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The following table and subsequent sections describe the Log Central commands.

Table B-1 Commands




Runs the Host Configuration utility


Creates a database schema


Drops a database schema


Starts the Log Central Console


Creates a user in the database


Deletes a user from the database


Changes a user's password in the database


Lists all the users in the database


Starts a Log Monitor


Deletes message definitions from the database


Copies message definitions from the database to a text file


Loads a message definition file into the database


Displays the current intermediate log file


Generates test messages


Checks the syntax of the messaging configuration file or displays information about Log Central


Starts the Log Central processes


Stops the Log Central processes


Creates a subsystem in the database


Deletes a subsystem from the database




Runs the Host Configuration utility. Run this command before starting Log Central.


lc_config [-inifile initialization_file] [-conffile configuration_file] [-fn fontname] [-fs fontsize] [-h]

Options and Arguments:

-inifile initialization_file

Path for the initialization file to create. The default is install_dir/etc/msg_processor.ini, where install_dir is the directory where you installed Log Central. If you use a nondefault value, you need to set INIFILE in the messaging configuration file. For a description of the initialization file, see Initialization File. For a description of the messaging configuration file, see Configuration Files.

-conffile configuration_file

Path for the messaging configuration file to create. The default is install_dir/etc/messaging.conf, where install_dir is the directory where you installed Log Central. If you use a nondefault location, set the BEA_LC_HOST_CONF environment variable. For a description of the messaging configuration file, see Configuration Files. For a description of BEA_LC_HOST_CONF, see Environment Variables.

-fn fontname

Name of the font to use in the Host Configuration utility.

-fs fontsize

Size of the font to use in the Host Configuration utility.


Displays help information about the command.


This command runs the Log Central Host Configuration utility, which creates the initialization file and the messaging configuration file. For more information, see Configuring the Central Host.




Creates a database schema. Run this command before starting Log Central.


lc_create_schema [-inifile inifilename] [-h]

Options and Arguments:

-inifile inifilename

Path for the initialization file. The default is install_dir/etc/msg_processor.ini, where install_dir is the directory where you installed Log Central. For a description of the initialization file, see Initialization File.


Displays help information about the command.


This command creates the database table definitions that Log Central uses to store messages and message definitions. For a description of these tables, see Database Schema.

If an error occurs or if lc_create_schema aborts, run lc_drop_schema to clean up files that may have been created, try to correct the problem, and recreate the schema.




Drops a database schema. Run this command before starting Log Central.


lc_drop_schema [-inifile inifilename] [-h]

Options and Arguments:

-inifile inifilename

Path for the initialization file. The default is install_dir/etc/msg_processor.ini, where install_dir is the directory where you installed Log Central. For a description of the initialization file, see Initialization File.


Displays help information about the command.


This command drops the Log Central database schema.

If lc_create_schema aborts, you need to call lc_drop_schema before calling lc_create_schema again. Ignore all error messages that lc_drop_schema generates because it may try to drop tables and synonyms that were not created. You might also run lc_drop_schema before reinstalling Log Central.

For a description of the database schema, see Database Schema..




Starts the Log Central Console.


lc_launch [-p port] [-h central_host] [-n msgs] [-fn fontname] [-fs fontsize] [-b browser] [-h]

Options and Arguments:

-p port

Message Processor's port number. The default is 7001.

-h central_host

Name of the machine that the Central Collector is running on. If you do not provide this value, the machine on which you are running this command is considered to be the central host.

-n msgs

Maximum number of messages or message definitions to display. The default is 1000.

-fn fontname

Name of the font for displaying text in the Log Central Console. The default is Times Roman.

-fs fontsize

Size of the font for displaying text in the Log Central Console. The default is 12 points.

-b browser

Web browser for displaying the Log Central Online Help. Use the name of an executable that is available in the current PATH, or provide a complete pathname. The default is Netscape Navigator.


Displays help information about the command.


This command starts the Log Central Console. For information about the Console, see the Log Central Online Help.




