Configuring and Managing Advanced Registration Flows

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Configuring Advanced Registration Flows

This section contains information on the following subjects:


Overview of Advanced Registration Flows

Tip: Before you begin, you should read Getting Started with Advanced Registration Flows to quickly get started using the Advanced Registration Flow feature using the bundled ALPBM Web Service endpoint that is configured to work with the ALBPM Process Engine.

ALER bundles pre-built ALBPM flows that attempt to automate ALER asset submission, acceptance, registration and other governance process. This section discusses the configuration that is required before starting the ALBPM Process Engine to process the asset events that are triggered by ALER. For more information about configuring the Process Engine to trigger flows, see Configuring the ALER Event Manager.

The flows are also designed to be flexible and can be customized using the Workflow Configuration file (workflow.xml). This section also discusses each flow in detail and gives examples of how to tailored to suit your environment.


Creating and Customizing a Workflow Configuration File

This section explains how to create and customize a Workflow Configuration XML file.

Generating a Workflow Configuration File

Generate the workflow.xml file using the Generate Workflow Config tool (config_gen.bat). This tool connects to ALER and creates a bootstrapping file that can be customized. For more information about generating the workflow.xml file, see Generating the Workflow Config File.

  1. From a command prompt, run the Generate Workflow Config tool as follows:
  2. > config_gen.bat URI User Password ConfigDir


    • URI = ALER URI, using the following format:
      http://<host>:<port>/<aler web app name>/services/FlashlineRegistry
      For example: http://localhost:7001/alerbuild/services/FlashlineRegistry
    • User = ALER user name
    • Password = ALER password
    • ConfigDir = the directory where the workflow.xml file will be created
    • Note: If a file already exists, it will be renamed to workflow.xml.bak.
  3. Copy the newly generated workflow.xml file to the <ALBPM Enterprise Edition>/enterprise/server/aler_engine directory.
  4. Open the workflow.xml file using the XML editor of choice.

Defining the ALER Connection and Registrar

The Workflow Configuration file will load the ALER connection and registrar information from the following XML data.


Encrypting the Registrar User Password

The Security Encrypt Password tool (runWfSecurity.bat) allows you to encrypt the registrar passwords that are stored in the Workflow Config file. The tool recursively scans the file and encrypts all the password elements it encounters.

For more information see Encrypting Your Passwords.


Wiring Asset Events to Flows

The Advanced Registration Flows are designed with a flexible framework where asset events can be wired to one or more flows that will be executed when an event is triggered, as illustrated in Figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1 Wiring Asset Events to Flows

Wiring Asset Events to Flows

Note: All the events are wired to pre-defined flows out-of-the-box. The wirings only need to be changed if customizations or new flows are designed.

The wiring of asset events to flows is configured within the Workflow Configuration file. For example, the following configuration snippet shows that when an "Asset Submitted" event is triggered, it in turn triggers a flow to automatically accept the asset based on rules that are configured in the Workflow Configuration file.

  <!--Community Flows-->
<state name="urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:AssetSubmission">
  <!--The Multi_tier Flows-->
<state name="urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:AssetAccepted">
<state name="urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:AssetTabApproved">
  <!--Asset Registration Status Flows-->
<state name="urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:AssetAllTabApproved">

This example configuration wires the following events to various flows. The <action> element contains the name of the flow that will be executed.

  1. When an asset "submitted" event is triggered, execute the Community Accept flow.
  2. When an asset "accepted" event is triggered, execute the MultiTier1 flow.
  3. When a tab "approved" event is triggered, execute the Multi-Tier Next Tier flow.
  4. When "all the tabs approved" event is triggered, execute the Automatic Registration flow.

Some of the flows take parameters that are needed as input. Different parameters are passed to different flows. For example, the ChangeCAS (Change Custom Access Settings) flow takes <customAccessSettings> as a parameter. Here is a sample wiring when an asset is registered, where the flow automatically assigns MyCAS and MyCAS2 custom access settings.

  <state name="urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:AssetRegister">


Automatic Asset Registration Flows

This section describes how the Advanced Registration flows can automate the manual asset acceptance and registration process done using the ALER Asset Editor. For information on using the ALER Asset Editor and the asset registration process, refer to the ALER Registrar Guide.

Note: Do not enable the "Community Acceptance" or the "Automated Acceptance" flows if repository users submit assets via the "Submit an Asset" link. This configuration is not currently supported in ALER.

Configuring Community Flows

The Community flow provides a way to automate the asset acceptance, assignment, and registration process by allowing the configuration of automated assignment rules and also introduces the notion of federated registrars among different authorities. Rather than spamming many registrars across all communities (through the system registrar notification), you could limit the system registrar to one or a few individuals, and let the Automatic Acceptance flow accept assets on behalf of a registrar-of-record for the community. The Community flow feature can distribute asset submissions to those with the authority to approve them for the community.

