Monitoring Ledger Preparation and Consolidation Processes

This chapter provides an overview of the monitoring tools you can use to manage consolidation processing in each phase and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Global Consolidations Monitoring Tools

This section provides an overview of the PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Consolidations monitoring tools that are used to manage each consolidation phase.

PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Consolidations provides three monitoring pages that you can use to manage the status of each phase of consolidation. You can also use these pages to initiate processes for each consolidation phase, and to analyze the results.

This table lists the available monitoring tools and describes the how they are used:

Ledger Preparation Manager

Monitor each phase of ledger preparation processing: loading source ledger data, receiving external data sources such as spreadsheet upload, mapping calendars, converting currency, mapping ChartFields (accounts), verification of source data, and creating the consolidation ledger.

See Understanding the Ledger Preparation Manager.

Ledger Enrichment Manager

Monitor each phase of ledger enrichment processing: harmonization entries, translations adjustments, and source flows.

Note. Harmonization entry is a manual process that you can use the ledger enrichment manager to update the status of these processes as well as view the status.

See Managing Ledger Enrichment Processing.

Consolidation Manager

Manage each phase of consolidation processing: eliminations, equitization, non-controlling interest, journal flows, close process, and scenario locking.

See Understanding the Consolidation Manager.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Ledger Preparation Manager, Ledger Enrichment Manager, and Consolidation Manager Pages

The Consolidation Manager, Ledger Enrichment Manager, and Ledger Preparation Manager pages provide an overview of the progress of each stage of consolidation processing and provide detailed information about processing during each phase. These pages display information for a particular consolidation model, scenario, fiscal year, and accounting period—the parameters that the consolidation processes uses as input.

These pages are all constructed in a similar way. The tree used during the consolidation phase is displayed on the left side of the page. After you select a tree node, the grid on the right side of the page shows the status of the processes that are run during the phase for that node.

The tree used for ledger preparation and ledger processing is always based on business units. The tree used during consolidation processing can be based on the same business units, different business units, or another dimension, such as department

This example illustrates the common functionality of the Ledger Preparation Manager, Ledger Enrichment Manager, and Consolidation Manager pages:

Using the Ledger Preparation Manager, Ledger Enrichment Manager, and Consolidation Manager pages

The status links on these pages enable you to quickly assess the progress of consolidations throughout your organization. The pages are interactive; by clicking the links or status text messages, you can view more detail about that process.

You can configure the information that appears on these pages to suit your particular needs. For example, you can sort columns by text message status or in the case of Ledger Preparation Manager, you can refresh the grid with either Preparation Manager or Ledger Enrichment preparation phases.

Some of the field descriptions are also links. You can click the link to view the definition page for that object. For example, on the Ledger Preparation Manager page, the Source Ledger field descriptions are links. When you click the description, you access the Detail Ledger definition page for that ledger.

You use the Consolidation Processes page to establish which processes are displayed on each manager page, and to add manual process that you have established.

See Configuring the Consolidation Manager, Ledger Enrichment Manager, and Ledger Preparation Manager Pages.

Statuses on the Consolidation Manager, Ledger Preparation Manager, and Ledger Enrichment Manager Pages

The status on the monitoring pages changes when a process has been run for a consolidation tree node, or when new data has been added. These are the statuses that are displayed on the Consolidation Manager, Ledger Preparation Manager, and Ledger Enrichment Manager pages:


Indicates that no information is available. Appears when processing has notoccurred for that phase.


Indicates that the process has not yet started.


Indicates that some units under this node are processing.


Indicates that you need to reprocess this phase, because one or more processes upon which it depends have been run since this phase was last processed, and could impact this phase.


Indicates that processing failed to complete.


Indicates that processing was initiated and completed successfully, but with errors. The system did not create a journal.


Indicates that processing completed successfully, but there is data that you should review.


Indicates that processing completed successfully, without errors.


Indicates that processing is not applicable.

Click to jump to parent topicConfiguring the Ledger Preparation Manager, Ledger Enrichment Manager, and Consolidation Manager Pages

This section discusses how to configure the Ledger Preparation Manager, Ledger Enrichment Manager, and Consolidation Manager pages.

You establish which processes are displayed on each of the consolidation monitoring pages on the Consolidation Processes page. The Consolidation Processes page lists all the delivered Global Consolidations application engine process IDs. The page is pre-populated for the SHARE setID. You can modify the consolidation processes on this page to incorporate any manual processes that you create. You can revise the fields in the grid to suit your implementation, or create a new definition for a different setID. PeopleSoft recommends that you limit changes to the Display Title and Display Order fields, unless you have configured the system for your implementation or want to add your own processes.