Creates a user in the database. You can run this command while Log Central is running.


lc_user_create -u username -p password [-inifile inifilename] [-h]

Options and Arguments:

-u username

Name of the user to create. This value can be up to 10 characters and can contain any alphanumeric character, including a hyphen or underscore.

-p password

User password. This value can be up to 10 characters and can contain any printable ASCII character.

-inifile inifilename

Path for the initialization file. The default is install_dir/etc/msg_processor.ini, where install_dir is the directory where you installed Log Central. For a description of the initialization file, see Initialization File.


Displays help information about the command.


This command creates a new user in the Log Central database.




Deletes a user from the database. You can run this command while Log Central is running.


lc_user_delete -u username -p password [-inifile inifilename] [-h]

Options and Arguments:

-u username

Name of the user to delete.

-p password

Password of the user to delete.

-inifile inifilename

Path for the initialization file. The default is install_dir/etc/msg_processor.ini, where install_dir is the directory where you installed Log Central. For a description of the initialization file, see Initialization File.


Displays help information about the command.


This command deleted a user from the Log Central database.




Changes a user's password in the database. You can run this command while Log Central is running.


lc_user_modify -u username -p oldpassword -n newpassword [-inifile inifilename] [-h]

Options and Arguments:

-u username

Name of the user.

-p oldpassword

User's current password.

-n newpassword

User's new password. This value can be up to 10 characters and can contain any printable ASCII character.

-inifile inifilename

Path for the initialization file. The default is install_dir/etc/msg_processor.ini, where install_dir is the directory where you installed Log Central. For a description of the initialization file, see Initialization File.


Displays help information about the command.


This command changes a user password in the Log Central database.




Lists all the users in the database. You can run this command while Log Central is running.


lc_user_list [-inifile inifilename] [-h]

Options and Arguments:

-inifile inifilename

Path for the initialization file. The default is install_dir/etc/msg_processor.ini, where install_dir is the directory where you installed Log Central. For a description of the initialization file, see Initialization File.


Displays help information about the command.


This command lists all the users in the Log Central database.




Starts a Log Monitor or forwards log files.


To start a Log Monitor with predefined mappings:

log_monitor -i filename -P predefined_mapping [-t time] [-p pattern] [-x pattern] [-e entityname] [-h]

To start a Log Monitor with mappings in a message mapping file:

log_monitor -i filename -f mapping_filename [-t time] [-c] [-e entityname] [-h]

To start a Log Monitor with mapping specified on the command line and optional predefined mapping:

log_monitor -i filename [-P predefined_mapping] [-t time] [-e entityname] [-b body] [-D date_and_format] [-d msgid] [-I processID] [-M log_level] [-m subsystem] [-n function] [-o hostname] [-p pattern] [-S separators] [-u userID] [-x pattern] [-h]

To forward log files:

log_monitor -i filename -P predefined_mapping -e entityname [-h]

Options and Arguments:

-i filename

Incoming log file to use. You can use a hyphen to specify standard input:

-i -

To forward log files, set filename to pathname/file* where pathname is the directory that contains the log files and file specifies the characters that are the same in each log file name. For example, filename could be:


-P predefined_mapping

Tells the Log Monitor to use predefined mapping. Possible values:

LM—Log Central temporary log files. For more information, see Using the LM Predefined Mapping in the Description section.

NTEVENT—Windows NT event log

ORACLE—Oracle alert logs

TUXEDO—BEA Tuxedo user logs

-t time

Length of time to wait between forwarding each log message. The default is one second. Use 0 to forward once and then stop. Using 0 causes the Log Monitor to run as a daemon.

-e entityname

Entity name that the Log Monitor uses to register with the proc_monitor process. The default is log_monitor. Each Log Monitor on one managed node must have a unique entity name. If you run a Log Monitor as a daemon (with -t 0), this option is not used.

-f mapping_filename

Message mapping file that contains the mappings.


