Generating Classes

The Rose Expert generate function generates BEA TUXEDO compatible code for the control classes in your application model. (Control classes are classes of the stereotype "Control.")

Prerequisite Tasks

In order to generate classes, you must have at least one component package in the current Rational Rose model. If there are no component packages in the model, you get an alert message when you choose the Generate Classes menu option.

Figure 3-9 Generate Warning

If you get this warning, go back to the model and create a component package.

For more information on creating component packages, refer to topic Create Component Packages and a Component Diagram in the section Using Rational Rose to Model a TUXEDO Application.

What the Generate Process Produces

The generate process produces C++ source, make files, and some other optional files for the classes and task modules in the selected component package.

Generated files include:

The Rose Expert outputs all generated code to the project root directory according to the directory structure described in Generated Files Directory Structure.

How to Generate Code from Model Classes

To generate BEA TUXEDO compatible files based on the Control classes in your application model:

  1. In Rational Rose, make sure the model for which you want to generate code is currently displayed (ApplicationName.mdl) and contains at least one component package.

  2. Choose Tools->BEA TUXEDO Builder->Generate Classes from the Rational Rose menu bar.

    This brings up the first Generate Framework Classes window as shown in Figure 3-10.

    Figure 3-10 Generate Framework Classes - Select Package

  3. Select the component package for which you want to generate code and click OK.

    The Rose Expert runs an automatic model validation to check all BEA TUXEDO related information in control classes, structure classes, and task modules in the selected component package for consistency and validity.

    At this point, the Rose Expert also checks to ensure all relavant Rose Expert settings are valid as follows:

    For more information on specifying Rose Expert settings, refer to the section Specifying Application Settings.

    When the model validation is complete, the following window is displayed.

    Figure 3-11 Generate Framework Classes

  4. Click Start to begin the "generate" process.

    The window remains open to show the progress of the generate process. Table 3-4 explains the read-only fields on this window.

    Table 3-4 Generate Framework Classes

    Field Description


    Reflects the file generation directory path as specified in the Generation Settings window. This is where the generated files will be placed.

    For more information on this setting, refer to the window reference topic for Generation Settings, or the task description Specifying Generation Settings.

    For information on the generated files directory structure, refer to Generated Files Directory Structure.


    Indicates the current generate phase. The control class generation consists of the following phases:

    1. Loading the required data from the model

    2. Generating the C++ code

    3. Generating the make file

    4. Generating the FML field table file


    Indicates what objects are being accessed in the model. Results of the generation are written to the project root directory, which is displayed in the dialog.

    When the generate process is finished, the window confirms the success of the generate and the Cancel button changes to a Close button as shown in Figure 3-12.

    Figure 3-12 Generate Process Complete

  5. Click Close to close the window when the generate process is finished.

If you have set options to generate a "server test client" and "service test logic," you can test your new server.

For information on testing, refer to Testing Default Service Implementations.

For information on setting default options to generate a server test client and service test logic, refer to Specifying Generation Settings.

Generated Files Directory Structure

The Rose Expert places its generated class header and source files, make files, FML field table files and model export files in a predetermined directory structure. This structure is rooted at the Project Root Directory, which you specify in the Generation Settings window. (For more information on specifying generate settings, refer to the section Specifying Generation Settings.)

Generic Directory Structure for Generated Files

The remaining part of the directory tree is driven by the model contents. Listing 3-1 shows the generic generated files directory structure.

Listing 3-1 Generated Files Directory Structure
| \Q-----<ComponentPackage1>
| | \Q-----<ComponentPackage1>.fml
| | \Q-----<ComponentPackage1>.mak
| | \Q-----<ComponentPackage1>_tst.cpp
| | \Q-----<Task1>.h
| | \Q-----<Task1>Srv.h
| | \Q-----<Task1>Srv.cpp
| | \Q-----<Task1_Control1>.h
| | \Q-----<Task1_Control1>.cpp
| | \Q-----<Control1>.h
| | \Q-----<Control1>.cpp
| | \Q-----<Control1>Impl.h
| | \Q-----<Control1>Impl.cpp
| | \Q-----<Control1>Skel.cpp
| | \Q-----BEATuxBldr.h
| | \Q-----BEATuxBldr.cpp
| \Q-----<ComponentPackage2>

Of the files shown Listing 3-1 above, the Task_Control.h, Task_Control.cpp, ComponentPackage.fml, Control.h and Control.cpp files can be moved to the client platform so that clients can request services defined in this server.

Generated Files Directory for Bankapp Example

As an example, Listing 3-2 shows the generated source tree for a model with a component package called Bankapp, a task called Bank, and a control class called Teller.

Listing 3-2 Example: Generated Source Tree for Bankapp
| \Q-----Bankapp
| | \Q-----Bankapp.fml
| | \Q-----Bankapp.mak
| | \Q-----Bankapp_tst.cpp
| | \Q-----Bank.h
| | \Q-----BankSrv.h
| | \Q-----BankSrv.cpp
| | \Q-----Bank_Teller.h
| | \Q-----Bank_Teller.cpp
| | \Q-----Teller.h
| | \Q-----Teller.cpp
| | \Q-----TellerImpl.h
| | \Q-----TellerImpl.cpp
| | \Q-----TellerSkel.cpp
| | \Q-----BEATuxBldr.h
| | \Q-----BEATuxBldr.cpp

In this example, the TellerImpl.cpp file has the signatures of all the member functions.

If you choose not to generate service test logic, the body of a member function will be left blank-in this case, the server application developer needs to provide this code.