Tutorial: Designing a Purchase Order Processing System by Using AquaLogic Integrator

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AquaLogic Integrator: Introduction

Overview of AquaLogic Integrator

Architecture of the Sample Application

Workflow of the Sample Application

Purpose of the Tutorial

Creating an ALINT Domain

How to Use This Tutorial...

Part I Using the Out of the Box Sample Application

Running the Sample Application

Creating the Tutorial Environment

To Create the Tutorial Environment

Loading the Sample Application

To Load the Sample Application

Testing the Application

To Test the Sample Application

Part II Accessing ALSB Proxy Service and Exposing a JPD

Part III Developing the PO Application System

Getting Started

Before You Begin

Creating a PurchaseOrder Fulfillment System and Invoking External Services

Creating AquaLogic Service Bus Control

To create a Purchase OrderFulfillmentJPD and ALSB Control Using Data Palette

Designing PurchaseOrderFulfillmentJPD

To Design PurchaseOrderFulfillmentJPD

Invoking External Services

To Invoke the Inventory System

To Invoke the Credit Card System

Verifying Transaction Context Propagation

To Verify Transaction Context Propagation

Securing External Services

Creating Business Service Endpoint for PurchaseOrderFulfillmentJPD

Creating the Business Service Endpoint for PurchaseOrderFulfillmentJPD

To Create the Business Service Endpoint

Creating Proxy Service to Invoke a JPD

Creating the PurchaseOrderProcessingService Proxy

To Create PurchaseOrderProcessServiceProxy.proxy

Designing a ProxyService Pipeline

To Design the Proxy Service Pipeline

Testing the Proxy

To test the PurchaseOrderProcessingProxy

Aggregating the Purchase Order Fulfillment Results

Publishing the PurchaseOrder Fulfillment Results to Message Broker Channels

Publishing the PO Fulfillment Results

Publishing Inventory System Results

Publishing Credit Card System Results

Designing the PurchaseOrderAggregator JPD to Subscribe to the Message Broker Channels

To Design the PurchaseOrderAggregatorJPD

To Add the Subscription Message Broker Channels to the JPD

Designing Parallel Branch in the JPD

Invoking the External Shipping System

Unsubscribing from the Message Broker Channels

Sending Order Status as Callback

Creating the Business Service Endpoint for PurchaseOrderAggregatorJPD

To Create the Business Service Endpoint

Using JPD Transport Callback

Modifying PurchaseOrderProcessingService Proxy to Invoke PO Aggregator JPD

To Invoke PurchaseOrderAggregatorJPD

Modifying PurchaseOrderProcessingService Proxy to Invoke PurchaseOrderAggregator JPD

To Create PurchaseOrderNotification Business Service (PurchaseOrderNotificationServiceJPDBS.biz )

Creating PurchaseOrderNotificationService Proxy

To Create PurchaseOrderNotificationService.proxy

Designing the PurchaseOrderNotificationProxy Message flow

Testing the Application

Verifying Security Context Propagation

Actionable Exception Management

Enabling Worklist Facets

To Enable Worklist Facets

Copying Files Required to Enable Actionable Exception Management

Importing Worklist Projects

To Import Worklist Projects

Modifying PurchaseOrderFulfillmentJPD for Exception Handling

Modifying the Purchase Order Aggregator JPD to Handle Errors

To Modify the POAggregatorJPD

Modifying the PurchaseOrderProcessingServiceProxy to Save the Incoming Messages for Future Reference

To Modify the PurchaseOrderProcessing Proxy

Providing Anonymous Access to Task Plan

To Provide Anonymous Access

Testing Actionable Exception Management

To Enter Values in the TestClient

To Verify the Values in Worklist User Portal

To Modify the .XML File

To Reprocess the Order in Worklist User Portal

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