Applies the mappings in the message mapping file to a log message only up to the first match.


Displays help information about the command.

For descriptions of the remaining options, see Table 5-2 in Creating Log Mappings.


This command starts a Log Monitor manually. To start log monitors automatically, use the start_messaging command. For information about mapping, see Creating Log Mappings.

Using the LM Predefined Mapping

Log Central creates temporary log files. There are two abnormal situations where you might need to use Log Monitor to recover the contents of these files:




Deletes message definitions from the database. Run this command before starting Log Central.


msgdef_delete [-f filename] [-inifile inifilename] [-h]

Options and Arguments:

-f filename

Path for the file that contains the message definitions to delete. Only the subsystem names and message IDs are necessary. If you do not provide a file name, msgdef_delete accepts text from the standard terminal input. For a description of the message definition file, see Creating Message Definitions.

-inifile inifilename

Path for the initialization file. The default is install_dir/etc/msg_processor.ini, where install_dir is the directory where you installed Log Central. For a description of the initialization file, see Initialization File.


Displays help information about the command.


This command deletes message definitions from the Log Central database. You can also use the subsystem_delete command to delete message definitions.




Copies message definitions from the database to a text file. You can run this command while Log Central is running.


msgdef_export [-f filename] [-s subsystem_name [subsystem_name]...] [-inifile inifilename] [-h]

Options and Arguments:

-f filename

Path for the file that contains the message definitions to delete. Only the subsystem names and message IDs are necessary. If you do not provide a file name, msgdef_export accepts text from the standard terminal input. For a description of the message definition file, see Creating Message Definitions.

-s subsystem_name

Name of the subsystem for which to copy the message definitions. You can provide multiple subsystem_name values to copy message definitions for multiple subsystems. If you do not provide a subsystem name, msgdef_export copies the message definitions for all the subsystems.

-inifile inifilename

Path for the initialization file. The default is install_dir/etc/msg_processor.ini, where install_dir is the directory where you installed Log Central. For a description of the initialization file, see Initialization File.


Displays help information about the command.


This command copies message definitions from the Log Central database to a text file.




Loads a message definition file into the database. You can run this command while Log Central is running.


msgdef_import [-f filename] [-inifile inifilename] [-h]

Options and Arguments:

-f filename

Path for the file that contains the message definitions to delete. If you do not provide a file name, msgdef_export accepts text from the standard terminal input. For a description of the message definition file, see Creating Message Definitions.

-inifile inifilename

Path for the initialization file. The default is install_dir/etc/msg_processor.ini, where install_dir is the directory where you installed Log Central. For a description of the initialization file, see Initialization File.


Displays help information about the command.


This command loads a message definition file into the Log Central database.




Displays the current intermediate log file.


msg_reader [-e] [-n] pathname [-h]

Options and Arguments:


Starts writing from the end of the intermediate file.


Formats the logged messages before writing them. Do not use this option if you run msg_reader with log_monitor.


Pathname of the file to open for reading. The command adds the .cur extension to the pathname before opening the file.


Displays help information about the command.


This command continuously reads the current intermediate file that the Message Receiver constructs, and writes the file contents to the standard output.




Generates test messages.


msg_test [-i] [-l length] [-n messages] [-s subsystem] [subsystem]...] [-t interval] [-h]

Options and Arguments:


Invokes the interactive mode. The -i option overrides the -t option.

-l length

Message body length. The default is 40.

-n messages

Number of messages to generate. The default is 1.

-s subsystem

Subsystem name to use in the message header. You can specify multiple subsystems. The default is LC.

-t interval

Time interval, in seconds, to wait between messages. The default is 0.


Displays help information about the command.


This command tests the flow of messages. You can also use this command to print performance data. Use the Message Browser in the Log Central Console to see the test results.

For information about the Log Central Console, see the Log Central Online Help.




Checks the syntax of the messaging configuration file or displays information about Log Central.


show_config -c [-f config_file] | -g | -p | -d | -n entity_name [-h]

Options and Arguments:


Checks the messaging configuration file for syntax errors.

