Specifying Application Settings

You can specify default values for Generate, Makefile, and Logon settings. The values you specify here determine how the Rose Expert performs the model validation, code generation, and populate Contract Repository processes. (For example, you can specify the path name for the generation output directory, target platform for make files, default logon information, and so on.)

Specifying Rose Expert application settings consists of:


Specifying Generation Settings

You can specify settings that determine how the Rose Expert will generate the BEA TUXEDO framework classes for the control classes in your application model.

To specify settings for Rose Expert code generation:

  1. Choose Tools->BEA TUXEDO Builder->Settings->Generate from the Rational Rose menu bar.

    This brings up the Generation Settings window as shown in Figure 3-3.

    Figure 3-3 Generation Settings

    Table 3-1 explains the fields on this window.

    Table 3-1 Generation Settings

    Field Description

    Project Root Directory

    Specifies the file generation directory path. Enter the full path name of directory where you want the files generated by the Rose Expert to be located. (This path is set during installation to the default MyLocalDrive:\TUXBldr\RoseExpert\output\)

    You must type a directory that already exists-the Rose Expert will not create a new directory for you. If the Project Root Directory provided here does not exist, you will get a warning message when you click OK on this window.

    Template Directory

    Indicates the location of the template files. This path is set during installation to the default MyLocalDrive:\TUXBldr\RoseExpert\templates\. Generally, you will not have to change this path.

    If you do change this path, you must type a directory that already exists-the Rose Expert will not create a new directory for you. If the Template Directory provided here does not exist, you will get a warning message when you click OK on this window.

    FML Buffer Type

    Specifies whether to use FML or FML32 buffer type when generating classes. Choose one from the drop-down list.

    FML Field Table File

    If this box is checked, the Rose Expert also will generate an FML field table file for each component package or subsystem.

    Server Test Client

    If this box is checked, the Rose Expert also will generate a test client for all the servers in the selected subsystem. The test client allows you to exercise all the servers through a simple command-line interface.

    Service Test Logic

    If this box is checked, the Rose Expert also will generate simple test logic for each operation of each control class for the selected component package.

  2. When you have filled in the fields, click OK to save your changes and close the window. (Or click Cancel to close the window without saving your changes.)

    Note: If the Project Root Directory or the Template Directory that you provided does not exist, you get a warning message when you click OK.

For information about generating files for your application model, refer to Generating Classes.

Specifying Makefile Settings

You can specify settings that determine how the Rose Expert will generate the make files for the control classes in your application model.

To specify settings for Rose Expert make file generation:

  1. Choose Tools->BEA TUXEDO Builder->Settings->Makefile from the Rational Rose menu bar.

    This brings up the Makefile Settings window as shown in Figure 3-4.

    Figure 3-4 Makefile Settings

    Table 3-2 explains the fields on this window.

    Table 3-2 Makefile Settings

    Field Description

    Target Platform

    Specifies the platform on which you want to compile and run the generated server. Choose a platform from the scrollable, drop down list.

    The platforms are:

    TUXEDO Directory

    Specifies the BEA TUXEDO installation path.

    C++ Compiler

    Indicates the name of the C++ compiler. When you select a target platform, the C++ Compiler value is updated automatically to the default compiler that corresponds to the platform you choose. However, you can edit this field if you want to change the default.

    The default C++ compilers for the platforms are:

    C++ Compilation Flags

    Specifies the various options for the preprocessor, compiler, and linker.

  2. When you have filled in the fields, click OK to save your changes and close the window. (Or click Cancel to close the window without saving your changes.)

For information about generating files for your application model, refer to Generating Classes.

Specifying Logon Settings

You can set your default logon values that will apply to your Contract Repository logon. (You are prompted for logon information when you export Rose Expert data to "populate" the Contract Repository.)

To specify default logon settings:

  1. Choose Tools->BEA TUXEDO Builder->Settings->Logon from the Rational Rose menu bar.

  2. This brings up the Logon Settings window as shown in Figure 3-5.

    Figure 3-5 Logon Settings

    Table 3-3 explains the fields on this window.

    Table 3-3 Logon Settings

    Field Description


    Specifies the name of the BEA TUXEDO host machine that is running the Contract Repository server.


    Specifies the port number of the Contract Repository server.


    Specifies the BEA TUXEDO user name.

  3. When you have filled in the fields, click OK to save your changes and close the window. (Or click Cancel to close the window without saving your changes.)

For information about how to export Rose Expert data to the Contract Repository, refer to Populating the Repository.