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   Using the BEA Tuxedo Domains Component

How to Create a Domains Access Control List (ACL)

To create a domain ACL, you must specify the name of the domain ACL and a list of the remote domains that are part of the list (the Domain Import VIEW List) in the DM_ACCESS_CONTROL section of the DMCONFIG file. The following table describes these two fields.

Domain ACL Field


Domain ACL name

The name of this ACL.

A valid name consists of a string of 1-30 characters, inclusive. It must be printable and it may not include a colon, a pound sign, or a new line character.

Example: ACLGRP1

Remote Domain list

The list of remote domains that are granted access in this access control list.

A valid value in this field is a set of one or more comma-separated remote domain names.


Using Standard BEA Tuxedo Access Control Lists with Imported Remote Services

A remote service imported from a remote domain is viewed simply as a service within a BEA Tuxedo domain. The standard BEA Tuxedo ACL mechanism then, can be used to restrict access to this service by particular groups of users.

For information on using BEA Tuxedo access control lists, refer to the following entries in the BEA Tuxedo Command Reference: tpacladd(1), tpaclmod(1), tpacldel(1), tpusradd(1), tpusrmod(1), tpusrdel(1), tpgrpadd(1), tpgrpmod(1), and tpgrpdel(1).