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   Using the BEA Tuxedo Domains Component

How to Compile Application and Domain Gateway Configuration Files for rapp

The remote application configuration file (rapp.ubb) contains the information used by the domain gateway for one domain, for communication with other domains. You must compile this file into a binary data file (rapp.tux).

The remote domain gateway configuration file (rapp.dom) contains the information used by domain gateways to initialize the context required for communications with other domains. This configuration file is similar to the local domain gateway configuration file. The difference is that the two files list different services to be exported and imported. You must compile this file into a binary data file (rapp.bdm).

$ cd /home/rapp
$ TUXCONFIG=/home/rapp/rapp.tux
; export TUXCONFIG
$ tmloadcf -y rapp.ubb
$ BDMCONFIG=/home/rapp/rapp.dom
; export BDMCONFIG
$ dmloadcf -y rapp.dom

Once you create both the local and remote domains, you can then boot the application using tmboot(1). The order in which the two domains are booted does not matter. Monitor the applications with dmadmin(1). Once both applications are booted, a client in the local application can call the TOUPPER service residing in the remote application.

$ tmboot -y

See Also