A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V - W


Active defined components state, described   1

ActiveX controls   1

ActiveX controls, predeploying   1

ActiveX deployment requirements   1

administrative memory, about   1

Administrators group   1

Alert Level parameter, described   1


command, creating alias for a   1

command, deleting alias for a   1

application environment, diagram   1

Auto Restart parameter

described   1

Auto Startup Mode parameter, described   1

Back to top


background mode components, described   1

batch mode components, described   1


Microsoft Internet Explorer   1

settings for deploying Siebel clients   1

business service, starting repeating component   1

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CAB files

for ActiveX controls   1

for Java applets   1

SiebelFlowChart.cab   1

SiebelFunnelChart.cab   1

SiebelLocale.cab   1

SiebelMarketingEditor.cab   1

SiebelMenu.cab   1

SiebelRulesDesigner.cab   1

SiebelShared.cab   1

SiebelToolbar.cab   1

ClientRootDirectory parameter. described   1


browser settings for   1


alias, creating for   1

alias, deleting for   1

Communication Transport parameter, described   1

component groups

about and using   1

creating (Server Manager command)   1

current component group status, listing (List command)   1

deleting (Server Manager command)   1

enterprise, disabling (Server Manager command)   1

enterprise, enabling for (Server Manager command)   1

listing component groups (List command)   1

predefined Siebel Server components (table)   1

run state, changing to Offline mode (Server Manager command)   1

run state, changing to Online mode (Server Manager command)   1

server, assigning to (Server Manager command)   1

server, disabling (Server Manager command)   1

server, enabling on a (Server Manager command)   1

server, removing (Server Manager command)   1

component groups, configuring

See also Creating a Custom Siebel Server Component Group

component group, creating   1

defined components, defined states   1

synchronizing server components, when to synchronize   1

component jobs

component, changing the component   1

Component Recycling   1

component requests, administration

component request, deleting during its creation   1

repeated component requests, about running   1


See also About Server Component Types

component definition, deleting (Component Definition command)   1

component definition, disabling (Component Definition commands)   1

component definition, enabling (Component Definition commands)   1

component parameter, deleting (Parameter Management command)   1

current component status, listing (List command)   1

defined   1

definition commands, (Server Manager command)   1

event log level for a component on a Siebel Server (Event Logging command)   1

new component, creating (Component Definition command)   1

new component, creating (Server Manager command)   1

parameter, changing (Parameter Management command)   1

task, listing values for (Server Manager command)   1

types, described   1

Compression Type parameter, described   1


browser settings for Siebel clients   1

Dedicated Web Client   1

Mobile Web Client   1

configuration (CFG) files

editing   1 ,  2

configuration file

mandatory parameters   1

optional parameters   1 ,  2

structure of   1

configuration files

Siebel Application Manager, used to modify parameters   1

Siebel Application Object Manager, specific parameters in (table of)   1

configuration parameters

alphabetical index   1

DataSources section   1 ,  2

Siebel applications   1

Siebel section   1

Creating defined components state, described   1

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DataSources parameters   1 ,  2

DB Multiplex - Min Number of Dedicated DB Connections parameter, described   1

DB Multiplex - Min Number of Shared DB Connections parameter, described   1

Dedicated Web Client

deploying   1

Default Processes parameter, described   1

Default Tasks parameter, described   1

defined components


about   1

defined states   1

Delete After field, setting to delete component requests   1

Delete Units field, setting to delete component requests   1


alias for a command   1

component definition (Component Definition command)   1

component groups (Server Manager command)   1

component parameter (Parameter Management command)   1

Named Subsystem (Named Subsystem Management command)   1

named subsystem parameter (Parameter Management command)   1

Siebel Server parameter (Parameter Management command)   1 ,  2

deployment modes   1

development environment, about using the same Name Server   1

Disabled assigned component state, described   1 ,  2

Downloaded Program Files directory   1 ,  2

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eapps.cfg file   1

editing configuration files   1

Enabled assigned component state, described   1 ,  2

Encryption Type parameter, described   1

enterprise parameters

changing (Server Manager command)   1

list of   1

parameters (table)   1

enterprise parameters, administering

See also Parameter Management Commands

enterprise server

about and setting parameters   1

connections, refreshing (Environment command)   1

entities, about   1

environment diagram   1

erm.cfg file   1

Error Flags parameter, described   1


event log level for a component, changing (Event Logging command)   1

event types, listing (Event Logging command)   1

log level for a component, changing on a Siebel Server (Event Logging command)   1