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Page Name

Object Name



Consolidation Processes


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Common Definitions, Consolidation Processes

Configure the information that appears on the Consolidation Manager and Ledger Preparation Manager pages.

Consolidation Processes


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Common Definitions, Consolidation Processes, Display Controls

Enter the titles for each processes and the order in which they appear on the monitoring pages.

Consolidation Processes


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Common Definitions, Consolidation Processes, Parameters

Configure the information that appears on the Ledger Preparation Manager, Ledger Enrichment Manager, and Consolidation Manager pages to control processes and processing order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfiguring the Consolidation Manager, Ledger Enrichment Manager, and Ledger Preparation Manager Pages

Access the Consolidation Processes page.

The fields are categorized by function within the Name, Display Controls, and Parameters tabs. Either select each tab to view the related fields, or click the Show All Columns button to view all fields on one page. Insert rows as needed and complete these fields:

Display Order

Enter the display order, which controls the order in which the field appears. Fields appear in ascending order, based on the value that you enter in this field, with the lowest displaying first. (This field is updatable on each of the Consolidation Processes pages.)

Process ID

Enter the ID of the process to monitor. (This field is updatable on each of the Consolidation Processes pages.)


Enter a description of the process.


Select a function, describing what the process does. Options are: Account Mapping, Calendar Mapping, Close Process, Consolidation Approval, Consolidation Ledger Created, Consolidation Locked, Currency Translation, Elimination, Equitization, Journal Flows, Journal Entries, Manual, Non-Controlling Interest, Source Flows, Source Ledger Load, Source Ledger Verification, and Translation Adjustment.

Consolidation Phase

Select the phase of consolidation processing in which this process occurs. Options are: Consolidation, Consolidation/Last Period, Ledger Enrichment, or Ledger Preparation.

Display On

Displays the page on which the process status appears: the Consolidation Manager page, the Ledger Enrichment Manager page, or the Ledger Preparation Manager page.

Changing Display Titles

Access the Consolidation Processes - Display Controls page.

Note that only the Ledger Preparation Manager and the Consolidation Manager are listed on this page. The Ledger Enrichment Manager is considered part of the Ledger Preparation Manager page.

Enter values in these fields on the Consolidation Processes - Display Controls page:

Display Order

Enter the display order, which controls the order in which the field appears. Fields appear in ascending order, based on the value that you enter in this field, with the lowest displaying first. (This field is updatable on each of the Consolidation Processes pages.)

Process ID

Enter the ID of the process to monitor. (This field is updatable on each of the Consolidation Processes pages.)

Display Title

Enter the title to use for this process on the Consolidation Manager, Ledger Enrichment Manager, or Ledger Preparation Manager pages.

Controlling Processes and Process Order

Access the Consolidation Processes - Parameters page.

The process order on this page determines which processes must be completed before other processes can be run.

Enter values in these fields on the Consolidation Processes - Parameters page:

Display Order

Enter the display order, which controls the order in which the field appears. Fields appear in ascending order, based on the value that you enter in this field, with the lowest displaying first. (This field is updatable on each of the Consolidation Processes pages.)

Process ID

Enter the ID of the process to monitor. (This field is updatable on each of the Consolidation Processes pages.)

Status Update Method

Select the update status method. Options are: Application Engine Batch, Locking Processing, Manual Processing, or None. Your selection controls the prompt list for the process name, and also the information that appears on the Status Details page for that process. For example, for application engine batch processes, the Status Detail page includes links to the Process Monitor.

Process Order

Enter a value indicating the sequential order in which each process must be run, the lowest number occurring first. Use the process order to indicate processing dependencies. For example, calendar mapping must occur prior to loading the consolidation ledger. The system determines which processes should be rerun based on these dependencies.

Process Name

Enter a process name, which is the page or PeopleSoft Application Engine program used for this process. This field is inactive when the value in the Status Update Method field is None or Manual Processing. The system uses this information to determine which process status ID it should update.

Reconciliation Job ID

Enter the job ID for reconciliation rules that you have established for this process. When you assign a reconciliation job ID, the Review Reconciliation Totals link becomes active on the status details page.

See Reconciliation for Ledger Preparation and Consolidation Processes.

