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   Using the BEA Tuxedo Domains Component

How to Set Up Domains Authentication

Domain gateways can be made to authenticate incoming connections requested by remote domains and outgoing connections requested by local domains. The authentication mechanism is optional and compatible with the BEA Tuxedo mechanism specified in the TUXCONFIG file.

Application administrators can define when security should be enforced for incoming connections from remote domains. You can specify the level of security used by a particular local domain by setting the SECURITY parameter in the DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS section of the DMCONFIG file. There are three levels of password security:

If the SECURITY parameter is not set in TUXCONFIG (that is, if it defaults to NONE or if it is set explicitly to NONE), the Domains configuration can still require the Domain gateways to enforce security at the DM_PW level. If the DM_PW option is selected, then each remote domain must have a password defined in the DM_PASSWORDS section of the BDMCONFIG file. In other words, incoming connections from remote domains without a password are rejected by domain gateways.

DM_PASSWORDS Section Table Entries

The DM_PASSWORDS table contains the following entries for each remote domain:

See Also