log level for Siebel Server, changing (Event Logging command)   1

exiting srvrmgr program   1

Back to top



commands, reading from file   1

output, starting/stopping spooling to   1

File System Manager (FSM)   1

File System Manager, about and the Siebel File System   1


See also Parameters in Configuration File

CAB files for ActiveX controls   1

CAB files for Java applets   1

firewall   1

Flush Frequency parameter, described   1

Back to top


Gateway Server

See also Siebel Gateway Name Server

Name Server, about   1

reinstalling (procedure)   1

reinstalling, cases for   1

UNIX, checking status of Name Server System Service   1

UNIX, starting Name Server System Service   1

UNIX, stopping Name Server System Service   1

Windows 2000, checking status of Name Server System Service   1

Windows 2000, starting Name Server System Service   1

Windows 2000, stopping Name Server System Service   1

Back to top



Server Manager commands, getting help on   1

high interactivity

deployment requirements   1

manual browser settings   1

overview   1

Host Name parameter, described   1

HTML 3.2 syntax   1

HTTP 1.1 protocol   1

HTTP Port, about and default setting   1

HTTPS Port, about and default setting   1

Back to top


IFRAME support   1

Inactive defined components state, described   1

Indexspace Name parameter, described   1

interactive mode components, described   1

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Java applets   1

Java deployment requirements   1

Java Runtime Environment (JRE), Sun   1

JavaScript   1

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Language Code parameter, described   1

list command

See also Server Manager Command-Line Preferences

listing the columns returned   1

show specific columns, configuring list command to   1

state values, listing current   1

list commands, configuring

See also Server Manager Command-Line Preferences

available columns for a list, listing   1

list command, modifying the output of an individual command   1

output of the list command, configuring   1

list definitions for component, parameters, state values, and statistics   1

loading preferences   1

Local intranet zone   1

Log Archive Keep parameter, described   1

Log Maximum Segments parameter, described   1

Log Print Timestamp parameter, described   1

Log Segment Size parameter, described   1

Lotus Notes   1

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market.cfg file   1

Maximum MT Servers parameter

described   1

Maximum Processes parameter, described   1

Maximum Tasks parameter

described   1

memory allocation, three areas of allocation described   1

Memory-Based Multithread Component Recycling parameter

described   1

Microsoft Access   1

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Administrator Kit   1

and high interactivity   1

Microsoft Outlook   1

Min MT Servers parameter, described   1

Minimum Up Time parameter, described   1

Mobile Web Client

deploying   1

multiple defined components, about   1

Back to top


Name Server

about   1

failure impact, about   1

server clustering technologies supported, about   1

system resources required, about   1

Named Subsystems

creating (Named Subsystem Management command)   1

deleting (Named Subsystem Management command)   1

modifying (Named Subsystem Management command)   1

new named subsystem, creating (Named Subsystem Management command)   1

parameter, deleting (Parameter Management command)   1

Number of Restarts parameter, described   1

Number of Retries parameter, described   1

Back to top


ODBC Data Source parameter, described   1

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See also Parameters

component parameters, changing (Parameter Management command)   1

current parameter values, listing (List command)   1

enterprise parameter, changing (Server Manager command)   1

generic parameters, list of   1

server parameter, changing (Parameter Management command]   1

table of   1

task parameters, changing (Parameter Management command)   1

parameters. administration

Siebel Server parameters, administering, about   1

Password parameter, described   1

pmanager.cfg file   1

Power Users group   1

predefined components


about   1


predeploy.htm file   1

predeploying ActiveX controls   1


loading   1

saving   1

printing settings   1

Process Memory Usage Limit parameter

described   1

production environment, about using the same Name Server   1

Back to top


Resetting Application Object Manager configurations.   1

Resetting Siebel Server configurations   1

Retry Interval parameter, described   1

Retry Up Time parameter, described   1

run task command, about and example   1

Back to top


server components

See also About Server Request Broker (SRBroker)