Click to jump to parent topic Managing Ledger Preparation Processing

This section provides an overview of the Ledger Preparation Manager and discusses how to use the Ledger Preparation Manager to manage the ledger preparation phase of consolidations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Ledger Preparation Manager

The Ledger Preparation Manager page conveys the status of each phase of ledger preparation processing for the selected consolidation node, including:

Note. For business units where the no preparation option is used, the status for calendar mapping, account mapping, and currency translation will be None because these processes are not run.

See Using the No Preparation Option.

The Ledger Preparation Manager has two views:

When managing the ledger preparation phase, use the Preparation View.

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Page Name

Object Name



Ledger Preparation Manager


Global Consolidations, Prepare Data for Consolidation, Ledger Preparation Manager

Monitor and review the status of the processes used to prepare ledger data for consolidations.

Ledger Preparation Manager Search


Click the Change View Parameters link on the Ledger Preparation Manager page.

Specify which data to view in the Ledger Preparation Manager.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Ledger Preparation Tasks

Access the Ledger Preparation Manager page.

On the Ledger Preparation Manager page, you can review which stages of ledger preparation are complete for the selected consolidation tree node.

The status of each phase of ledger preparation processing appears for each ledger business unit and source ledger within the selected tree node. You can sort the results by clicking on a column heading. You can click on a status to access the Status Details page.

The phases are:

Data Received

Indicates the status of the source ledger loading process. Click on a status to display the Status Details - Data Received page.

Source Verification

Indicates the status of the source ledger verification process. Click on a status to display the Status Details - Source Verification.

The status for the ledger verification and the subsequent ledger preparation processes is updated based on the error handling choice you make on the Ledger Preparation Run Group page.

For example, if you select Prevent all BU(s) to continue and errors occur during the ledger verification phase for some of the business units, the ledger verification process continues to update the valid business units with the status text message 06-Review. For the subsequent ledger preparation processes, the ledger preparation process checks if the business units were previously run. If so, the status text messages is set to 03-Rerun, otherwise, the status is set to 00-None. Similarly, the ledger preparation process updates the consolidated business unit status for the subsequent consolidation processes.

If you select Allow valid BU(s) to continue and errors occur during the ledger verification phase for some of the business units, the ledger verification process updates the status for the subsequent ledger preparation processes to 00-None, or 03-Rerun for the problem business units. The ledger preparation process continues to prepare the valid business units and set the status per the results from each preparation step.

See Establishing Ledger Preparation Groups.

Calendar Mapping

Indicates the status of the calendar mapping rules process. Click on a status to display the Status Details - Calendar Mapping page. When the no preparation option is used for a business unit, the status will be None because this process is not run.

Account Mapping

Indicates the status of the Data Mapper rules process. Click on a status to display the Status Details - Account Mapping page. When the no preparation option is used for a business unit, the status will be None because this process is not run.

Currency Translation

Indicates the status of the currency mapping rules process. Click on a status to display the Status Details - Currency Translation page. When the no preparation option is used for a business unit, the status will be None because this process is not run.

Ledger Loaded

Indicates the status of the mapped data for the consolidation ledger. Click on a status to display the Status Details - Ledger Loaded page.

Click the text message for more information, or click a link to access the corresponding page.

You can also access the following links on this page:

Model ID

Click to review or modify the consolidation model for the selected consolidation business unit.

Consolidation Audit

Click to access the Consolidation Audit Trail page, where you can interactively view the audit trail of the consolidation model.

See Auditing Consolidation Data.

View Batch Messages

Click to access the Engine Messages component, where you can review messages for a specific process instance.

Update Manual Process

Click to access the Update Manual Process page, where you can update the process status for manual processes previously defined on the Consolidations Processes page—for example, when you want to update the status for harmonization entries.

See Updating the Status for Manual Processes.

Consolidation Manager

Click to access the Consolidation Manager page, where you can view the status of each phase of consolidation processing.

See Understanding the Consolidation Manager.

Run Ledger Preparation

Click to access the Ledger Preparation run control page, where you can run process ledger preparation.

See Understanding the Ledger Preparation Manager.

Change View Parameters

Click to access the search page, where you can specify which data to view in the Ledger Preparation Manager or Consolidation Manager pages.

Global Consolidation Center

Click to access the Global Consolidation Center page.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Ledger Enrichment Processing

Ledger enrichment defines all the processes that occur after ledger preparation and before consolidation. The Ledger Enrichment Manager that is delivered with the SHARE setID, is used to manage:

The status of manual processes, such as harmonization, and others that you create for ledger enrichment, must be updated manually.

