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   Setting Up a BEA Tuxedo Application

Enabling Load Balancing

You can control whether a load balancing algorithm is used on the BEA Tuxedo application as a whole. When load balancing is used, a load factor is applied to each service within the system, allowing you to track the total load on every server. Every service request is sent to the qualified server that is least loaded.

To specify whether load balancing should be used, set the LDBAL parameter to Y (Yes) or N (No). By default, it is set to N.

You should use load balancing only if necessary; that is, whenever a service is offered by servers that use more than one queue. Load balancing is not appropriate for services offered by only one server, or by servers in an MSSQ (multiple-server, single-queue) set. If you have only these types of services in your configuration, set the LDBAL parameter to N. If LDBAL is set to N and multiple queues offer the same service, the first available queue is selected.

Characteristics of the LDBAL Parameter

The LDBAL parameter has the following characteristics:

Example Settings


See Also