Server Description parameter, described   1

Server Manager

See also Siebel Server Manager Commands

about using and using the interface   1

connections to other servers, about   1

Server Request Broker

administering, about   1

Server Request Processor

about and components   1

Server Shutdown Wait Time parameter, described   1

servers, starting server component (Server Manager command)   1

session mode components, listing tasks for (List command)   1

SessionTimeout, about and example   1

sfs.cfg file   1


shared memory, about   1

shutting down

Siebel deployment   1

Siebel Server (Siebel Server Management command)   1

Siebel Server component (Component Management command)   1

srvrmgr program   1

Siebel Application Object Manager

about   1

configuration file, Application Object Manager-specific parameters (table of)   1

memory allocation, three areas of allocation   1

monitoring, about monitors levels   1

object manager environment, configuring   1

parameters, configuration files (table of)   1

Siebel applications

parameters   1

Siebel Calendar   1

Siebel Call Center

configuration file for   1

Siebel Callcenter Communications Toolbar   1

Siebel clients, about entities   1

Siebel CTI   1

Siebel Database Server, about entities   1

Siebel deployment

shutting down   1

starting up   1

Siebel Desktop Integration   1

Siebel Employee Relationship Management

configuration file for   1


Siebel environment, table of entities   1

Siebel ERM eBriefings offline content Synchronization   1

Siebel File System   1

about   1

about and the File System Manager   1

entities, about   1

file attachment directory, cleaning up using sfscleanup.exe   1

file types processed, table of   1

operation performed during processing (table)   1

parameter, described   1

Siebel File System Cleanup Utility

about   1

file attachment directory, cleaning up using   1

file types processes, table of   1

operation performed during processing (table)   1

Siebel Gantt Chart   1

Siebel Gateway Name Server

backing up (Siebel Server Management command)   1

data information, storage location   1


Siebel Generic Container Control   1

Siebel High Interactivity Framework   1

Siebel Hospitality Gantt Chart   1

Siebel iHelp   1

Siebel Marketing

configuration file for   1

Siebel Marketing Allocation   1

Siebel Marketing Event Calendar   1

Siebel Microsite Layout Designer   1

Siebel Outbound Email Support   1

Siebel Partner Manager, configuration file for   1

Siebel Repository parameter, described   1

Siebel Root Directory parameter, described   1

Siebel Sales

configuration file for   1

Siebel Server

about and supported functions, list of   1

component groups, about and using   1

component modes, described   1

component types, about   1

component, disabling (Component Management command)   1

component, enabling (Component Management command)   1 ,  2

component, shutting down (Component Management command)   1

component, starting (Component Management command)   1

current working server, setting (Environment command)   1

current working server, unsetting (Environment command)   1

enterprise configuration, restoring previous version   1

event log level for a component, changing (Event Logging command)   1

event log level, changing (Event Logging command)   1

note, about reducing load on   1

parameter, changing (Parameter Management command)   1

parameter, deleting (Parameter Management command)   1 ,  2

reinstalling (procedure)   1

reinstalling, cases for   1

shutting down (Siebel Server Management command)   1

Siebel Gateway Name Server, data location   1

starting (Siebel Server Management command)   1

starting working backup (procedure)   1

system server, described for Windows and UNIX   1

system service, what happens at startup (list of actions)   1

UNIX, checking status of Siebel Server System Service   1

UNIX, starting Siebel Server System Service   1

UNIX, stopping Siebel Server System Service   1

Windows 2000, checking status of Siebel Server System Service   1

Windows 2000, starting Siebel Server System Service   1

Windows 2000, stopping Siebel Server System Service   1

Siebel Server components

parameters (table)   1

predefined Siebel Server components (table)   1

synchronizing, when to synchronize   1

Siebel Server Manager GUI

about   1

Siebel administrator responsibility, about granting   1

Siebel Server Manager, command-line interface

See also Component Management CommandsSee also Component Management Commands

command syntax   1

commands, about   1

component definition commands, list of   1

component group definition commands   1

component management commands, list of   1

environment variables, list of commands   1

event logging commands, list of   1

help, getting   1

List commands, list of   1

list definition commands, list of   1

Named Subsystem Management commands, list of   1