See Updating the Status for Manual Processes.

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Page Name

Object Name



Ledger Enrichment Manager


Select the ledger enrichment value for the Preparation Phase field on the Ledger Preparation Manager page, and then click refresh to populate the grid with the ledger enrichment processes, such as source flows.

Monitor and review the status of the ledger enrichment processes.

Ledger Preparation Manager Search


Click the Change View Parameters link on the Ledger Enrichment Manager page.

Specify which data to view in the Ledger Enrichment Manager.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Ledger Enrichment Tasks

Access the Ledger Enrichment Manager page.

After accessing the Ledger Preparation Manager page, select the Preparation Phase: Ledger Enrichment, and then click Refresh to update the Consolidation grid. You can click on a status to access the Status Details page.

Harmonization Entries

Indicates the status of the harmonization entries process. Click on a status to display the Status Details - Harmonization Entries page.

Translation Adjustment

Indicates the status of the translation adjustments process. Click on a status to display the Status Details - Translation Adjustment page.

Source Flows

Indicates the status of the source flow update process. Click on a status to display the Status Details - Source Flows page.

See Viewing Source Flow Status Details.

The Ledger Enrichment Manager page also includes the following links:

Model ID

Click to review or modify the consolidation model for the selected consolidation business unit.

Consolidation Audit

Click to access the Consolidation Audit Trail page, where you can interactively view the audit trail of the consolidation model.

See Auditing Consolidation Data.

View Batch Messages

Click to access the Engine Messages component, where you can review messages for a specific process instance.

See Viewing Engine Messages.

Update Manual Process

Click to access the Update Manual Process page, where you can update the process status for manual processes previously defined on the Consolidations Processes page—for example, when you want to update the status for harmonization entries.

See Updating the Status for Manual Processes.

Consolidation Manager

Click to access the Consolidation Manager page, where you can view the status of each phase of consolidation processing.

See Understanding the Consolidation Manager.

Run Ledger Preparation

Click to access the Ledger Preparation run control page, where you can run process ledger preparation.

See Running Ledger Preparation.

Change View Parameters

Click to access the search page, where you can specify which data to view on the Ledger Enrichment Manager page.

Global Consolidation Center

Click to access the Global Consolidation Center page.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Consolidation Processing

This section provides an overview of the Consolidation Manager and discusses how to manage consolidation processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Consolidation Manager

From the Consolidation Manager page, you can initiate and view the status of each stage of consolidation for each node of the consolidation tree including:

You can also view the proforma run status, the journal entry status, and the pending flow journal status from this page, and perform several inquiries:

Trial Balance

View the consolidation ledger, incorporating only source data and posted journals. Summarize the data by account, with an option to navigate to details of additional dimensions such as book code.

See Viewing Trial Balances.

Proforma Trial Balance

View the consolidation ledger, incorporating source data for posted and nonposted journals. Enables you to check the impact of consolidation processing prior to posting any journals. Summarizes the data by account, with an option to navigate to details of additional dimensions such as book code.

See Viewing Proforma Trial Balances.

Flow Inquiry

Use the flow templates and flow inquiry to review translated flow amounts for all the ledger business units within a scenario.

View source and journal flow amounts hierarchically according to cash flow rate or closing rate translation types, with amounts grouped by a business unit reporting tree. If book code functionality is available, you can select this option and the Flow Inquiry report displays separate amounts by book code.

See Viewing Data Flows.

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Page Name

Object Name



Consolidation Manager


Global Consolidations, Process Consolidations, Consolidation Manager

Monitor and review the status of the processes used in PeopleSoft Global Consolidations.

Consolidation Manager Search


Click the Change View Parameters link on the Consolidation Manager page.

Specify which data to view on the Consolidation Manager page.

Journal Summary


Click the Journal Entry Status text message on the Consolidation Manager page.

View a summary of any journal activity against the consolidation model for that period.

Proforma Summary


Click the Proforma Run Status text message on the Consolidation Manager page.

View the status of proforma runs for the consolidation model.

Status Detail - Journal Flows


From the Consolidation Manager page, select a status link in the Journal Flows column.

View status information about the journal flow data for ledger business units.

Flow Status Detail for journal flows


From the Status Detail - Journal Flows page, select a link in the Flow Status column.

View detailed information about the journal flow data, and which flow templates it came from.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Consolidation Processing Tasks

Access the Consolidation Manager page.

This page shows the status of proforma runs, the status of journals that require flow processing, and the status of journal entries for the consolidation model for this period.