-f config_file

Name of the messaging configuration file. If you do not specify a name, show_config uses messaging.conf.


Displays the Log Central shared memory information to stdout.


Displays the Process Monitor shared memory information to stdout.


Displays the Log Central and Process Monitor shared memory information to stdout. This option is the same as using -g and -p.

-n entityname

Displays detailed information about the specified entity (process) to stdout. Possible values for entityname:



Displays help information about the command.


This command checks the syntax of the messaging configuration file or displays information about Log Central. For a description of the messaging configuration file, see Configuration Files.




Starts the Log Central processes.


start_messaging [-f config_file] [-q] [-v] [central_host] [backup_central_host] [-h]

Options and Arguments:

-f config_file

Name of the Log Central messaging configuration file to use instead of messaging.conf. This option is available only for Central Collectors.


Makes the process quiet, which means that no informational messages are displayed.


Displays informational and debug messages.


Host name of the machine for the primary Central Collector. If you do not provide this name, the machine on which you are running this command is considered to be the central host. You must provide this name when you run start_messaging on a backup host or a managed node.


Host name of the machine for the secondary Central Collector. You do not need to provide this value for the central host unless you are running a Data Collection Agent on the central host, in addition to the primary Central Collector.


Displays help information about the command.


This command starts the Log Central processes for a Central Collector or a Data Collection Agent.

For a Central Collector, start_messaging starts the following processes:

For a Data Collection Agent, start_messaging starts the following processes:

The start_messaging process on a managed node uses the UDP service, which is defined by the BEA_LC_CONF_SERVICE environment variable, to connect to the start_messaging process on the central host. Then the start_messaging process on the central host downloads the local host's messaging configuration. If BEA_LC_CONF_SERVICE is not defined, start_messaging uses the lc_conf service.

The Process Monitor monitors the start_messaging process to make sure that it continues to run and restarts it if it dies. The start_messaging process monitors the proc_monitor process and restarts it if it dies.




Stops the Log Central processes.


stop_messaging [-q] [-v] [-h]

Options and Arguments:


Makes the process quiet, which means that no informational messages are displayed.


Displays informational and debug messages.


Displays help information about the command.


This command stops the Log Central processes.




Creates a subsystem in the database. You can run this command while Log Central is running.


subsystem_create -s subsystem_name [subsystem_name] -d subsystem_description [-inifile inifilename] [-h]

Options and Arguments:

-s subsystem_name

Name of a subsystem. This value can be up to eight characters, must be entirely in upper case, and must be unique in the Log Central database. You can provide multiple subsystem_name values to create multiple subsystems.

-d subsystem_description

Short description of the subsystem. This value can be up to 40 characters. If it contains more than one word, enclose the entire value in double quotes.

-inifile inifilename

Path for the initialization file. The default is install_dir/etc/msg_processor.ini, where install_dir is the directory where you installed Log Central. For a description of the initialization file, see Initialization File.


Displays help information about the command.


This command creates a subsystem in the Log Central database. You might want to partition the Log Central database, separating various messages (such as NT events, Oracle messages, BEA Tuxedo messages, and so on) into different categories. Each category represents a resource that generates messages. These resources are called subsystems. The subsystem is one of the unique attributes in a log message.




Deletes a subsystem from the database. You can run this command while Log Central is running.


subsystem_delete -s subsystem_name [subsystem_name] [-inifile inifilename] [-h]

Options and Arguments:

-s subsystem_name

Name of a subsystem. You can provides multiple subsystem_name values to delete multiple subsystems.

-inifile inifilename

Path for the initialization file. The default is install_dir/etc/msg_processor.ini, where install_dir is the directory where you installed Log Central. For a description of the initialization file, see Initialization File.


Displays help information about the command.


This command deletes a subsystem from the Log Central database. The command deletes all the message definitions for the subsystem, but does not delete the messages.