parameter manager commands, list of   1

preferences file, creating aliases and configuring commands   1

Siebel Server management commands, list of   1

srvrmgr command-line output, adding header and footer information   1

srvrmgr command-line output, removing header and footer information   1

srvrmgr program, command-line flags (table of)   1

srvrmgr program, example parameters (table)   1

srvrmgr program, exiting   1

srvrmgr program, starting   1

task management commands, list of   1


Siebel Server Name parameter, described   1

Siebel Server parameters

See also Parameters

list of   1

Siebel Server parameters, administering

about   1

Siebel Servers, listing available servers (List command)   1

Siebel Service

configuration file for   1

Siebel SmartScript   1

Siebel Test Automation   1

Siebel Universal Inbox   1

Siebel Web Server Extension   1

Siebel Web Server Extension, post-installation tasks

configuration file, mandatory parameters   1

configuration file, optional parameters   1 ,  2

configuration file, structure of   1

Web server extension configuration file, structure of eapps.cfg file   1

siebel.cfg file   1

SiebelFlowChart.cab file   1

SiebelFunnelChart.cab file   1

SiebelLocale.cab file   1

SiebelMarketingEditor.cab file   1

SiebelMenu.cab file   1

SiebelRulesDesigner.cab file   1

SiebelShared.cab file   1

SiebelToolbar.cab file   1

SISNAPI Connection Maximum Idle Time parameter

described   1

Sleep Time parameter, described   1


browsers   1

SQL tracing, SQL Trace Flags parameter, described   1



standard interactivity

deployment requirements   1

overview   1

start task command, about   1


new task in background mode (Task Management command)   1

new task, stating in task mode (Task Management command)   1

server component (Server Manager command)   1

Siebel Gateway System Server on UNIX   1

Siebel Gateway System Service on Windows 2000   1

Siebel Server (Siebel Server Management command)   1

Siebel Server component (Component Management command)   1

srvmgr program   1

state values

See also List Commands

current, listing (List command)   1

listing current (Server Manager command)   1

tasks, listing values for (Server Manager command)   1

Static Port Number parameter, described   1


current statistic values, listing (List command)   1

task, listing values for (Server Manager command)   1


running task (Task Management command)   1

Siebel Gateway System Service on UNIX   1

Siebel Gateway System Service on Windows 2000   1


listing (List command)   1

named subsystems, listing (List command)   1

Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE)   1

Synchronization Port parameter, described   1


Siebel Server components, when to synchronize   1


Back to top


Table Owner parameter, described   1

Table Owner Password parameter, described   1

Tablespace Name parameter, described   1


See also Parameter Management Commands

background mode, starting new task in (Task Management command)   1

batch mode, running task in (Task Management command)   1

paused tasks. resuming (Task Management command)   1

running task, killing (Task Management command)   1

running task, pausing (Task Management command)   1

running task, stopping (Task Management command)   1

session mode components, listing tasks for (List command)   1

status of current tasks, listing (List command)   1

task mode, starting new task in (Task Management command)   1

templates, security settings for Microsoft Internet Explorer   1

test environment, about using the same Name Server   1

Trace Flags parameter, described   1

Trusted sites zone   1

Back to top


uagent.cfg file   1


Gateway Name Server System Service, checking status   1

Gateway Name Server System Service, starting   1

Gateway Name Server System Service, stopping   1

Siebel Server System Service, checking status   1

Siebel Server System Service, starting   1

Siebel Server System Service, stopping   1

Siebel Server, support of eScript, not VB   1

Upgrade Component parameter, described   1

user memory, about   1

User Name parameter, described   1

Users group   1

Back to top


Visual Basic, Siebel Server support of   1

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Web browsers

See Configuring the Browser for Siebel Web Clients

Web Client

deploying   1

Web content zones   1

Web server extension configuration file

structure of eapps.cfg file   1

WebPublicRootDir parameter, described   1

WebUpdatePassword parameter, described   1

Windows 2000

Gateway Name Server System Service, checking status   1

Gateway Name Server System Service, starting   1

Gateway Name Server System Service, stopping   1

Siebel Server System Service, checking status   1

Siebel Server System Service, starting   1

Siebel Server System Service, stopping   1

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Siebel System Administration Guide