Within the grid, you can monitor the status of each phase of consolidation processing for the selected tree node (in bold text) and each consolidation node within the selected tree node. The phases include:


Indicates the status of equitization processing.


Indicates the status of elimination processing.


Indicates the status of non-controlling interest processing.

Period Locked

Indicates if the ledger is closed to any further journal activity.

Close Process

Indicates the status of the close process.

Journal Flows

Indicates the status of journal flow update processing.

Click the text message for more information, or click a link to access the corresponding page.

You can also access the following links on this page:

Model ID

Click to review or modify the consolidation model for the selected consolidation business unit.

Consolidation Audit

Click to access the Consolidation Audit page, where you can interactively view the audit trail of the consolidation model.

See Auditing Consolidation Data.

View Batch Messages

Click to access the Engine Messages component, where you can review messages for a specific process instance.

See Reviewing Application Engine Messages.

Update Manual Process

Click to access the Update Manual Process page, where you can update the process status for manual processes previously defined on the Consolidations Processes page.

See Updating the Status for Manual Processes.

Run Ledger Preparation

Click to access the Ledger Preparation run control page, where you can run process ledger preparation.

See Running Ledger Preparation.

Change View Parameters

Click to access the search page, where you can specify which data to view in the Ledger Preparation Manager or Consolidation Manager pages.

Global Consolidation Center

Click to access the Global Consolidation Center page.

Journal Flow Update

Click to access the Journal Flow Update page.

See Running the Journal Flow Update Process.

Flow Inquiry

Click to access the Flow Inquiry criteria selection page. After selecting your input, you can view flows by the template selected.

See Viewing Data Flows.

View Trial Balance

Click to access the Trial Balance page, where you can view a trial balance of the consolidation model.

See Viewing Trial Balances.

Ledger Preparation

Click to access the Ledger Preparation Manager page, where you can monitor and review the status of the processes used to prepare ledger data for consolidations.

See Understanding the Ledger Preparation Manager.

Run Eliminations

Click this link to access the Eliminations run control page, where you can process intercompany eliminations.

See Understanding Elimination Processing.

Run Equitization

Click this link to access the Equitization run control page, where you can process equitization.

See Understanding Equitization Processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Summaries of Journal Activity

Access the Journal Summary page.

This page lists the status of both system-generated journals and manual journals. Any batches for manual journals that were held from posting appear with the Hold check box selected by the system.

You can select the following links from this page:

Consolidation Audit

Select to access the Consolidation Audit page.

See Understanding the Consolidation Audit.

Run Journal Post

Select to access the journal post run control page.

See Understanding Journal Posting and Unposting.

Consolidation Manager

Select to return to the consolidation manager page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Summaries of Proforma Processing Runs

Access the Proforma Summary page.

This page lists the output journals (and their associated reversal journals, if any) generated for the pro forma run, the overall process status, and the status of the equitization, elimination, non-controlling interest, and close process phases of processing. The page also lists the source input journals for each output journal.

Click a status text message to view the status details for the corresponding phase.

You can select the following links from this page:

Consolidation Audit

Select to access the Consolidation Audit page.

Run Journal Post

Select to access the journal post run control page.

Consolidation Manager

Select to return to the consolidation manager page.

View Trial Balance

Select to view the trial balance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Journal Flow Status

Access the Status Details - Journal Flows page.

The Status Details - Journal Flows page displays the following links:

Edit/View Definition

Select to go to the Flow Group page to view or edit the defintion.

Process Monitor

Select to go to the PeopleTools Process List page where you can view process requests.

Consolidation Manager

Select to return to the Consolidation Manager page.

Ledger link

Select to go to the Consolidation Ledger page where you can view the ledger definition and contact list for consolidation processes.

Flow Status

Select a flow status link to go to the Flow Status Details page for the related ledger business unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Journal Flow Status Details

Access the Flow Status Details page for journal flows.

The Flow Status Details page for journal flows displays the following fields:

Flow Template Id, Description, and Journal Flow Status

Displays the related flow templates and their processing statuses.

Edit/View Journal Flow Input link

Select to drill to the Journal Flow Input page for template.

Edit/View Flow Inquiry

Select to go to the Flow Inquiry - Selection page. It will be populated with the values on the Flow Status Details page.

