Registry Configuration  Locate

Registry configuration is used whenever you want to set up the database, registry parameters, or account properties.

To access Registry configuration:

  1. Log on as administrator or as a user with privilege to display the Manage tab. For more information, see Rules to Display the Manage Tab.

  2. Click the Manage main menu tab.

  3. Select the Registry configuration link under Manage tab. This returns the Registry configuration panel shown in Figure 28.

Figure 28. Registry Configuration

Registry Configuration

The Registry configuration panel includes the following tabs:

In this part of the chapter, each of these sections settings is described in detail. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are the most important.

Core Config  Locate


Maximum number of threads used in statement execution

The default is 2.


SMTP Host Name, SMTP Host Port, SMTP Auth User, SMTP Auth Password, Default sender email, and Default sender name are used to set up the entity that sends emails on behalf the registry administrator.

Database  Locate

This section details how to set up the database connection. The default values are set according to the database chosen at installation. For details, please see Table 1, “Default Ports for Supported Database Servers”.


Database installation, that is, creating the database schema and loading basic data, is described in Database Installation.

Figure 29. Registry Configuration - Database

Registry Configuration - Database
Backend type *

A menu of databases from which to select the vendor of your database.

Hostname *

Database host name or IP address, for example,

Port *

Database port number. For default values see Table 1, “Default Ports for Supported Database Servers”. Note that if you are using the HSQL database, it is embedded in the same JVM and therefore the port number is ignored in this case.

Database Name *

Database name; for example, uddinode

User Name *

User name; uddiuser by default

User Password *

Database user password;uddi by default

Default pool size

Count of concurrent database connections initialized at start time

Max pool size

Maximum count of concurrent database connections. Each request books one connection until the request is served. If all connections are booked and new request comes in, the connection pool creates a new connection till the maximum count is reached. If this maximum is reached and new request comes in, this request must wait for a free connection to be released by a previous request.

Pool cleaning interval

How often database connections are closed over the default count. This value represents time in hours.

Database cache

This is used for performance optimization.

Table 1. Default Ports for Supported Database Servers

DatabaseDefault Port
Oracle 8i1521
MS SQL 20001433
DB2 8.06789
Sybase ASE 12.55000
hsqldb 1.7.3-

Security  Locate

On the Security tab, you can configure your digital signature token and key properties.

Figure 30. Registry Configuration - Security

Registry Configuration - Security
AuthInfo Time Out

Authorization token is obtained by invoking the get_authToken method. This token is used for each operation on the publishing port. Here you can set up the authorization token time-out in seconds. The default value is one hour.

Token Creation Time Tolerance

Tolerance interval of token validity, expressed in milliseconds

Token Signature

Whether authorization token is signed. We recommend you toggle this switch on.

Account  Locate

On this tab, you can specify accounts properties applicable for all BEA AquaLogic Service Registry user accounts.

Figure 31. Registry Configuration - Account

Registry Configuration - Account

Backend type

This field is not editable. Its value is specified during installation.

Default result size

Number of items returned in search results when querying accounts

Confirm registration by email

Check this box if you would like new users to confirm account creation.

Confirmation URL

URL where new users can confirm registration

Default User Limits Limits are used as default values only when creating a new account. Accounts that exist at the time of change are exempt from new limit values. Limits for existing accounts can be updated with the Account Management tool.

Business entities

Business entity limit; default is 1.

Business services

Number of allowed business services per business entity; default is 4.

Binding templates

Number of allowed bindingTemplates per businessService; default is 2.


Number of allowed tModels; default is 100.

Publisher assertions

Number of allowed relationship assertions; default is 10.


Number of allowed subscriptions saved by user. Default is 5.

Group  Locate

On this tab, you can specify the properties of the group API.

Backend type

Not editable, this field's value is specified during installation.

Default result size

Number of items returned in search results when querying groups; the default value for this field is 10.

Subscription  Locate

On the Subscription tab, you can configure server limits for subscriptions. If a user saves a subscription which does not match these limits, the registry automatically adjusts the user's values.

Figure 32. Registry Configuration - Subscriptions

Registry Configuration - Subscriptions

There are three fields to configure on this tab:

Min. notification interval

Minimal interval between notifications provided to a subscriber

Sender Pool size

Number of stubs ready for notification

Transformer Cache Size

Number of cached XSLT transformations

Node  Locate

On the Node tab, you can configure UDDI node properties.

Figure 33. Registry Configuration - Node

Registry Configuration - Node
Default key generator

The Default Key generator tModel allows the Registry to generate keys in the form domain:string instead of only in the form uuid. For example, instead of only 61c08bf0-be41-11d8-aa33-b8a03c50a862. Enter the key of the tModel that is the key generator. For example, if you enter, keys will be generated with the prefix For more information, please see Publisher-Assigned Keys in the User's Guide.

Operator name

The name of the operator of the UDDI node. The default entry for this field is configured during installation.

Operational business key

The key of the Operational business entity. This entity holds miscellaneous registry settings such as the validation service configuration.

Operational business key v2

The key of the Operational business entity in UDDI v2 format.


The URL of the Registry Console.

tModel deletion

If this box is checked then deleted tModels are deleted permanently. Otherwise, tModels are marked as deprecated. (Deprecated tModels are visible by direct get tModel call, but do not appear in any search results.)