The Community flow can be used to address the following scenarios:

The Communities are configured within the flow configuration and Asset Types, Producing Projects, etc., can point to a Community.

The following flowchart demonstrates how a Community for an asset is located by the flow, as well as how the rules for automatic acceptance are located by the flow.

Figure 5-2 Automatic Asset Acceptance Flowchart

Automatic Asset Acceptance Flowchart

Note: The same flowchart applies for automatic Registration. Simply substitute autoRegister for autoAccept.

Setting the Community for an ALER Project

Define the community for a project using the <producingProjectSettings> element. The following example demonstrates creating a project named "Registry" for the "SOA Center of Excellence" community, and with an ID of "40000".

<producingProject name="Registry" community="SOA Center of Excellence

Setting the Community for an Asset Type

Define the community for an Asset Type using the <assetType> element. The following example demonstrates creating an asset type named "Application" for the "SOA Center of Excellence" community, and with an ID of "158".

  <assetType name="Application" community="SOA Center of Excellence

Configuring a Community to Automatically Accept an Asset

The following example demonstrates how to set the "SOA Center of Excellence" community to automatically accept assets.

  <communities name="SOA Center of Excellence autoAccept="true">
Note: Do not enable the "Community Acceptance" or the "Automated Acceptance" flows if repository users submit assets via the "Submit an Asset" link. This configuration is not currently supported in ALER.

Configuring a Community to Assign Assets for Tab Approval

If the AssetSubmitted event is wired to the Community flow, then the <approvers> element lists the approvers that will be assigned by the Community flow automatically.

  <communities name="Java" autoAccept="true">

For instructions on using the <alerid> in Tab Approval flows, see Using an <alerid> for Tab Approvals.

Configuring a Community to Assign Assets for Tab Approval Using Multi-tier

Multi-tier assignment is the same as the Multi-Tier flow but it operates within the Community. For more information on the Multi-tier flow, see Multi-tier Automatic Assignment Flows.

Note: The tabs that are provided within the Multi-tier configuration of a community should be the common tabs that exist in all the asset types.

Configuring a Community to Automatically Register an Asset

The following example demonstrates how to set the "SOA Center of Excellence" community to automatically accept and register assets.

  <communities name="SOA Center of Excellence autoAccept="true"

Configuring a Community to Have a Dedicated Registrar

The Registrar user name and password is required to accept, assign, and register assets. The Community flow will load the registrar information from the Community that the asset belongs to. If an asset does not belong to a community or if the registrar information is not found in the community, then the global registrar will be used by the Community flow.

The following is the order of precedence in getting the Community tag by the Community flows, as illustrated in Figure 5-1:

Configuring Automated Acceptance and Automated Registration Flows

Besides using the Community flows to automatically accept and register assets, the following rules can be used to accept and register assets, as illustrated in Figure 5-1.

Note: Do not enable the "Community Acceptance" or the "Automated Acceptance" flows if repository users submit assets via the "Submit an Asset" link. This configuration is not currently supported in ALER.

Asset Type

The autoAccept and autoRegister flag within the AssetType element can be used to automatically accept or register assets.

  <assetType name="Application" autoAccept="true" autoRegister="true"
<tab name="Oveview"/>
<tab name="Application Lifecycle"/>

Categorization Settings

By default the flows do not look for the autoAccept and autoRegister flags, since the look-up may affect performance. However, this can be enabled by using the <action> flag.

As shown in this example, the <action> flag must be set to true if the flows should use the Categorization settings. If not, the Categorization settings will be ignored.

  <catgorizationTypeSettings action="true">
<catgorizationType name="AssetFunction" type "100">
<catgorizations name="Application Adapters" autoAccept="false"/>
<catgorizations name="Customer Information Acquisition" autoAccept="false"/>
<catgorizations name="eCommerce Frameworks" autoAccept="false"/>

Submitter Role

The submitter role can be used to automatically accept or register the asset. If the role specified in the following configuration matches the submitter role, then the asset will be automatically accepted.

<tab name="Documentation"/>

Conflict Resolution and Precedence

In some cases, there will be more than one rule that matches for a given event trigger, so there is a hierarchy for how each rule is evaluated by the Automated Acceptance and Automated Registration flows for acceptance, registration, etc., as illustrated in Figure 5-1. The flow will scan for the following piece of metadata and as soon as it encounters the one in the following precedence, it will break and use the settings in that metadata.


Multi-tier Automatic Assignment Flows

Multi-tier flows structure the asset tab approval process in multiple steps called tiers. Asset approval tabs can be grouped in tiers, and the Mult-tier flow tracks each tier to verify whether all the tabs are approved by the designated approvers. As soon as the last tab in a tier is approved, the Mult-tier flow starts the next tier by assigning the asset to the next level of designated approvers.