Click to jump to parent topicAnalyzing and Updating Processing Results

This section discusses how you view and update processing results on the Ledger Preparation Manager, Ledger Enrichment Manager, and Consolidation Manager pages, and includes:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Analyze and Update Processing Results

Page Name

Object Name



Status Details


Click a status text message from the Consolidation Manager page or Ledger Preparation/Enrichment Manager page.

View details about a process.

Status Detail - Source Flows


From the Ledger Enrichment Manager page, select a status link in the Source Flows column.

View status information about the source flow data for ledger business units.

Flow Status Detail for source flows


From the Status Detail - Source Flows page, select a link in the Flow Status column.

View detailed information about the source flow data, and which flow templates it came from.

Reconciliation Results


Select the Review Reconciliation Totals link on theStatus Details page.

Review reconciliation totals.

Engine Messages


Click View Batch Messages on the Consolidation Manager or Ledger Preparation Manager page.

Access the Engine Messages search page, where you can select and review messages for a specific process instance and engine ID.

Update Manual Status


Click the Update Manual Status link on the Ledger Preparation Manager page or click the status text message link of any manual processes on the Ledger Preparation Manager page or Consolidation Manager page.

Update status of any manual processes such as harmonization entries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Status Details

Access the Status Details page.

The content of this page varies depending on the process phase that you are viewing. The top portion of the page shows the field values for the processing parameters and related fields, such as Run Control ID, Start Date/Time, and so on.

If applicable, this page also shows the generated journal ID, and contacts for the ledger.

The expandable regions that can appear are:

Process Log

Click to expand this region, and review any processing messages for the process instance. Click Explain to view message details.

Control Process Log

Click to expand this region, and review any processing messages for the controlling process (applicable to processes that use parallel processing, or spawning). Click Explain to view message details.


Click to expand this region, and review engine messages. Click Explain to view message details.

Ledger Chart Field Validation

Click to expand this region, and review ChartField validation error messages.

Select the available links to access related pages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Source Flow Status

Access the Status Details - Source Flows page from the Ledger Enrichment Manager page

The Status Details - Source Flows page contains the following links:

Edit/View Flow Group Rule

Select to go to the Flow Group page to view or edit the defintion.

Process Monitor

Select to go to the PeopleTools Process List page where you can view process requests.

Ledger Enrichment Manager

Select to return to the Ledger Enrichment Manager page.

Flow Status

Select a flow status to go to the Flow Status Details page for the related ledger business unit.

These are the relevant flow statuses:


None - indicates that the source flow update process has not been run.


Error - indicates that the process has been run, but the flow amounts do not reconcile to the change amount from the source flow template.


Done - indicates that the source flow update process has been run and the flow amounts reconcile to the change amount from the source flow template.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Source Flow Status Details

Access the Flow Status Details page from the Status Details for source flows page.

The Flow Status Details page for source flows displays the following fields:

Flow Template Id, Description, and Source Flow Status

Displays the related flow templates and their processing statuses.

Edit/View Source Flow Input link

Select to drill to the Source flow input page for template.

Edit/View Flow Inquiry

Select to go to the Flow Inquiry - Selection page. It will be populated with the values on the Flow Status Details page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Reconciliation Results

Access the Reconciliation Results page.

As part of consolidation processing, reconciliation occurs at several stages. The reconciliation programs include balance rules that check the records used during ledger preparation and consolidation processing. To view the status of the reconciliation jobs on the consolidation manager or ledger preparation manager pages, on the Status Details page, click the View Reconciliation Totals link to view the results. Reconciliation results can be viewed for the following processes:

To establish the View Reconciliation Totals link on the Status Details page for these processes, use the Consolidation Processes page to add the job IDs to the related page.

See Also

Configuring the Ledger Preparation Manager, Ledger Enrichment Manager, and Consolidation Manager Pages

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Engine Messages

Access the Message Detail page.

Use the PeopleSoft Enterprise Performance Warehouse Engine Message component to review any messages generated during a specific process instance.

See Viewing Engine Messages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating the Status for Manual Processes

Access the Update Manual Status page.

Use this page to update the status of manual processes, such as harmonization entries.


Displays the manual process that you are updating. This process must have been previously added to the Consolidation Processes page.

Change Selected Node

Select a tree node, and click Show Details for Node to populate the grid with the detail business unit under that node. Update the statuses for those ledger units.

Note. Ensure that you save your changes before selecting another tree node.

Update Status Using Tree

Select the status for the manual process and click Update Values in Grid to change the status for the ledger units in the grid.

You can change the status for individual ledger units in the grid by selecting the appropriate status from the drop-down list box next to each ledger unit.