interactivity mode rely on ActiveX technology to deliver features such as interactive controls, keyboard accelerators, email client integration, and so on. For a list of the ActiveX download files (CAB files), see ActiveX Controls Distributed for High Interactivity.

A browser running a high-interactivity application should be enabled to work with (download, instantiate, and script) ActiveX controls. It is recommended that the URL for Siebel eBusiness Applications be part of a zone for which security settings are defined as described in this section.

In addition, system administrators may need to modify permissions for users or applicable groups.

For most deployments, downloading ActiveX controls on demand from a Web server is preferable; code for each control is downloaded to the Downloaded Program Files directory when the control is invoked for the first time by an application feature.

Downloading ActiveX controls requires permissions associated with Power Users. For some controls, running a control may also require such permissions. The methods below are commonly used to meet applicable requirements. How to implement each approach is described in the following sections.

  • Allowing end users to download ActiveX controls, by modifying user groups or permissions in one of two alternative ways:
    • Adding users to the Power Users group
    • Relaxing default permissions granted to the Users group
  • Predeploying ActiveX controls in environments with secure user permissions.
Siebel System Administration Guide