Use Cases

The following flowchart demonstrates the flow of the Mult-tier process.

Figure 5-3 Multi-tier Automatic Assignment Flowchart

Multi-tier Automatic Assignment Flowchart

Using an <alerid> for Tab Approvals

When the workflow.xml file is generated, the following XML section is created under the <allAssetSettings> section. These are all the users that are created in ALER.

<user name="admin" alerid="99"/>
<user name="allpriv" alerid="50000"/>
<user name="nopriv" alerid="50001"/>
<user name="tier1" alerid="50002"/>
<user name="tier2" alerid="50003"/>
<user name="mrsmith" alerid="50004"/>

As the Workflow Administrator, you need to identify the user(s) by name that you want to use for approving the asset tabs and use the corresponding <alerid>. Then you can use that <alerid> in the Workflow XML, such as in the following Multi-tier approval flow:

<tier name="Tier1">
<tab name="Overview"/>
<tab name="Technical"/>
<tab name="Documentation"/>

Setting Up a Community for Multi-tier Tab Approval

The following example demonstrates how the Multi-tier flow is configured for tab approvers in the "SOA Center of Excellence" community to automatically accept tabs.

  <communities name="SOA Center of Excellence autoAccept="true">
<tier name="Tier1">
<tab name="Overview">
<tab name="Taxonomy">
<tier name="Tier2">
<tab name="Architecture">
Note: Tabs that are provided within the Multi-tier configuration of a Community should be the common tabs that exist in all the Asset Types.

Setting Up an Asset Type for Multi-tier Tab Approval

The following example demonstrates how the tabs of an asset type of "Application" are configured for multi-tier approval.

  <assetType name="Application" id="158">
<tab name="Oveview"/>
<tab name="Application Lifecycle"/>
<tab name="License Information"/>
<tab name="Certification Tracking"/>
<tab name="Taxonomy"/>
<tab name="Documentation"/>
<tab name="Relationships"/>
<tab name="Support"/>
<tab name="Cost Categories"/>
<tab name="Ownership"/>
<tab name="Technology Stack"/>
<tab name="Operational Information"/>
<tab name="Miscellaneous"/>
<!--Please change "_CHANGE_TIER1_NAME_" to the name of the Tier-->
<!--Example:- "Tier1"-->
<tier name="Tier1">
<!--Please change "_CHANGE_TABNAME_" to the name of the Tab-->
<!--Example:- "Documentation"-->
<tab name="Overview">
<tab name="Taxonomy">


Metadata Change Flows

Metadata flows are a group of flows that take one or more actions when a metadata element of an asset changes. The Metadata element that changes will trigger an event that is wired to one or more flows. For instructions on how to wire an event to a flow, see Wiring Asset Events to Flows.

Use Cases

These are some of the use cases where Metadata Change Flows may apply:

Configuring Metadata Change Flows

Available Metadata Change Events/States

Following are the states that are available that can be wired to Metadata Change flows.

Note: Besides these events, any categorization changes can be wired, including the custom categorization.
  <state name="urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:MetaDataChange:name">
<state name="urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:MetaDataChange:version">
<state name="urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:MetaDataChange:description">
<state name="urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:CategorizationChanged:
<state name="urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:CategorizationChanged:classification">
<state name="urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:MetaDataChange:supported">
<state name="urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:MetaDataChange:organizationalOwnership">
<state name="urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:MetaDataChange:usageFee">

Available Flows That Can Be Wired to Actions

These are the pre-defined flows that can be wired to actions. These flow names should appear as content inside the <action> element to indicate that this is the action that should take place when the event occurs. Note that any element other than <action> are parameters used by specific flows.

Example Metadata Change Configuration

This sample configuration specifies that when an asset is registered, it invokes two flows by the names of "NotifySubscriber" and "ChangeCAS." Note that the element <customAccessSettings> is a parameter to the flow ChangeCAS, which tells the flows the names of the CAS that should be applied.

  <state name="urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:AssetRegister">
<state name="urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:AssetUnAccept">

Example Metadata Change Configuration That Checks for Metadata Value

It is also possible to invoke a flow not only when a metadata element changes, but also when it takes a specific value. For example, when the "Asset Lifecycle Stage" metadata element of an asset changes from "Build" to "Release," you may want to apply one set of Custom Access Settings, where as when the value changes from "Plan" to "Build," you may want to apply a different set. Here is an example:

  <state name="urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:CategorizationChanged:AssetLifecycleStage" value="Stage 4 - Release">
<state name="urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:CategorizationChanged:AssetLifecycleStage" value="Stage 3 - Build">


Sets the classification of an asset. ChangeClassification uses the following element to set the classification.

  <state name="urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:AssetRegister">


Applies one or more Custom Access Settings to an asset. ChangeCAS uses the following element to set the custom access settings.

  <state name="urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:AssetRegister">


Sets the Asset Lifecycle stage of an asset. ChangeAssetLifeCycle uses the following element to set the asset life cycle.

  <state name="urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:AssetRegister">
<assetLifeCycle>Stage 3 - Build</assetLifeCycle>


The ApproveTabAction flow approves one or more tabs of an asset. The following configuration, approves the "Overview" and "Taxonomy" tabs.

  <state name=?urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:MetaDataChange:name?>
<tab name=?Overview?>
<tab name=?Taxonomy?>


The following element configures the list of tabs to be unapproved by the UnapproveTabAction flow.

  <state name="urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:MetaDataChange:name">
<Tab name="Overview">
<Tab name="Taxonomy">


The AutoApproveTabAction flow approves tabs based on the role of the submitter. For example, the following element under <allAssetSettings> configures the list of tabs that need to be automatically approved based on the role of the submitter. The roles that are acceptable are also configured.

<tab name="Documentation"/>

Here is the configuration for invoking the flow:

  <state name="urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:AssetRegister">


When any metadata element of an element changes, you may want the asset to go through a "Change Management" approval process, which involves following.


This flow resets the "Reason for reassignment" field in the Change Management tab as soon as the Change Management tab is approved.

  <state name="urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:AssetTabApproved">


Notifies configured custom users about the metadata change. The email addresses of the users are configured inside the <customNotification> element under <allAssetSettings>, as shown below:

<notification timerInterval="id">

Invoking Flows Based on Approval of Named Tabs

A metadata change flow can be executed based on the approval of a specific tabs, as follows:

  <state name="urn:com:bea:aler:events:type:AssetTabApproved" value ="Overview">                          
<assetLifecycle>Stage 3 - Build</assetLifecycle>


Time-based Escalation Flows

The Time-based Escalation flows track assets in various states and notifies all interested parties. The following section explains how to configure the Time-based Escalation flows. There are four different kinds of Time-based Escalation flows and each one can be configured individually, as described in the following sections.

Open the workflow.xml configuration file and locate the <notification> element.

  <notification timerInterval="1d">

The following flowchart demonstrates the flow of the Time-based Escalation flows.

Figure 5-4 Time-based Escalation Flowchart

Time-based Escalation Flowchart

Tracking Unsubmitted Assets

This flow tracks assets that are in an "unsubmitted" status and sends notification to the owners to take action.

  <owner_resubmit action="false" days="0" regressOnInaction="true" queryOperator="eq"/>

Tracking Unaccepted Assets

This flow tracks assets that are in an "unaccepted" status and sends notification to the registrar to take action.

  <registrar_accept action="false" days="0" regressOnInaction="true" queryOperator="eq"/>

Tracking Unapproved Assets

This flow tracks assets that are in an "unapproved" status and sends notification to the approvers to take action.

  <assignees_approve action="false" days="0" regressOnInaction="true" queryOperator="eq"/>

Tracking Unregistered Assets

This flow tracks the assets that are in an "unregistered" status and sends notification to the approvers to take action.

  <registrar_register action="false" days="0" regressOnInaction="true" queryOperator="eq"/>


Validation Expiration Flows

The Validation Expiration flows track the expired assets prior to the expiration date, as well as on the date of expiration, and sends warning notifications to all interested parties. After X number of days of expiration, the flows unregister the assets. After Y number of days of expiration, the flows deactivate the assets. After Z number of days of expiration, the flows delete the assets.

  <notification timerInterval="1d">

The following flowchart demonstrates the flow of the Time-based Escalation flows.

Figure 5-5 Validation Expiration Flowchart

Validation Expiration Flowchart

Asset Expiration Warning Notification

The following line enables the warning notification and determines who should receive the notifications.

<expiration_warning action="false" days="10" owner="false" subscriber="false" contact="99"/

Note: The days element configures the number of days prior to the expiration that the warning should be sent.

Unregister Assets After Expiration

The following line enables the Metadata Change flow to unregister the asset after 10 days of expiration.

  <unregister_after_expire action="true" days="10" queryOperator="eq"/>

Inactivate After Expiration

The following line enables the Metadata Change flow to inactivate the asset after 10 days of expiration

  <inactive_after_expire action="true" days="10" queryOperator="eq"/>

Delete Assets After Expiration

The following line enables the Metadata Change flow to delete the asset after 10 days of expiration:

  <delete_after_expire action="true" days="10" queryOperator="eq"/>


Customizing Flow Notification Email Templates

The Automated Registration Flows automatically send email notifications under many circumstances. There are five new email templates for the new flows. The email templates are stored within ALER and the flows invoke an ALER API by passing name/value pairs that are then substituted by ALER.

Administrators can customize the email subject, body, etc., the same way as other email templates. The following are the templates that are used by the Advanced Registration Flows:

For more information about email templates, refer to the ALER Administration Guide.

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